Judge tosses Trump suit over New York tax returns, without prejudice.

No President has ever been so stalked by the opposition party in the History of this nation that wasn't at war.

The people who want his tax returns are damned liars, haters, and the worst sports in the world. They're led by Hillary Clinton's self-defeating run for president in which she felt (and her followers too) that she was ENTITLED to the presidency in spite of her entitlement to lie to the grand jury that she couldn't remember if she broke the law in the Whitewater case, and she just couldn't remember to say anything except "I forget."

What a lollipop.
Did those investigators Trump hired to look into Obama's birth certificate get back to us yet??
View attachment 289422

How did that investigation into Obama's tan suit or him ordering gourmet mustard end up??
View attachment 289423 View attachment 289424

Did we get to the bottom of the terrorist fist bump?? Was it a signal to terrorist sleeper cells??
View attachment 289425

You morons got some nerve to ever complain about how a president is treated....shut the fuck up and reap what you sow pussy...
Dirty language gets you how many kudos in the DNC? Do they actually pay you more money to shut Republicans up about the dirty deals of Clinton and Obama, so that people in America will not know of their sweet deals using the Clinton Presidential Library to receive and launder Russian rubles? :lmao:

What patsies you dummies are being used against America for by people who aim to take the power of the Constitution away from the American people, and I'm just in your way.
I noticed you didn't answer one question I asked....what did Trump's investigators find out about Obama's birth certificate??

Did Obama release his college transcripts yet?? Isn't Michelle a man?? Aren't Obama's kids stolen??

As for dirty language, please spare me the dumb shit....you republicans nominated and then gladly became cult followers for a guy who bragged about grabbing women by the pussy, paid porn stars for sex in which he had sex with them unprotected while his wife was at home with their child...and you want to talk to me about language?? gtfoh
You expect a run of the mill senior citizen with no ties to investigators whatever to try to unravel Obama's little dabbles into crimes against America in the behalf of African Americans who want to take over the continent and enslave whites?

Sorry, I'm not your girl. Try someone who's smarter than the moron you and your buddies call me.
Trump said he hired investigators...are you not aware of this?? Trump held a national press conference to announce he had investigators in Hawaii researching Obama's birth certificate and they had found bombshell evidence...and then nothing else was said about it....because he was lying......My God I can't believe you people are really this dumb.....

"I have some real doubts,” Trump told the “Today” show. He claimed to have sent his own investigators to Hawaii, where Obama was born. "I have people that actually have been studying it and they cannot believe what they're finding."

But he didn't stop there....even after admitting that he was full of shit and that Obama really was born in the US -- Trump continued peddling the conspiracy because he knows a lot of his base are racist morons and will believe whatever he says...

"In August 2012, Trump doubled down, tweeting that an "extremely credible source" called his office and said Obama's "birth certificate is a fraud."

"In 2014, Trump also called on internet hackers to find Obama's college records to "check 'place of birth."

And there is still a high percentage of Trumpers who still believe Obama wasn't born in America because that is the only coping mechanism they have left about a black guy not only being president, but being a 2 time elected president (popular vote wins included) and also, being the only president (in 50 years) to not have one single person in his administration indicted for anything...can Trump say that??

What Donald Trump has said through the years about where President Obama was born
Do you think Democrats will ever realize how stupid they look hopping from one petty obsession to another?

Will Republicans ever run out of excuses?

Every Presidential Candidate since Nixon has released his tax returns. What is Trump trying to hide?
Nothing and you know it. Stop spending America's money on dead ends. You creeps took over $100 million in investigations from the tax coffers already, and Nancy Pelosi just stole $2.5 billion dollars from the Social Security Administration seniors and put in her "get Trump" purse.
Jesus you people are dangerously stupid....
No President has ever been so stalked by the opposition party in the History of this nation that wasn't at war.

The people who want his tax returns are damned liars, haters, and the worst sports in the world. They're led by Hillary Clinton's self-defeating run for president in which she felt (and her followers too) that she was ENTITLED to the presidency in spite of her entitlement to lie to the grand jury that she couldn't remember if she broke the law in the Whitewater case, and she just couldn't remember to say anything except "I forget."

