JUDGE: Those Allegedly Shot By Rittenhouse Can’t Be Called ‘Victims’ During Trial, ‘Rioters’ And ‘Arsonists’ Both More Accurate

MisterBeale oops, you confused yourself.

The first statement spoke to the prosecution's arguments, not to what I thought about his intent to harm anyone.

The second statement was just a description of his behavior, it did not speak to his intent to harm anybody whatsoever.

But now you have nothing to complain about, so that's good, right?
In Canada we have free and fair access to the law, to get your gun back. You don't have a right in Canada to take the law into your own hands.
That would only be copying America's very bad experience in violence and injury/deaths by gun.
you don’t have the right to defend yourself in Canada? really?

the right to self defense is something we Americans took from England…as subjects of the Queen still do you all not have it?
Precisely because the judge was not 100% sure it is nonsense. If he were as sure as you that it is not nonsense, he would have dismissed the charge.
Not even close to the truth.
The only reason the judge agreed to a trial was for the evidence be seen by everyone because he was going to be set free due to being innocent of the charges brought against him without reserve.

There were other possible charges...but the prosecutor didn't use any of them. He went "without reserve" meaning that now he can't bring any of them and Kyle can't be tried again for the same incident. (Double Jeopardy)
It's an educated guess based on his performance.

So then, is rioting, looting, burning and destroying property a "performance"? If so, how does Rittenhouse's performance make him a racist but not the rioters? And what does race have to do with it anyway?
Normal white people understand the BLM slogan and wouldn't be so obsessed with it to cause them to go out looking for trouble with a gun.

I think he understands the slogan just fine. But the BLM slogan is irrelevant in any case because he was there to help stop further destruction of property which had already reached over a million dollars

I'm more interested in what he did on the 3 previous run-ins with the law.

I have a hunch that would tell us something about a racist attitude, along with his mentally ill disposition that would cause him to go out hunting for a human target.

I have a hunch it is irrelevant and makes no difference because it was white people he shot.

And give the white-supremacist-racist crap a rest. You're trying to make this about race but there were no blacks involved in the shootings incidents.
Those so called "victims" were criminals. At least one of the idiots was a convicted felon in possession of a firearm.

One of the other "dead guys" (I won't call them victims) was also a child molester. Had several indictments of child molestation out of AZ. Good riddance to that scumbag.

Newly released Joseph Rosenbaum sex offender documents obtained by Wisconsin Right Now from the Pima County (Arizona) Clerk of Courts confirm Joseph Rosenbaum was charged by a grand jury with 11 counts of child molestation and inappropriate sexual activity around children, including anal rape. The victims were five boys ranging in age from nine to 11 years old.
In Canada we have free and fair access to the law, to get your gun back. You don't have a right in Canada to take the law into your own hands.
That would only be copying America's very bad experience in violence and injury/deaths by gun.

How is self defense against the law in Canada?
Again Google it.

What you are demanding is a law that specifically states that when you know perfectly well that is not the case NOR is it necessary to achieve that result. AS YOU WELL KNOW all it takes is an overly broad, vaguely worded piece of legislation.

What is noteworthy is that out of some 28 (?) bills only 6 actually refer to CRT (not surprisingly as CRT is not typically taught in K12). Some of the bills include universities which has a chilling effect on academic freedom (talk about government indoctrination and political interference).

Here is one where teachers could be fined for allowing discussion of topics without providing an “alternative” point of view….what exactly does that mean? Nazis, white supremacists, eugenists etc must be given a voice?

Laws lime these have ONE desired effect. Threatening teachers to the point where quit for fear of losing their jobs or cease allowing the discussion of anything remotely controversial, and it is the student who loses.

I have laugh except it is tragic. You laughed at the left for being snowflakes…with all the safe spaces, politics of inclusion, no hate, rainbows and unicorns…but what are YOU doing? The left didn’t use the force of legislation to do this. It was a reflection of the changing culture. The right is creating it’s own safe spaces a d protected snowflakes, but it is using the authoritarian strength of it’s legislative apparatus instead. It can’t win in the public sphere.

A changing culture. There's a LOT of people, and not just those on the right, who don't want come of this cultural changes. As in a lot of people on the left and right who see BLM as now being a violent racist organization.
A lot of us don't want to see boys in skirts competing against real girls.

And a lot of BS like that adversely affects normal people.
"Normal" being the vast majority of people vs a few of the other kind.
Again Google it.

What you are demanding is a law that specifically states that when you know perfectly well that is not the case NOR is it necessary to achieve that result. AS YOU WELL KNOW all it takes is an overly broad, vaguely worded piece of legislation.

What is noteworthy is that out of some 28 (?) bills only 6 actually refer to CRT (not surprisingly as CRT is not typically taught in K12). Some of the bills include universities which has a chilling effect on academic freedom (talk about government indoctrination and political interference).

Here is one where teachers could be fined for allowing discussion of topics without providing an “alternative” point of view….what exactly does that mean? Nazis, white supremacists, eugenists etc must be given a voice?

Laws lime these have ONE desired effect. Threatening teachers to the point where quit for fear of losing their jobs or cease allowing the discussion of anything remotely controversial, and it is the student who loses.

I have laugh except it is tragic. You laughed at the left for being snowflakes…with all the safe spaces, politics of inclusion, no hate, rainbows and unicorns…but what are YOU doing? The left didn’t use the force of legislation to do this. It was a reflection of the changing culture. The right is creating it’s own safe spaces a d protected snowflakes, but it is using the authoritarian strength of it’s legislative apparatus instead. It can’t win in the public sphere.

That claim isn't part of this case. So what else do you have other than opinion? You said he had the gun illegally, then post CRT stuff.

I am confused.
Feel sorry for the kid, But why was a 17 year old out at night at a protest with a firearm?

Do people not research anything?

The local business owners, including black business owners, called on the help of the local militia to help protect their property. Because they knew the police were not going to be able to.
Kyle volunteered. What he did wasn't NOT wrong, morally or legally. It's what decent folks do.
People keep assuming that Kyle killed decent human beings...


Not a one of them was not a felon.
Not a decent human being in the bunch.

I don't get why the left is so dead set on taking up for felons. Especially the POS child molester. The guy they was all protesting for had been also charged with some sort of sex crime as well.

WTF is wrong with the left. They'll take up for the scum of the earth. But will bash any decent person. Hell, they even bash the victims of the thugs they support.

I don't get it.

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