Judge Warns "Mr. Trump" Not Commit Any Offenses Or Have Release Revoked

Gas? These people are willing to burn the country down in support of destroying Orange Man Bad. They've given themselves over to true evil. Hating someone who has harmed you or those you love is a normal human response. Hating someone you've never even met, nor are ever likely to and who has NEVER harmed you or yours, is damned near demonic. These people would be cheering and having parties if the word came down that Trump had died or even more so if he had been assassinated. Yes, EVIL is the correct word.
Great points. As we know, brother, our Lord will right the wrongs. these people who hate trump who hate white people, who make excuses for our bad economy,, the nonstop blatant racism from our media personalities and celebrities. Don’t worry about it they will pay in this life for the next.

I don’t hate Obama I don’t hate Trump. I don’t hate anyone. But I see true hatred when it comes to these people who are posting against Donald Trump. And the blatant dishonesty they have in conversation when they are confronted with our bad economy.

This is the first time in my life I have lost trust in our government. I didn’t feel this way when Obama was president or when George W. Bush president. But I feel this way right now with Biden, as commander in chief.

It’s tough to stay positive, but I think it’s our duty as Christians to stay positive to spread love and kindness as much as we can. While acknowledging the truth.
I can’t imagine what it’s like to wake up each day as a far left Biden supporter.

Americans are struggling to afford groceries. And they keep pumping out this propaganda against Trump. Hillary Clinton and Obama arguably, did worse compared to Trump. And they did not face the type of legal scrutiny Mr. Trump is facing.

I can’t imagine what it’s like for these fellow Americans to keep on posting about the indictments of Trump and they’re saying nothing about the economy. And their bizarre world. They credit the Trump economic success to Obama and then they say that we’re struggling today because of not Biden, but Trump. Extraordinary.
You are as delusional as trump is.
Great points. As we know, brother, our Lord will right the wrongs. these people who hate trump who hate white people, who make excuses for our bad economy,, the nonstop blatant racism from our media personalities and celebrities. Don’t worry about it they will pay in this life for the next.

I don’t hate Obama I don’t hate Trump. I don’t hate anyone. But I see true hatred when it comes to these people who are posting against Donald Trump. And the blatant dishonesty they have in conversation when they are confronted with our bad economy.

This is the first time in my life I have lost trust in our government. I didn’t feel this way when Obama was president or when George W. Bush president. But I feel this way right now with Biden, as commander in chief.

It’s tough to stay positive, but I think it’s our duty as Christians to stay positive to spread love and kindness as much as we can. While acknowledging the truth.
I felt that way when trump was president, felt like fascism had taken over our government.
I felt that way when trump was president, felt like fascism had taken over our government.
I felt really bad when Trump was first elected in 2016 because I voted for Clinton. And I didn’t take long for me to realize that that was a psychological operation by the far left wing. Because soon our economy was doing amazing as soon as Trump was elected, the stocks went way up. I remember just four years ago Gas was under two dollars a gallon here in Buffalo now it’s 3.75. Grocery prices are way higher than they were before.

Huge numbers of non-white far left wing political hacks, calling Donald Trump a white supremacist nonstop. It’s blatant racism ….Imagine for a moment If a bunch of white people white Republicans white media figures constantly on an every day basis called Obama a black supremacist, and it was all white judges who were trying to send him to jail, waiving a finger at him telling him “don’t you violate these court orders are we’re gonna send you to jail”. It’s blatant racism man. The way that these judges are talking to Mr. Trump is anti-American at the very least.
I can’t imagine what it’s like to wake up each day as a far left Biden supporter…
Geez, as one of those — in Trumpster eyes if not in reality — “far left Biden supporters” I can assure you I sleep and wake up each day as an ordinary, reasonably happy and well adjusted old gent.

Sure it’s no fun getting old and life is hard. But I don’t look to blame politicians for things they really don’t control. I didn’t blame Trump for Covid, or for vaccines either, or for having to wear masks and for having to stay home so much. I didn’t vote for Hillary, unlike you. I thought she was looking to get us involved in a possible war on the wrong side in Syria. Actually I don’t usually vote in normal Presidential elections. But truthfully, to me Trump is not “normal” but a clear threat to our country …

Personally, I rarely meet anyone in real life, Trump supporter or Democrat, who has a problem with me. In normal life almost nobody thinks I look or act or sound like one of those crazy “Satanic” people you describe.

I wonder if it isn’t you yourself who are just a little big “off” … or off-putting. Do you have friends, a good family life? Are you physically healthy? Maybe you’re just feeling a bit depressed, anxious and paranoid and kind of … projecting your fears and fantasies onto others?
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Demographic studies have demonstrated that there are certain population benchmarks that track increasingly aggressive behavior from Muslim immigrants. At 10% they really begin to destroy the internal dynamics of a democracy. Above 30%, their "host country" begins to be assimilated into Islamic laws and customs.

