Judge to rule on Romney testimony: Staples' value may be key.

CaféAuLait;6219117 said:
CaféAuLait;6219074 said:
He killed his passenger or the person who hit the car Romney was driving and driver of the other car was at fault? Even the NY Times states Romney was NOT at fault.


Who "account"?

The records in France were purged.


The article says by ALL accounts, Romney was not at fault. You don't think the NY Times would have been all over that? Not to mention the accident occurred 44 years ago. Does France routinely keep records for nearly a half a century?

Apparently not.
Say it ain't so..

The testimony could become public less than two weeks before Romney faces incumbent Democratic President Barack Obama in the November 6 election.

The Boston Globe newspaper on October 15 asked the court to make the testimony public before the election. Its attorney, Jonathan Albano, argued in court on Wednesday that it was appropriate for the court to reassess the need to keep the records private now that Romney is seeking the presidency.

While there were no hints at Wednesday's court hearing about the contents of the testimony, an independent film maker said he had been told by Sullivan Stemberg that Romney testified that her holdings in Staples were worth very little.

"She felt that he devalued the stock. And what really kind of proved it was that one minute it wasn't worth anything at all and all of a sudden it was worth a whole lot," according to Edmund Druilhet from Dragon-Lion Media, who interviewed Sullivan Stemberg in 2008 for a movie on her life that was never completed.

"He was stating for his best friend to save money in a divorce that the stock was worth very little," Druilhet said in a phone interview.

Lied under oath?


Gloria just wants the gag order lifted so the ex wife can run around and slag every body.

She's a nasty piece of work. And Romney's not fighting it if you'd read the other threads.

It's her ex husband that's blocking it.

The ex wife is a huge Obama supporter and has been posting on Huffpo. She hates them all.

Yep..hence no need for Romney to get his hands dirty..right?
CaféAuLait;6218895 said:
Didn't a certain president get impeached for that?


Did you know she has been suing over her divorce since 1987? She even sued her attorney and lost because she said she did not get enough. She lost that case too.
So why wasn't this news when Romney was Governor? Don't you think that she has made this allegation during the 10 years she spent in court? Why do you think this all of a sudden is true?

She was given 500,000 shares and sold half a year BEFORE the company went public. So whose fault is that?

Not to mention the FACT the stock did not rise in value for nearly 2 years. No one can see into the future.

Here is the 2005 story regarding the protracted divorce:

Of course, if his style always translated to money in the bank for his female clients, only their fat-cat husbands would complain. But that's not always the case. Take Maureen Sullivan Stemberg, the ex-wife of Staples founder Tom Stemberg. They divorced in 1987, and, in the settlement, she received nearly 500,000 shares of Staples stock, reportedly valued at $2.25 per share. Problem was, Staples went public two years later - at $19 per share - after she had unloaded nearly half her stock. She hired Inker to get her what she thought she deserved. The divorce grew into a decade-long mess, breathlessly retold on the front page of The Wall Street Journal in 1997. "I hired Monroe because he was supposed to be the best," Maureen Stemberg says now. "They had Tom and I go after each other, and it was like, sit back and watch the money roll in." She says she only met with Inker three times, despite the $3 million she estimates she paid his firm. Inker says his colleague handled the case. Maureen Stemberg says Inker's female clients are vulnerable. "He meets with them. He says, `Oh, you poor thing, your poor kids. Oh, my God,' and he doesn't even know their name. . . . He calls me the Staples lady," she says, then adds her experience with Inker's firm was atypical of her dealings with lawyers. After losing her case in 1994, she sued Inker and his colleagues for malpractice, a case that was eventually dismissed.

Ladies' Man - The Boston Globe

Shouldn't be a problem then.

I also wish more people knew that Romney was involved in a fatal car crash..and killed his passenger.

so what did "Romney" do...put a gun to her head
Oh and in regards to just the stock that she received 500,000 shares she's the one that sold the shares before the company went public and the stock skyrocketed I think it was 2 years later.

Vicious bitch. She's been at her ex husband for years according to the Boston Globe.
The freaking Country is going to hell while O-blame-a frolics in Vegas. Unemployment is around 14% for Black people, gas is around $4.00 per gal which drives up the price of everything, the Troops are caught in a hopeless situation in Afghanistan that nobody in the administration seems to care about and the left is concerned about France's opinion of an accident that happened 3o years ago? Get a life lefties.
CaféAuLait;6218895 said:
Did you know she has been suing over her divorce since 1987? She even sued her attorney and lost because she said she did not get enough. She lost that case too.
So why wasn't this news when Romney was Governor? Don't you think that she has made this allegation during the 10 years she spent in court? Why do you think this all of a sudden is true?

She was given 500,000 shares and sold half a year BEFORE the company went public. So whose fault is that?

Not to mention the FACT the stock did not rise in value for nearly 2 years. No one can see into the future.

Here is the 2005 story regarding the protracted divorce:

Ladies' Man - The Boston Globe

Shouldn't be a problem then.

I also wish more people knew that Romney was involved in a fatal car crash..and killed his passenger.

A drunk driver from another car veered over his lane and killed one of the mission leaders in R's car. Ted Kennedy left Kopechne for dead.

Conveniently forgotten and in fact embraced at times by some on the left. I see HuffandStuff finally removed the article where one of their writers claimed Mary Jo would think her death was worth it for Kennedy’s career. Assholes.

I linked to it on this forum and part of the article is still on this forum.
Gloria Alred the Sea Hag, is acting like an attention whore close to an election?!! Gasp!! Color me shocked! I'm just shocked I tell ya!

CaféAuLait;6219153 said:
Shouldn't be a problem then.

