Judge sets absurd trial date for Trump case

You chose the stink of Trump's ass on your face over facts. The judge asked Trump's lawyer to name a date to start the trial & HE refused.

Enjoy the scent, window licker.
False. I’m sorry you’re retarded as well as a liar. But the Trump lawyers did ask for a 2026 court date.
There is something with Trump and black women. They don't like him.
Does Melania hate orange or is it the fact that Trump is a first class prick asshole who cheated on her?

Chutkin is the best judge for this case because she won't put up with any of his shit which is why his orange asslicking cult dislikes her.
You are now just mindlessly and ineffectually repeating your prior babbling bullshit.

Face it. You’ve got no substance.

If I were the source of the evidecnce against Trump, you may have a point.

But I'm just the messenger, bringing tidings of recordings where Trump admitted that the secret docs he was showing off had never been declassified. Text messages of a plot to hide the docs NARA was seeking from law enforcement. Trump's own lawyer testifying that Trump tried to convince him to withhold docs from authorities and lie about them. Trump's own IT chief at Mar-a-lago recanting his grand jury testimony where he lied and claimed that Trump never tried to destroy evidence.

We have lists of classified documents seized from Trump's residence.

Testimony that Trump actively was well aware of the plan to create forged election documents.

And you ignore all of it, pretending none of it is evidence.

Demonstrating how bad you know it is for Trump. As if your babble about his 'appeals' didn't already demonstrate the same.
False. I’m sorry you’re retarded as well as a liar. But the Trump lawyers did ask for a 2026 court date.
The judge in court today asked Trump's lawyer to name a trial date & he refused after he threw a hissy fit when she shot down the 2026 date, Clown.

Try to keep up.
Does Melania hate orange or is it the fact that Trump is a first class prick asshole who cheated on her?

Chutkin is the best judge for this case because she won't put up with any of his shit which is why his orange asslicking cult dislikes her.

She has a sound lever to use if Trump violates her orders: brevity.

The more Trump rages and threatens folks online, the quicker his trial comes.

The poor dipshit insisted he was going to appeal the trial date. That's not even legally possible. Yet he's running on pure, incandescent rage.
If I were the source of the evidecnce against Trump, you may have a point.

But I'm just the messenger, bringing tidings of recordings where Trump admitted that the secret docs he was showing off had never been declassified. Text messages of a plot to hide the docs NARA was seeking from law enforcement. Trump's own lawyer testifying that Trump tried to convince him to withhold docs from authorities and lie about them. Trump's own IT chief at Mar-a-lago recanting his grand jury testimony where he lied and claimed that Trump never tried to destroy evidence.

We have lists of classified documents seized from Trump's residence.

Testimony that Trump actively was well aware of the plan to create forged election documents.

And you ignore all of it, pretending none of it is evidence.

Demonstrating how bad you know it is for Trump. As if your babble about his 'appeals' didn't already demonstrate the same.
No evidence. I have a recording too. Not evidence. I’ve read grand jury transcripts. Not evidence. I have read police reports. Not evidence.

You simply don’t know what you’re talking about.
You’ve got no actual evidence.

Says you, desperately trying to ignore said recordings, testimony, texts, recanted grand jury testimony, classified documents lists, transcripts and pictures.

And pretend that none exist.

And yet despite your desperate, willful ignorance and spectacularly incompetent 'predictions', Trump is still indicted. The grand juries found the evidence against Trump so compelling that they charged with 91 felonies.

Which is why your ilk refuse to discuss the evidence. You know it was more than sufficient to justify the charges.

Even you can only lie to yourself so hard, Back.....as your switch to babble about Trump's appeals demonstrates elegantly.
She has a sound lever to use if Trump violates her orders: brevity.

The more Trump rages and threatens folks online, the quicker his trial comes.

The poor dipshit insisted he was going to appeal the trial date. That's not even legally possible. Yet he's running on pure, incandescent rage.
Trump's own lawyer Bubba threw him under the bus on Fox when she said he doesn't need time to prepare because "he's very intelligent". She's the perfect example of the crackpot lawyers that he surrounds himself with, some who are going to prison.

Trump is running on rage & double doses of Aderall.
Trump's own lawyer Bubba threw him under the bus on Fox when she said he doesn't need time to prepare because "he's very intelligent". She's the perfect example of the crackpot lawyers that he surrounds himself with, some who are going to prison.

Trump is running on rage & double doses of Aderall.

Oh, its so much worse. His OTHER dipshit lawyer admitted on FOX that Trump chose the option of trying to stop the electoral count by Congress.

All but admitting to a crime.
Yep. Did you fail to comprehend? Yep.

It’s a modifier. It is the opposite of claiming to know for sure. But scum-sucking assholes, like you, can’t follow along.

Sucks to be you.

He has indeed been indicted 4 times. It isn’t true that all 4 trials are scheduled.

Meanwhile, bombastic simpletons like you persist in conflating an indictment with a conviction or even with “evidence.”

Yes . All four trials have been scheduled.
Oh, its so much worse. His OTHER dipshit lawyer admitted on FOX that Trump chose the option of trying to stop the electoral count by Congress.

All but admitting to a crime.
Keep 'em talking. :abgg2q.jpg:
We've got recordings, transcripts, text messages, recanting of grand jury testimony, fraudulent and forged election documents, testimony, even pictures.

You ignore it all, pretending none of it is evidence. As do your hapless ilk.

The evidence was more than sufficient to justify the charges. So y'all have to ignore it all to play the victim.

How's that working out?
What you have is what you call evidence taken out of context or edited "evidence"
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It is unlikely in the extreme that a massive trial of this magnitude (Constitutionally, politically, historically and legally) will be “ready” for trial that soon. But the judge’s very biased agenda is crystal clear. And it’s unacceptable.

(Since this trial is far more about politics than justice, I chose the politics forum).
The more obvious these judges and prosecutors make it that these indictments are about election interference to keep Trump out of the WH, the more likely Trump is going to win.
Yes . All four trials have been scheduled.
We live in an era of distrust. If you are screwed over from others, you owe them nothing. And there are many people who will do nothing even if their areas of living suffer for it from that. And they do already.
The judge in court today asked Trump's lawyer to name a trial date & he refused after he threw a hissy fit when she shot down the 2026 date, Clown.

Try to keep up.
The judge isn't going to get the March date either. Such a date denies Trump his sixth amendment right to effective counsel.

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