You get my rare golden trophy
I only give 1 out per day lol

Did you know that Brussels is now over 20 percent Muslim
They grow so fast and will soon be 30 percent
That is the Rapist and Traitor's M.O. He is well known for his intimidation tactics. This judge, she ain't playing that game. He starts his usual shit, he goes behind bars.
If this was a white male judge doing the same thing to Obama for well I guess let’s say here drone strikes against civilians, which did happen. All sorts of drone strikes by Obama and I’m not saying he was wrong to do so I’m saying that the fact is many civilians died because of drone strikes by Obama. Or you could just invent something I guess like Democrats are doing to Trump.

But imagine if a white male judge from the south, was waving his finger at Obama…. Telling him don’t you even think about violating his court orders you’re gonna go to jail if you do.

“ may I remind you “

I mean, this is no way to talk to a former president. And I respect Obama and George W. Bush and Donald Trump. I do not respect Joe Biden. This is the first time in my life. I have felt this way about the President of the United States.
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Geez, as one of those — in Trumpster eyes if not in reality — “far left Biden supporters” I can assure you I sleep and wake up each day as an ordinary, reasonably happy and very well adjusted old gent. I hardly ever meet anyone in real life, Trump supporter or Democrat, who has a problem with me. In normal life almost nobody thinks I look or act or sound like one of those crazy Satanic people you describe.

I wonder if it isn’t you yourself who are just a little big “off” … or off-putting. Do you have friends, a good family life? Are you physically healthy? Maybe your just feeling a bit depressed, anxious and paranoid and kind of … projecting your fantasies onto others?
I don’t have a problem with you. I’m against far left wing Biden supporters.

I had to overcome a pretty bad accident. I was in a wheelchair for a while told I might not walk again. I’m walking now.

There is no fantasy. Our economy is horrible now. Gas prices high. The average price of a home is $350,000. That should be the top story for the media to talk about but they don’t talk about it. They just keep blasting Donald Trump.

I don’t hate anybody, but I look at what Biden supporters are saying it is total dishonesty and some of them engaging blatant racism against white people. So that’s a problem and it’s only normal to have a reaction to that. I don’t hate Joe Biden, but I’ve lost confidence in our commander in chief and the US government for the first time in my life. And I’m not alone in that regard millions and millions of Americans Democrats and Republicans feel the same way.

RFK all the way
I felt really bad when Trump was first elected in 2016 because I voted for Clinton. And I didn’t take long for me to realize that that was a psychological operation by the far left wing. Because soon or economy was doing amazing as soon as Trump was elected, the stocks went way up. I remember just four years ago. Gas was under two dollars a gallon here in Buffalo now it’s 3.75. Grocery prices are wsy higher than they were before.

Huge numbers of non-white far left wing political hacks, calling Donald Trump a white supremacist nonstop. It’s blatant racism and just honestly. Imagine for a moment I have a bunch of white people white Republicans white media figures constantly on an every day basis called Obama or black supremacist, and it was all white judges who were trying to send him to jail, waiting a finger at him telling him don’t you violate these court orders are we’re gonna send you to jail. It’s blatant racism man.
It's sad your memory is so twisted. When trump was in office we had a real criminal in the White House not just an imagined one, a real one. Things went badly right fr the start he installed family members and friends ( donors ) in high positions who.didn' t know how to run them and / or were even antagonistic to the office. The corruption didn't stop there that was only the begining. He nearly doubled the national debt and most of that was before the pandemic began. To which we must acknowledge he dismantled the early pandemic warning committee ironically saying it was a waste of money. Then he totally mismanaged the pandemic by interfering with the standard protocols. I could go on and on but you aren't d going to listen. In the end his ego wouldn't allow him the ability to accept that he lost and for the last 2 months he plotted against Biden setting up sabotage by denying him access to presidential affairs and he knew what the agenda was so he set up all kind of roadblocks. Best trick or all set up a deal with the Taliban and lay the exit strategy on Biden because he knew getting out is always harder than getting in and they're be lots of blame to go around when things went south. Hillary was right all along trump is and always has been totally despicable.
What fascist thing did Trump do? Which one of his policies were fascist? No one ever answers those questions. I bet you won't either.
Fascists don't care about the rights of anyone but their followers. He dismantled the gay rights center in the federal government. He lead the attack.on.transgenders. ,he marginalized the immigrants, all immigrants unless they were " white and educated " He tried to.make America a theocracy. Finally he made it clear to.the world that it was all about him when he lost the election and tried to take the government back by force. That's all fascist ideology.
It's sad your memory is so twisted. When trump was in office we had a real criminal in the White House not just an imagined one, a real one. Things went badly right fr the start he installed family members and friends ( donors ) in high positions who.didn' t know how to run them and / or were even antagonistic to the office. The corruption didn't stop there that was only the begining. He nearly doubled the national debt and most of that was before the pandemic began. To which we must acknowledge he dismantled the early pandemic warning committee ironically saying it was a waste of money. Then he totally mismanaged the pandemic by interfering with the standard protocols. I could go on and on but you aren't d going to listen. In the end his ego wouldn't allow him the ability to accept that he lost and for the last 2 months he plotted against Biden setting up sabotage by denying him access to presidential affairs and he knew what the agenda was so he set up all kind of roadblocks. Best trick or all set up a deal with the Taliban and lay the exit strategy on Biden because he knew getting out is always harder than getting in and they're be lots of blame to go around when things went south. Hillary was right all along trump is and always has been totally despicable.
The pandemic was something that Republicans and Democrats dropped the ball on. There should’ve never been a lockdown. It was handled very poorly. Many people who died from the virus died. Also from other issues like it was 10% from the virus 90% something else so many cases. The economics affects of the lockdowns wrecked our economy. The printing of trillions of dollars completely unheard of.