What a lollipop.
Did those investigators Trump hired to look into Obama's birth certificate get back to us yet??
View attachment 289422

How did that investigation into Obama's tan suit or him ordering gourmet mustard end up??
View attachment 289423 View attachment 289424

Did we get to the bottom of the terrorist fist bump?? Was it a signal to terrorist sleeper cells??
View attachment 289425

You morons got some nerve to ever complain about how a president is treated....shut the fuck up and reap what you sow pussy...
Dirty language gets you how many kudos in the DNC? Do they actually pay you more money to shut Republicans up about the dirty deals of Clinton and Obama, so that people in America will not know of their sweet deals using the Clinton Presidential Library to receive and launder Russian rubles? :lmao:

What patsies you dummies are being used against America for by people who aim to take the power of the Constitution away from the American people, and I'm just in your way.
I noticed you didn't answer one question I asked....what did Trump's investigators find out about Obama's birth certificate??

Did Obama release his college transcripts yet?? Isn't Michelle a man?? Aren't Obama's kids stolen??

As for dirty language, please spare me the dumb shit....you republicans nominated and then gladly became cult followers for a guy who bragged about grabbing women by the pussy, paid porn stars for sex in which he had sex with them unprotected while his wife was at home with their child...and you want to talk to me about language?? gtfoh
You expect a run of the mill senior citizen with no ties to investigators whatever to try to unravel Obama's little dabbles into crimes against America in the behalf of African Americans who want to take over the continent and enslave whites?

Sorry, I'm not your girl. Try someone who's smarter than the moron you and your buddies call me.
Trump said he hired investigators...are you not aware of this?? Trump held a national press conference to announce he had investigators in Hawaii researching Obama's birth certificate and they had found bombshell evidence...and then nothing else was said about it....because he was lying......My God I can't believe you people are really this dumb.....

"I have some real doubts,” Trump told the “Today” show. He claimed to have sent his own investigators to Hawaii, where Obama was born. "I have people that actually have been studying it and they cannot believe what they're finding."

But he didn't stop there....even after admitting that he was full of shit and that Obama really was born in the US -- Trump continued peddling the conspiracy because he knows a lot of his base are racist morons and will believe whatever he says...

"In August 2012, Trump doubled down, tweeting that an "extremely credible source" called his office and said Obama's "birth certificate is a fraud."

"In 2014, Trump also called on internet hackers to find Obama's college records to "check 'place of birth."

And there are still a high percentage of Trumpers who still believe Obama wasn't born in America because that is the only coping mechanism they have left about a black guy not only being president, but being a 2 time elected president (popular vote wins included) and also, being the only president to not have one single person in his administration indicted for anything...can Trump say that??

What Donald Trump has said through the years about where President Obama was born
That's nutz and you know it. It was Michele Obama who first told the world "My Kenyan husband" speeches to gain a foothold for him in leftist power grab world. They played him like a deck of marked cards, too. Doh!
Do you think Democrats will ever realize how stupid they look hopping from one petty obsession to another?

Will Republicans ever run out of excuses?

Every Presidential Candidate since Nixon has released his tax returns. What is Trump trying to hide?
Nothing and you know it. Stop spending America's money on dead ends. You creeps took over $100 million in investigations from the tax coffers already, and Nancy Pelosi just stole $2.5 billion dollars from the Social Security Administration seniors and put in her "get Trump" purse.
Jesus you people are dangerously stupid....
Well, thank you, Ffibby, I mean Biffy, for making us smarter than we were. :lmao:
I see the last thread on this ended in the Badlands...perhaps this one can remain civil enough to remain?
Vain hope,,,I know...LoL!

So...dismissed without prejudice-basically no ruling on the meat of the matter..Trump can, and no doubt will, refile....

