Judge Sunni Rules Anti-Collective Bargining Law "Null and Void"

WHOOOHOO! Millions of tax payer dollars from WI going from taxes, to Unions to Obama and Dems in 2012! Liberals on these boards are gona partay!
This thread is a perfect example of why this once great country is going to fail. All of you are siding with republicans or the democrats when BOTH parties are why this country is in debt UP TO ITS ASS! It's disgusting actually.

Want an example? What has Obama changed that Bush implemented? Name one thing........
Wisconsin Judge MaryAnn Sunni has ruled that the Anti-Collective Rights Bill passed by the Wisconsin Repugs and signed by the Wanker "Null and Void".

The law violated the "Open Meetings Law" of Wisconsin that requires a 24-hour notice to allow for public comments. Repugs did not allow for such comments by the public.

Damn those Pesky Rights of The People.

And how do you feel about the Democrats in Mass. passing a similar law?
Hmmm… the right rejects the rule of law, how…typical.

Ok retard, provide evidence anyone rejected the LAW.

I ask again are you and Jillian and all the other left wing koolaid drinkers upset about Massachusetts? If not explain the difference.

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