Judge Warns "Mr. Trump" Not Commit Any Offenses Or Have Release Revoked

The damage trump did to the economy will be with us for a long time as will the problems of logistics in the world trade crisis. Need solar powered ships sooner than ever to avert the upcoming crisis. Will we be prepared for that ? I don't know, it depends how much the republicans hold US all back.
Love to see the batteries to power a ship at sea in transport for months at a time without charging.
You must not have noticed, the Trump economy was growing quite well until the pandemic popped up. World wide lock downs is what disrupted the global supply chains, not Trump.
Only in your dreams.
Odd how Trump did that after 36 years? Of shit presidents that didn't do a damn thing about it.

Reagan didn't fix it, either.

From Carter to Trump, America's fuel supply was fucked up. Trump fixed that, but Biden re-fucked it up on day 1 of him being in office.
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How do you sleep at night after lying like that? Have you no conscience?
Wait a second. Yesterday you were bragging how many guns people like you have and although you didn't want to you felt that a coming genocide of Democrats was coming IF you got pushed around anymore. I sleep fine. I don't threaten people into submission. I live and let live. How can you sleep at night with all that unresolved angst.

Judge Warns "Mr. Trump" Not Commit Any Offenses Or Have Release Revoked​

Which differs from what every magistrate judge to every person who appears for an arraignment and is released without bail.

So this thread’s orgasmic and breathless libtard headline should actually be: something totally ordinary happened at this arraignment.
I figured as much.
I also recycle everything I can. I do not pay for garbage pickup because I only produce a small bag of trash each month and my employer understands this and allows me to put it in the dumpster at work for free.
I’ve got nothing against using “Mr” or Miss or Mrs or Ms for ordinary citizens, and before the law we are all supposed to be treated as ordinary citizens … but of course often this is not really the case. But it’s a fine aspiration and ideal and norm.

Usually it’s money and the number and quality of lawyers you can afford that win a little extra respect from judges. Of course certain horrible crimes can’t be overlooked easily no matter how much money you have.

The English language is not very rich anymore in personal salutations used — except of course for the low class insults used so creatively by many Trump supporters here on USMB!

Ah, the things they call me in almost every thread … :rolleyes:

In British courts they used to use “Master” and “Mistress” for young gentlemen and gentlewomen and Sir for older respectable gents like me. Don‘t know if that’s still true or not anywhere in the Anglo-speaking world.

Guess American democracy has long since pealed away many respectable old-fashioned salutations, though in court I suspect it will serve even Donald Trump very well to address the judge as … “your honor.”

I really like how Australians do things — at least in the movies they can call just about anybody “mate” or “matey.” Are women still addressed by working-class types as “Love” or “Dearie”?

Heck, I like some of those old customs. Sure beats today’s crazy “pronoun” madness !
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I figured as much.
I love bct's ( bacon, cucumber and tomato sandwiches ) and my tomatoes are finally coming in strong sharing them with my neighbors , friends, and co-workers. I think I over planted again this year. Memo to self : Next year need to plant less than 24 tomato plants.
I’ve got nothing against using Mr or Miss or Mrs or Ms for ordinary citizens, and before the law we are all supposed to be treated as ordinary citizens … but of course often this is not really the case. But it’s a fine aspiration and ideal.

Usually it’s money and the number and quality of lawyers you can afford that win judges respect. Of course certain horrible crimes can’t be overlooked easily.

The English language is not very rich in personal salutations, except of course for the low class insults used by so creatively by many Trump supporters here.

They’re used to use “Master” and “Mistress” in British courts for young gentlemen and gentlewomen. Don‘t know if that’s still true or not anywhere in the Anglo-speaking world.

Guess American democracy has long since pealed away many respectable old-fashioned salutations, though in court I suspect it will serve even Donald Trump very well to address a judge as “your honor.”

I really like how the Australians do things — in everyday speech at least they can call just about everybody “mate” or “matee.” Are women still addressed by working-class types as “Love” or “Dearie”?

Heck, I like some of those old customs. Sure beats our own pronoun madness these days!
Not so much in Australia, but in New Zealand I loved it when they said, " No worries ! " Delightful people.
How do you sleep at night after lying like that? Have you no conscience?
I can’t imagine what it’s like to wake up each day as a far left Biden supporter.

Americans are struggling to afford groceries. And they keep pumping out this propaganda against Trump. Hillary Clinton and Obama arguably, did worse compared to Trump. And they did not face the type of legal scrutiny Mr. Trump is facing.

I can’t imagine what it’s like for these fellow Americans to keep on posting about the indictments of Trump and they’re saying nothing about the economy. And their bizarre world. They credit the Trump economic success to Obama and then they say that we’re struggling today because of not Biden, but Trump. Extraordinary.
People cant afford gas …. this anti trump propaganda is hurting America
Gas? These people are willing to burn the country down in support of destroying Orange Man Bad. They've given themselves over to true evil. Hating someone who has harmed you or those you love is a normal human response. Hating someone you've never even met, nor are ever likely to and who has NEVER harmed you or yours, is damned near demonic. These people would be cheering and having parties if the word came down that Trump had died or even more so if he had been assassinated. Yes, EVIL is the correct word.
Da fuq kinda name is that? What the actual fuck?!
Notice how practically all of these so-called judges and district attorneys along with the media personalities against Trump .. are all pro BLM racist.

You look at their last names, and how they look they do a horrible job representing their people. It’s a blot on American history.
He said it all.

Odd how Trump did that after 36 years? Of shit presidents that didn't do a damn thing about it.

Reagan didn't fix it, either.

From Carter to Trump, America's fuel supply was fucked up. Trump fixed that, but Biden re-fucked it up on day 1 of him being in office.
Remember when trump said, " America is energy independent. " We weren't , we were still importing oil. And this occurred in the middle of the pandemic shut down. No one was using oil because no one was going anywhere and everything was shut down. Just another trump lie you bought into.
Australia now has 800,000 plus MUSLIMS
That nation wont be so nice much longer
Demographic studies have demonstrated that there are certain population benchmarks that track increasingly aggressive behavior from Muslim immigrants. At 10% they really begin to destroy the internal dynamics of a democracy. Above 30%, their "host country" begins to be assimilated into Islamic laws and customs.

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