Judge tosses Trump suit over New York tax returns, rejects conspiracy claim

"A federal judge on Monday dismissed President Donald Trump's lawsuit to prevent the House Ways and Means Committee from utilizing a recently passed New York law providing the panel an avenue to pursue his state tax returns.
Judge Carl Nichols of the U.S. District Court for the District of Columbia ruled that his court was not the proper jurisdiction to sue the New York officials named in the lawsuit, leaving open the option that Trump do so in the Empire State.
In his lawsuit, Trump sued to preemptively block the House Ways and Means Committee from requesting the returns, New York Attorney General Letitia James from enforcing the law, and to stop the New York Department of Taxation from furnishing the documents. Trump argued his lawsuit was necessary to prevent his state returns from being disclosed to Congress before a court could hear his opposition.
The House Ways and Means Committee, chaired by Rep. Richard Neal, D-Mass., has not requested Trump's state returns through the new New York law.
"Based on the current allegations, Mr. Trump has not met his burden of establishing personal jurisdiction over either of the New York Defendants," Nichols, a Trump appointee, wrote. "The Court therefore need not reach the question of proper venue. Accordingly, the New York Defendants’ Motion to Dismiss is granted, and Mr. Trump’s Amended Complaint is dismissed without prejudice as to them."
The Left knows how to judge shop.
Do you think Democrats will ever realize how stupid they look hopping from one petty obsession to another?

Will Republicans ever run out of excuses?

Every Presidential Candidate since Nixon has released his tax returns. What is Trump trying to hide?
Nothing and you know it. Stop spending America's money on dead ends. You creeps took over $100 million in investigations from the tax coffers already, and Nancy Pelosi just stole $2.5 billion dollars from the Social Security Administration seniors and put in her "get Trump" purse.

You're still that peddling this satire piece as fact?! :lol:

Pelosi Diverts $2.4 Billion From Social Security To Cover Impeachment Costs

I tried to save you the embarrassment in this thread, but I'm sadly unable to cure the willfully blind.

Democrats Steal 2.4 billion from Social Security to pay for Impeachment Witch Hunt!

Everything on this website is fiction. It is not a lie and it is not fake news because it is not real. If you believe that it is real, you should have your head examined. Any similarities between this site’s pure fantasy and actual people, places, and events are purely coincidental and all images should be considered altered and satirical. See above if you’re still having an issue with that satire thing.

Do you think Democrats will ever realize how stupid they look hopping from one petty obsession to another?

Will Republicans ever run out of excuses?

Every Presidential Candidate since Nixon has released his tax returns. What is Trump trying to hide?
Nothing and you know it. Stop spending America's money on dead ends. You creeps took over $100 million in investigations from the tax coffers already, and Nancy Pelosi just stole $2.5 billion dollars from the Social Security Administration seniors and put in her "get Trump" purse.

You're still that peddling this satire piece as fact?! :lol:

Pelosi Diverts $2.4 Billion From Social Security To Cover Impeachment Costs

I tried to save you the embarrassment in this thread, but I'm sadly unable to cure the willfully blind.

Democrats Steal 2.4 billion from Social Security to pay for Impeachment Witch Hunt!

Everything on this website is fiction. It is not a lie and it is not fake news because it is not real. If you believe that it is real, you should have your head examined. Any similarities between this site’s pure fantasy and actual people, places, and events are purely coincidental and all images should be considered altered and satirical. See above if you’re still having an issue with that satire thing.

I got news for you, sir. This entire impeachment bullshit is just exactly that. Bullshit. And it's all about electioneering, and stealing from the American people their future in Social Security that THEY WERE FORCED TO PAY FROM OUT OF THEIR PAYCHECKS TO UNCLE SAM. The funds were never to be invaded by the Congress, but Senator Lyndon Johnson changed all that by seeing to it legislation was passed to help them pay for a very unpopular war at the expense of elderly folks and even veterans who were disabled and depended on Social Security. From time to time Congress panics the Senior citizens about how the bad REpublicans are going to take away their Social Security, and who raids the funds? Democrats congressvarmints. That's who. All you demmies do is heist funds from the social security and then blame it on Republicans near election time. :cranky:

And when a Republican President wins, you threaten his family and staff and even personal friends with disaster, while fantasizing that communism is the only way for you to win full control and power over this nation, getting rid of guns, religion, and every freedom we have as human beings.

