Judge Warns "Mr. Trump" Not Commit Any Offenses Or Have Release Revoked

I don't think so , that's appropriate. If she said Donald that would be inappropriate.
If she said "Traitor Trump" or "Lyin' Donald" or "Crooked Donald", that would have been inappropriate, too.
I got the biggest raise I've ever gotten in my life. The stock market is climbing again. We still have a lot of jobs to fill and we don't have enough workers so we' ll have to tear that wall down and get more immigrants in here to get our country working better and make our economy shoot through the window .

Going from fifteen bucks an hour to seventeen is a milestone in your life. You should celebrate.
That would depend if she overwhelmingly supports trump and would consider allowing it to influence her judgment. The proof will be in her actions, words often mean nothing these days.

She has already been shot down by the 11th circuit because of her actions regarding Trump. The fact that she is the judge in the case is a mockery.
The judge called him Mr Trump instead of Mr President.
And that's correct, he never was a real president and isn't one any more.

Going from fifteen bucks an hour to seventeen is a milestone in your life. You should celebrate.
LOL, if you double the fifteen bucks and triple the seventeen you are a lot closer to the truth iny case. You must be talking about yourself. Project much !
The pandemic was something that Republicans and Democrats dropped the ball on. There should’ve never been a lockdown. It was handled very poorly. Many people who died from the virus died. Also from other issues like it was 10% from the virus 90% something else so many cases. The economics affects of the lockdowns wrecked our economy. The printing of trillions of dollars completely unheard of.

And before that man made lockdown. Our economy was red hot. I noticed in the above, you didn’t talk about the low gas prices and the average price of a home being significantly less under Mr. Trump

As for nepotism, that’s politics. Joe Biden, and Hunter Biden have many controversies. As you know, full well. And there are tons of issues surrounding nepotism from Democrats and Republicans.

The media for Facebook, and YouTube multiplied against Mr. Trump. For example, YouTube removing the dislike button and banning conservative figures before the election was Blatant election interference there. You look at YouTube before the dislike button was removed or before people couldn’t see the dislikes every video showing Joe Biden on a campaign, would receive 10, 20 or 30 times more dislikes compared likes. So that causes folks to question the election integrity of the 2020 presidential election..

All of these Americans clearly disliked what Biden was saying and the racism he was promoting. Yet he still gets elected Somehow ..that doesn’t make any sense.
The cronyism with trump was even worse, most of those people were totally unfit to serve in the positions they were placed in , mostly because they were big donors who supported him not because they were qualified in any way.
Muslims are 8th century barbarians !!

Still I prefer them over white Maoist
See that's the problem, judging all of them the same. Most that leave Muslim run countries are not the extremists people like to picture them as. They are trying to escape that craziness.
i knew some tard would be triggered by the name.
He does seem to have arrested development. It's unusual for bullies to survive to adulthood. That's a sick child's game. Maybe he 's just modeling his life after trump's. Which is even worse, very low self esteem.
Yep. And the only President to ever leave office with a net negative in jobs. And he couldn’t even average a 2% GDP.

Worst economic president in history.
The pandemic is partly to blame as it is with Biden and the economy. No one is dealing with the massive underlying problem. Humans act when they are forced to. Just look at History, America didn't become Erica until the British were putting the screws to the colonists so bad that they could barely eck out a living. Then the finally revolted. The elephant in the room will be addressed soon but not until all our lives are seriously threatened to the point of near extinction .
The pandemic is partly to blame as it is with Biden and the economy. No one is dealing with the massive underlying problem. Humans act when they are forced to. Just look at History, America didn't become Erica until the British were putting the screws to the colonists so bad that they could barely eck out a living. Then the finally revolted. The elephant in the room will be addressed soon but not until all our lives are seriously threatened to the point of near extinction .

Probably true, but in the meantime

Eight experts weight in.

To be clear, “not fascist” is a very, very low bar for Trump to clear. The concerns that lead people to ask the question “Is Trump a fascist?” are real. Trump really is trying to discredit the coming presidential election. He really has hired officials with ties to white nationalist groups. He really did promise to ban all Muslims from the US (and implemented new rules toward that goal), said that a Mexican American judge is unfit to preside over cases involving him, called Mexican immigrants “rapists,” empathized with neo-Nazis after Charlottesville, and falsely claimed Muslim Americans celebrated the 9/11 attacks — among many, many transgressions.
Like the experts on Covid? Blow it out your ass.
What law has he already broken to presume he needs admonishment?
Presumption and prejudice

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