Judge sets absurd trial date for Trump case

I read the hyperlink, as I said, you moron.

And my actual words are in that post. Not the bullshit that you falsely claimed.

Please return to your soaps, aunti Em.

Did you, though? Because you demonstrated the value of what your assessment of 'likely'.

As Trump was absolutely indicated, over and over and over again. And there are 4 trials already scheduled.
No it wouldn’t. And it plainly doesn’t. Why lie?

Says you, citing you. And you're the same hapless soul that gave us meaningless pseudo-legal gibberish like this:


Yet despite the predictable and spectacular failures of your 'predictions', you still comically insist that there is no evidence of anything if Trump is indicted. But 'crystal clear evidence of massive fraud' if Trump loses.

With 91 charges against Trump and an absolutely perfect record of failure for your Big Lie......how's that working out for you?
Did you, though?
Yep. Did you fail to comprehend? Yep.
Because you demonstrated the value of what your assessment of 'likely'.
It’s a modifier. It is the opposite of claiming to know for sure. But scum-sucking assholes, like you, can’t follow along.

Sucks to be you.
As Trump was absolutely indicated, over and over and over again. And there are 4 trials already scheduled.
He has indeed been indicted 4 times. It isn’t true that all 4 trials are scheduled.

Meanwhile, bombastic simpletons like you persist in conflating an indictment with a conviction or even with “evidence.”
Says you, citing you. And you're the same hapless soul that gave us meaningless pseudo-legal gibberish like this:

View attachment 821679

Yet despite the predictable and spectacular failures of your 'predictions', you still comically insist that there is no evidence of anything if Trump is indicted. But 'crystal clear evidence of massive fraud' if Trump loses.

With 91 charges against Trump and an absolutely perfect record of failure for your Big Lie......how's that working out for you?
You are a repetitive twat, but you’re still dishonest and woefully ignorant.

Send up a flare when you ever say something which you support other than with your own say so, you hyoocritical twat.

The 91 counts in the various indictments do nothing at all to demonstrate any lie by me. Unlike you, I haven’t lied.

By the way, I know the truth burns you, but tough. Allegations in an indictment are not evidence. 😎
You are a repetitive twat, but you’re still dishonest and woefully ignorant.

Send up a flare when you ever say something which you support other than with your own say so, you hyoocritical twat.

The 91 counts in the various indictments do nothing at all to demonstrate any lie by me.
I didn't say lies. I said meaningless.

Your predictions of legal outcomes are meaningless pseudo-legal nonsense.
As demonstrated by all of your hapless, incompetent failures in predicting actual legal outcomes.

But this time is different, huh?

Unlike you, I haven’t lied.

By the way, I know the truth burns you, but tough. Allegations in an indictment are not evidence. 😎

Laughing.....uh-huh. You've already started to babble about Trump's appeals.

So much for the value of your predictions about indictments and trials. As for evidence, even YOU don't listen to you.....as you ignored your own standard. of 'evidence' when Trump lost in 2020 when applied to Trump in 2023.

Sigh......if only your servile obsequiousness to Trump translated into actual legal outcomes. I've already got a mug ready for your MAGA tears.
I never said lies. I said meaningless.
I don’t care that a moron like you considers a prediction meaningless. That’s not the question. Some guesses pan out. Some don’t.
Your predictions of legal outcomes are meaningless pseudo-legal nonsense.
False. But yours tend to be fantasy based crap.
As demonstrated by all of your hapless, incompetent failures in predicting actual legal outcomes.
Which don’t exist. This is why I know that you lie.
But this time is different, huh?

No. You’re still a liar.
But....it's Trump, crimes always get created when it's him.

Or.....the evidence supports the charges of very serious crimes.

There's a reason why y'all avoid talking about the evidence like it were on fire. And its not because Trump is a victim.

Its because you know the evidence is more than suffecient for the grand juries' indictments.
I don’t care that a moron like you considers a prediction meaningless. That’s not the question. Some guesses pan out. Some don’t.

False. But yours tend to be fantasy based crap.

Which don’t exist. This is why I know that you lie.

No. You’re still a liar.

Laughing.....actual legal outcomes have nothing to do with what you 'care' about. Which is why you're so comically, incompetently, laughably wrong over and over with your predictions.

As for the standard of what constitutes evidence you're using now.....does this mean you lied when you said this?

"But when President Trump loses a re-election bid after Crystal clear Evidence suggesting Massive Voting Fraud of various types, any claim of a Stolen Election is just kook “Conspiracy theory” and an insidious plot to undermine the people’s faith in our elections."

Laughing....were you lying then about what constitutes evidence, or are you lying now? With 91 indictments and a perfect record of failure for your Big Lie, you were clearly incompetent both times.
You keep using that dishonest line. And it’s just as stupid now as before.

There is no evidence.

We've got recordings, transcripts, text messages, recanting of grand jury testimony, fraudulent and forged election documents, testimony, even pictures.

You ignore it all, pretending none of it is evidence. As do your hapless ilk.

The evidence was more than sufficient to justify the charges. So y'all have to ignore it all to play the victim.

How's that working out?

It is unlikely in the extreme that a massive trial of this magnitude (Constitutionally, politically, historically and legally) will be “ready” for trial that soon. But the judge’s very biased agenda is crystal clear. And it’s unacceptable.

(Since this trial is far more about politics than justice, I chose the politics forum).
You chose the stink of Trump's ass on your face over facts. The judge asked Trump's lawyer to name a date to start the trial & HE refused.

Enjoy the scent, window licker.
Laughing.....actual legal outcomes have nothing to do with what you 'care' about. Which is why you're so comically, incompetently, laughably wrong over and over with your predictions.

As for the standard of what constitutes evidence you're using now.....does this mean you lied when you said this?

"But when President Trump loses a re-election bid after Crystal clear Evidence suggesting Massive Voting Fraud of various types, any claim of a Stolen Election is just kook “Conspiracy theory” and an insidious plot to undermine the people’s faith in our elections."

Laughing....were you lying then about what constitutes evidence, or are you lying now? With 91 indictments and a perfect record of failure for your Big Lie, you were clearly incompetent both times.
You are now just mindlessly and ineffectually repeating your prior babbling bullshit.

Face it. You’ve got no substance.
You chose the stink of Trump's ass on your face over facts. The judge asked Trump's lawyer to name a date to start the trial & HE refused.

Enjoy the scent, window licker.

Indeed. When Trump lost 2020, BackAgain weeped and wailed and gnashed his teeth about the 'crystal clear evidence of massive fraud'. Despite a perfect record of failure in every court before the post or since.

Yet when indictments of Trump come down with transcripts, pictures, recordings, lists of classified documents, forged election documents, recanted grand jury testimony, even pictures...

.......then per these hapless souls, there is no evidence whatsoever of Trump committing any crime, ever.

This is what MAGA called 'objective'. Its hard to be objective with your head that far up Trump's ass.
Not my place. But we should all want a fair trial if there has to be any trial at all.

I realize that you disagree — because you’re a part of the politically partisan mob actively seeking to interfere with this election.
Siilly unfounded accusations don't make you look less dumb.
We've got recordings, transcripts, text messages, recanting of grand jury testimony, fraudulent and forged election documents, testimony, even pictures.

You ignore it all, pretending none of it is evidence. As do your hapless ilk.

The evidence was more than sufficient to justify the charges. So y'all have to ignore it all to play the victim.

How's that working out?
You’ve got no actual evidence.

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