And before that man made lockdown. Our economy was red hot. I noticed in the above, you didn’t talk about the low gas prices and the average price of a home being significantly less under Mr. Trump

As for nepotism, that’s politics. Joe Biden, and Hunter Biden have many controversies. As you know, full well. And there are tons of issues surrounding nepotism from Democrats and Republicans.

The media for Facebook, and YouTube multiplied against Mr. Trump. For example, YouTube removing the dislike button and banning conservative figures before the election was Blatant election interference there. You look at YouTube before the dislike button was removed or before people couldn’t see the dislikes every video showing Joe Biden on a campaign, would receive 10, 20 or 30 times more dislikes compared likes. So that causes folks to question the election integrity of the 2020 presidential election..

All of these Americans clearly disliked what Biden was saying and the racism he was promoting. Yet he still gets elected Somehow ..that doesn’t make any sense.
Tread lightly donny boy.

Hey moron, you have to be CONVICTED of a crime. So far in eight years and 4,000 accusations, you still haven't found him guilty of a SINGLE crime, and you cannot muzzle a candidate for the presidency from speaking and telling the truth! That would be depriving a citizen of their free speech while using the court to influence an election, though I know you have little regard for democracy. Good luck with that! :auiqs.jpg:
The pandemic was something that Republicans and Democrats dropped the ball on. There should’ve never been a lockdown. It was handled very poorly. Many people who died from the virus died. Also from other issues like it was 10% from the virus 90% something else so many cases. The economics affects of the lockdowns wrecked our economy. The printing of trillions of dollars completely unheard of.

And before that man made lockdown. Our economy was red hot. I noticed in the above, you didn’t talk about the low gas prices and the average price of a home being significantly less under Mr. Trump

As for nepotism, that’s politics. Joe Biden, and Hunter Biden have many controversies. As you know, full well. And there are tons of issues surrounding nepotism from Democrats and Republicans.

The media for Facebook, and YouTube multiplied against Mr. Trump. For example, YouTube removing the dislike button and banning conservative figures before the election was Blatant election interference there. You look at YouTube before the dislike button was removed or before people couldn’t see the dislikes every video showing Joe Biden on a campaign, would receive 10, 20 or 30 times more dislikes compared likes. So that causes folks to question the election integrity of the 2020 presidential election..

All of these Americans clearly disliked what Biden was saying and the racism he was promoting. Yet he still gets elected Somehow ..that doesn’t make any sense.
I voted for him and most people in Omaha voted for him that why Biden got 1 of the 3 electors from.Nebraska we have a split elector system like Maine. Immediately afterwards our republican-dominated unicameral tried to end the split elector system. How unreasonable is that. These new republicans like to bend the law to.their advantage instead of treating everyone with respect and dignity.Nebraska is the second strongest republican state that there is. Texas is number one. Hopefully things will change, especially for poor Texans.
Fascists don't care about the rights of anyone but their followers. He dismantled the gay rights center in the federal government. He lead the attack.on.transgenders. ,he marginalized the immigrants, all immigrants unless they were " white and educated " He tried to.make America a theocracy. Finally he made it clear to.the world that it was all about him when he lost the election and tried to take the government back by force. That's all fascist ideology.
Not kissing their asses is not fascist. You are an idiot and that is greatly exaggerated bullshit.
Not kissing their asses is not fascist. You are an idiot and that is greatly exaggerated bullshit.
Eight experts weight in.

To be clear, “not fascist” is a very, very low bar for Trump to clear. The concerns that lead people to ask the question “Is Trump a fascist?” are real. Trump really is trying to discredit the coming presidential election. He really has hired officials with ties to white nationalist groups. He really did promise to ban all Muslims from the US (and implemented new rules toward that goal), said that a Mexican American judge is unfit to preside over cases involving him, called Mexican immigrants “rapists,” empathized with neo-Nazis after Charlottesville, and falsely claimed Muslim Americans celebrated the 9/11 attacks — among many, many transgressions.

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