Judge Warns "Mr. Trump" Not Commit Any Offenses Or Have Release Revoked

I don't know if the Florida judge is biased for trump or not. Hopefully the judicial system is keeping a close eye on these situations and the threat of disbarment weighs heavily in wrongful judgments.
As it does in wrongful prosecutions as well. ;)
How's the Bidenomics fairing against his 34% economic approval rating?
The damage trump did to the economy will be with us for a long time as will the problems of logistics in the world trade crisis. Need solar powered ships sooner than ever to avert the upcoming crisis. Will we be prepared for that ? I don't know, it depends how much the republicans hold US all back.
Magistrate Judge Moxila Upadhyaya, during trump’s arraignment hearing today, said - "Your most important condition of release is that you not commit a state, federal or local offense. If so, your release may be revoked. You may also face a longer sentence for having committed a crime while on release.”

She told Trump that “it is a crime to influence a juror or try to threaten or bribe a witness or retaliate against anyone connected to the case.”

Tread lightly donny boy.
Eat a gun liar.
OK, Stann's 2 minutes to say what gas prices are is over.

It's $3.83 here and rising. And I don't know that cuz I looked it up, I know that because that's what it is at the store.
Don’t know what on earth this has to do with the refreshing language and demeanor of this “processing judge,” but …
Who broke the world record for high gas prices? Joe Biden.
Every country in Europe has much higher gas prices than we do. General inflation is also much higher in Europe. As for the “world record for high gas prices” …
“Residents of Hong Kong pay the highest international gas prices, with 1 gallon setting them back $11.43. Iceland comes in second at $8.91 per gallon, followed by Monaco at $8.49 per gallon” — Jul 24, 2023

Just saying …. : )
The damage trump did to the economy will be with us for a long time as will the problems of logistics in the world trade crisis. Need solar powered ships sooner than ever to avert the upcoming crisis. Will we be prepared for that ? I don't know, it depends how much the republicans hold US all back.
How do you sleep at night after lying like that? Have you no conscience?
OK, Stann's 2 minutes to say what gas prices are is over.

It's $3.83 here and rising. And I don't know that cuz I looked it up, I know that because that's what it is at the store.
Rising here too. Last month it cost 54 dollars to fill up and now it's 65.
OK, Stann's 2 minutes to say what gas prices are is over.

It's $3.83 here and rising.
Gas prices will never come down a lot. The days a of cheap and plentiful oil are over. Peak production days are over. Peak demand in third world nations I continues to increase. You do the math, less product + higher demand means what.
Don’t know what on earth this has to do with the refreshing language and demeanor of this “processing judge,” but …

Every country in Europe has much higher gas prices than we do. General inflation is also much higher in Europe. As for the “world record for high gas prices” …

Just saying …. : )
That don't befront me, motherfucker, I'm from America.
now that TRUMP is totally destroyed as the fake GOP wont even help him.

Who will the 4th REICH destroy next???

I am guessing MUSK because he holds the key to the last source of the 1st amend- Twitter
Gas prices will never come down a lot. The days a of cheap and plentiful oil are over. Peak production days are over. Peak demand in third world nations I continues to increase. You do the math, less product + higher demand means what.
It will when Trump's president again, watch! :D
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Don’t know what on earth this has to do with the refreshing language and demeanor of this “processing judge,” but …

Every country in Europe has much higher gas prices than we do. General inflation is also much higher in Europe. As for the “world record for high gas prices” …

Just saying …. : )
OH my, something else a pretend lying leftist pos pretends not to know...

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