I also wish more people knew that Romney was involved in a fatal car crash..and killed his passenger.

A drunk driver from another car veered over his lane and killed one of the mission leaders in R's car. Ted Kennedy left Kopechne for dead.

Conveniently forgotten and in fact embraced at times by some on the left. I see HuffandStuff finally removed the article where one of their writers claimed Mary Jo would think her death was worth it for Kennedy’s career. Assholes.

I linked to it on this forum and part of the article is still on this forum.

Yep, that's pretty sick.
Say it ain't so..

Lied under oath?


Gloria just wants the gag order lifted so the ex wife can run around and slag every body.

She's a nasty piece of work. And Romney's not fighting it if you'd read the other threads.

It's her ex husband that's blocking it.

The ex wife is a huge Obama supporter and has been posting on Huffpo. She hates them all.

Yep..hence no need for Romney to get his hands dirty..right?

There's nothing to get dirty. His lawyer said straight out they had no issue whatsoever about his testimony being released.

Allred wants the gag order lifted. That's the key from what I gather. This woman is one of "those" ex wives.

Kept coming back for more money too. 25 years of this. I read stories like this and now I see why people get pre nupts now.:D
CaféAuLait;6218895 said:
Did you know she has been suing over her divorce since 1987? She even sued her attorney and lost because she said she did not get enough. She lost that case too.
So why wasn't this news when Romney was Governor? Don't you think that she has made this allegation during the 10 years she spent in court? Why do you think this all of a sudden is true?

She was given 500,000 shares and sold half a year BEFORE the company went public. So whose fault is that?

Not to mention the FACT the stock did not rise in value for nearly 2 years. No one can see into the future.

Here is the 2005 story regarding the protracted divorce:

Ladies' Man - The Boston Globe

Shouldn't be a problem then.

I also wish more people knew that Romney was involved in a fatal car crash..and killed his passenger.

so what did "Romney" do...put a gun to her head


He should have been holding a gun in Vietnam. But nope. He went to France.

And a poor girl is dead now.

Gloria just wants the gag order lifted so the ex wife can run around and slag every body.

She's a nasty piece of work. And Romney's not fighting it if you'd read the other threads.

It's her ex husband that's blocking it.

The ex wife is a huge Obama supporter and has been posting on Huffpo. She hates them all.

Yep..hence no need for Romney to get his hands dirty..right?

There's nothing to get dirty. His lawyer said straight out they had no issue whatsoever about his testimony being released.

Allred wants the gag order lifted. That's the key from what I gather. This woman is one of "those" ex wives.

Kept coming back for more money too. 25 years of this. I read stories like this and now I see why people get pre nupts now.:D

So I am sure..that Romney will tell the fellow to stop blocking the testimony..right?

You know..just like he released his tax returns for the last 10 years.

Oh wait..that was 2 years.
CaféAuLait;6219153 said:
A drunk driver from another car veered over his lane and killed one of the mission leaders in R's car. Ted Kennedy left Kopechne for dead.

Conveniently forgotten and in fact embraced at times by some on the left. I see HuffandStuff finally removed the article where one of their writers claimed Mary Jo would think her death was worth it for Kennedy’s career. Assholes.

I linked to it on this forum and part of the article is still on this forum.

Yep, that's pretty sick.

Here it is:

Melissa Lafsky: The Footnote Speaks: What Would Mary Jo Kopechne Have Thought of Ted's Career?

We don't know how much Kennedy was affected by her death, or what she'd have thought about arguably being a catalyst for the most successful Senate career in history. What we don't know, as always, could fill a Metrodome.

Still, ignorance doesn't preclude a right to wonder. So it doesn't automatically make someone (aka, me) a Limbaugh-loving, aerial-wolf-hunting NRA troll for asking what Mary Jo Kopechne would have had to say about Ted's death, and what she'd have thought of the life and career that are being (rightfully) heralded.

Who knows -- maybe she'd feel it was worth it

(emphasis added)


Melissa Lafsky: The Footnote Speaks: What Would Mary Jo Kopechne Have Thought of Ted's Career?

Editor's Note
The freaking Country is going to hell while O-blame-a frolics in Vegas. Unemployment is around 14% for Black people, gas is around $4.00 per gal which drives up the price of everything, the Troops are caught in a hopeless situation in Afghanistan that nobody in the administration seems to care about and the left is concerned about France's opinion of an accident that happened 3o years ago? Get a life lefties.

This is called Democrat Desperation.
CaféAuLait;6219198 said:
CaféAuLait;6219153 said:
Conveniently forgotten and in fact embraced at times by some on the left. I see HuffandStuff finally removed the article where one of their writers claimed Mary Jo would think her death was worth it for Kennedy’s career. Assholes.

I linked to it on this forum and part of the article is still on this forum.

Yep, that's pretty sick.

Here it is:

Melissa Lafsky: The Footnote Speaks: What Would Mary Jo Kopechne Have Thought of Ted's Career?

We don't know how much Kennedy was affected by her death, or what she'd have thought about arguably being a catalyst for the most successful Senate career in history. What we don't know, as always, could fill a Metrodome.

Still, ignorance doesn't preclude a right to wonder. So it doesn't automatically make someone (aka, me) a Limbaugh-loving, aerial-wolf-hunting NRA troll for asking what Mary Jo Kopechne would have had to say about Ted's death, and what she'd have thought of the life and career that are being (rightfully) heralded.

Who knows -- maybe she'd feel it was worth it

(emphasis added)


Melissa Lafsky: The Footnote Speaks: What Would Mary Jo Kopechne Have Thought of Ted's Career?

Editor's Note

Well Ted never made it to President.

With a little luck..neither will Romney.

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