You Democrats in a nutshell are a disaster when given a small plum of power. But this secrecy in impeaching that is not based on anything like a fact is the stuff that gets people shot in the head in other countries which are not as tolerant as America. Saddam Hussein's first act as head of state was to murder 170 members of the Iraqui equivalent of Congress who voted against him. Absolute power corrupts absolutely. You need to review team membership and start considering Republicans team members. This bullcrap of dissociative rule on the part of Nancy Pelosi's irratic congressional activities with re to President Trump is over the top. You better go back to the traditions of Congress. Your leaders are doing the wrong thing and there is a price to pay for that stuff, only we're not going to pay it. You've taken too much and now you're stealing from senior citizens. Shame, shame, shame on Democrats in congress.
Last edited:
No President has ever been so stalked by the opposition party in the History of this nation that wasn't at war.

The people who want his tax returns are damned liars, haters, and the worst sports in the world. They're led by Hillary Clinton's self-defeating run for president in which she felt (and her followers too) that she was ENTITLED to the presidency in spite of her entitlement to lie to the grand jury that she couldn't remember if she broke the law in the Whitewater case, and she just couldn't remember to say anything except "I forget."

What a lollipop.
Clinton released her tax returns. What is Trump hiding?
You are a little confused, Joe. Trump is an open book. It's Schiff who is proffering secrecy to the American public. Poor thing. Can't see the truth slapping you in the face.

Trump won't release his tax returns, his college transcripts, his business dealings...

Of course, being a good little cultist, you never ask why.
I can't believe there are so many dweebs obsessing over Trump's tax returns. It must really suck to be bothered by such trivial BS. Particularly disturbing is the mental instability people are suffering from this obsession. Many have been caught with foam coming from their mouths, sitting in corners strumming their lips and mumbling to themselves while scratching their facial skin raw. Bugged out eyes, like Shifty and Pelosi, are the first sign of this condition. Trump tax obsession will become an epidemic by the end of 2020.
I got news for you, sir. This entire impeachment bullshit is just exactly that. Bullshit. And it's all about electioneering, and stealing from the American people their future in Social Security that THEY WERE FORCED TO PAY FROM OUT OF THEIR PAYCHECKS TO UNCLE SAM. The funds were never to be invaded by the Congress, but Senator Lyndon Johnson changed all that by seeing to it legislation was passed to help them pay for a very unpopular war at the expense of elderly folks and even veterans who were disabled and depended on Social Security. From time to time Congress panics the Senior citizens about how the bad REpublicans are going to take away their Social Security, and who raids the funds? Democrats congressvarmints. That's who. All you demmies do is heist funds from the social security and then blame it on Republicans near election time. :cranky:

What does any of that of do with you peddling a satire story as a fact? Hint: Nothing

And when a Republican President wins, you threaten his family and staff and even personal friends with disaster, while fantasizing that communism is the only way for you to win full control and power over this nation, getting rid of guns, religion, and every freedom we have as human beings.

I've never done none of the aforementioned you've claimed. The above is nothing more than a silly narrative you crafted out of thin air for whatever reason.

You Democrats in a nutshell are a disaster when given a small plum of power. But this secrecy in impeaching that is not based on anything like a fact is the stuff that gets people shot in the head in other countries which are not as tolerant as America. Saddam Hussein's first act as head of state was to murder 170 members of the Iraqui equivalent of Congress who voted against him. Absolute power corrupts absolutely. You need to review team membership and start considering Republicans team members. This bullcrap of dissociative rule on the part of Nancy Pelosi's irratic congressional activities with re to President Trump is over the top. You better go back to the traditions of Congress. Your leaders are doing the wrong thing and there is a price to pay for that stuff, only we're not going to pay it. You've taken too much and now you're stealing from senior citizens. Shame, shame, shame on Democrats in congress.

Yeah, I am not a Democrat, so I don't really give a shit about this "my team rules, your team drools" foolisness this site in lousy with. I leave that nonsense to the dull as dishwater partisans here.


Everything on this website is fiction. It is not a lie and it is not fake news because it is not real. If you believe that it is real, you should have your head examined. Any similarities between this site’s pure fantasy and actual people, places, and events are purely coincidental and all images should be considered altered and satirical. See above if you’re still having an issue with that satire thing.

At the end of the day you fell for a satire article and despite being given evidence to the contrary you hold onto it like a dog with a bone. I thought you made a mistake (as we all do from time to time) but I realize it's just the willful blindness of a zealot.

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