JUDGE: Those Allegedly Shot By Rittenhouse Can’t Be Called ‘Victims’ During Trial, ‘Rioters’ And ‘Arsonists’ Both More Accurate

Whoever says racism, is what they accuse another of being. Do I have this right? A person has their gun stolen from them. He fights back being called bad, wanting his gun back?
In Canada we have free and fair access to the law, to get your gun back. You don't have a right in Canada to take the law into your own hands.
That would only be copying America's very bad experience in violence and injury/deaths by gun.
Man did this thinker ever nail this Big Time. No BLM song and dance appeasement from him
SC nominee?
Other events before the incident and other aggravating circumstances are going to come into play.
Are you suggesting the three other incidents in Rittenhouse's past that hadn't gone to trial. If so, what were they. There appears to be a possible coverup on those incidents.

Kyle was no doubt obsessed with guns and was starting out on a life of violence.

Making the punishment possibly some adjustment of his attitude in a mental institution.
Oh, there are others. Like, this guy:

"As he made his way toward it, Jeremiah saw more armed white men. Two crouched on the roof of a building, sniper style. Two or three others stood guard over the lot. One of them, a babyface with a backward ball cap, raised an assault rifle and pointed it at him."

"When the kid started yelling, Jeremiah shouted back: "I'm trying to get out of here. If you're gonna shoot me, just shoot!""

"He knew he messed up," Jeremiah said. "He panicked. Even his people knew what he did was wrong. They were all shouting at him, 'What are you doing? What are you doing?' I saw it in their faces. I saw it in their body language."

Well, if this constitutes bad behavior then it's not any worse than the destruction of property the rioters were engaged in.

Any behavior Rittenhouse exhibited, whether good or bad, is irrelevant to the shooting. He's not on trial for being a jerk, he's on trial for shooting people. Rosenbaum chased Rittenhouse and Rittenhouse was trying to run away. He did not shoot Rosenbaum until he found his way blocked by rioters and vehicles and Rosenbaum had him cornered. Rosenbaum clearly meant to assault him so he defended himself.

As for the other two guys, for all Rittenhouse knew, they meant to do him harm. And why wouldn't he think so after just having been bashed in the head with a skateboard and another rioter trying to assault him for no apparent reason? So again, he defended himself.

I have to say that something like this was inevitable. Rittenhouse and others like him and many Americans were sick and goddamned tired of the destruction and the way authorities just let them loot, burn and destroy with impunity. Rioters, Antifa and BLM all thought the law didn't apply because their cause was righteous. Sooner or later, some folks are just going to say "Enough is enough".
If Kyle gets a 5 or 10 year suspended sentence, he wouldn't be capable of staying out of trouble long enough. He will know he has a target on his back and that's going to guarantee he will be another wasted life full of racism and hating.

On what basis do you assume he's racist?
On what basis do you assume he's racist?
It's an educated guess based on his performance. Normal white people understand the BLM slogan and wouldn't be so obsessed with it to cause them to go out looking for trouble with a gun.
I'm more interested in what he did on the 3 previous run-ins with the law.

I have a hunch that would tell us something about a racist attitude, along with his mentally ill disposition that would cause him to go out hunting for a human target.
Yes! But that's the limit of my comments to you pissant. You've permanently burnt all your bridges.
ROFL! Burnt all my "bridges?" What would those consist of? You aren't going to vomit anymore of your gems of idiocy for me to ridicule?

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