
What prophecies about Israel are you referring to?

Just a few of the many about their Messiah:
Genesis 3:15. (not from Heaven)
Genesis 12:3, 17-19 (bloodline)
Genesis 49:10 (lineage)
Micah 5:2 ( birthplace)
Matt. 2:23 (hometown)
Hosea 11:1 (sojourn)
Psalm 22:14-16 (age and method of death)
Job 19:25 (raised from death)
Use our law of compound probabilities to obtain the figure of each one of these being fulfilled. Then obtain the # for all of them being fulfill by the same person.

A few about their enemies:
Genesis 16:12 with Galatians 4:29 (But as then he (Ishmael) that was born after the flesh, persecuted him that was born after the Spirit, (Isaac) even so it is now. <(Paul's generation. And even so it is now in our own generation!)
Ezekiel 35:5 (God addressing the perpetual hatred against Israel), and
Psalm 83:12 (God's solution.) (Israel thrives)

A few about Israeli land:
Genesis 28:13 (Who provided their land grant.)
Ezek. 34:13 ( gathering Jews to their land)
Ezek 36:37 (Israel in a day! on the exact day!)
Ezek 38:8 (how and who)
Most of Daniel and Ezek for that matter is fulfilled prophesy of Israel, so just read all of them. Isa. too.
Matt. 24:32 (capture of Jerusalem)
So many more........ Increase in rainfall, bearing fruit, resuming pure language, surrounded by their enemies, training for temple duties after a 2,000 year hiatus, on and on. Goog the rest while I go put the horse up.
I'll come back and list a bunch of them for you. :eusa_angel:
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Just put that aside right now, I think your explanation was weak. You in accurately made an allegation. And you seemed to center it on the state of the country known as Israel. This requires a longer and in depth discussion. And you seemed to try to refute it in one sentence. That's not gonna work.
Why would Jesus tell the woman that was caught in the act of adultery that He wouldn't condemn her for her sin, but He's going to judge us for ours? That doesn't make sense.

How does that work. If you have done more good than bad here, are you graded on a curve? Or does a C or above get to stay, D's and F's go to Hell?
And If our sins are judged when we get there, what in the world was the Son of God doing hanging on a cross?

We are forgiven our sins as we repent them...but I also think that we are REWARDED in heaven according to how we do here. It's not so much a matter of punishment, I don't think. It's just a matter of some people will reap more rewards.

At least that's the picture I have of the situation.
I was dabbling a bit in Islam last night....funny how similar it is to the bible but with just different prophets folks choose to follow. For christians..it is Jesus. For muslims...it is Muhammad. Both books acknowledge noah, abraham, jesus and someone else but I forget now.

I was a bit amazed at the beliefs of muslims...because of that similarity. However, quite a few don't seem to be practicing what Muhammad said. Like, you get to paradise and God via good deeds, kindness, love, gentleness with animals, etc etc etc. Sound familiar?
So...speaking for myself...I think both religions have some probs with translations and perceivement over all these many years since their existence...and those who act AGAINST those teachings instead of following them.

(I decided to maybe finish with Genesis but the more I got into it it, the more I scratched my head. Much didn't make sense to me and made me question. And I damn sure do not want to question God. He is God.

You can ask God lol...ask him for insight, and use the gifts he has given you to research the information you are puzzled by.
Christianity is confusing. God loves US, he created US, then allowed us to "sin" which lead to him impregnate a human with his own seed to bring forth himself only to be killed to prove if you believe in this whole process, you will gain access to eternity you never asked to be born into. Did I get this right?
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Christianity is confusing. God loves US, he created US, then allowed us to "sin" which lead to him impregnate a human with his own seed to bring forth himself only to be killed to prove if you believe in this whole process, you will gain access to eternity you never asked to be born into. Did I get this right?

That's why we Muslims don't believe that our sins are forgiven. You have to earn Paradise. We don't believe in salvation and the love thing seems like a modern Christian invention. It's their way of bringing people towards Christianity. It doesn't really have anything to do with it though.
Christianity is confusing. God loves US, he created US, then allowed us to "sin" which lead to him impregnate a human with his own seed to bring forth himself only to be killed to prove if you believe in this whole process, you will gain access to eternity you never asked to be born into. Did I get this right?

That's why we Muslims don't believe that our sins are forgiven. You have to earn Paradise. We don't believe in salvation and the love thing seems like a modern Christian invention. It's their way of bringing people towards Christianity. It doesn't really have anything to do with it though.
Organized mass religion is all the same hoodoo . It's all mysticism. Islam isn't any better than judaism or christianity. They all deserve a modicum of respect. But I think we have grown up and moved passed a glorified form of Santa. Sorry.
Christianity is confusing. God loves US, he created US, then allowed us to "sin" which lead to him impregnate a human with his own seed to bring forth himself only to be killed to prove if you believe in this whole process, you will gain access to eternity you never asked to be born into. Did I get this right?

That's why we Muslims don't believe that our sins are forgiven. You have to earn Paradise. We don't believe in salvation and the love thing seems like a modern Christian invention. It's their way of bringing people towards Christianity. It doesn't really have anything to do with it though.
Organized mass religion is all the same hoodoo . It's all mysticism. Islam isn't any better than judaism or christianity. They all deserve a modicum of respect. But I think we have grown up and moved passed a glorified form of Santa. Sorry.

That's your opinion, although I didn't ask you to observe any of those religions. Are you an agnostic?
I don't like organized religion, myself. Yet, if one listens carefully, understanding might be found but it seems like a big chore and not many people find "enlightenment" due to the conflicts all around.

Irish...Islam caught my eye because I was surprised to find myself nodding to some of what they believe in. Not all. SOME. And comparing them to the differences in their quran vs the bible is like comparing christianity with pagan stories adopted and encorporated into the bible itself...you know...pagan roots.

Everyting gets all messed up, switched around, mis translated, etc. Which is why I follow no one particular faith or belief. None of it makes sense and it isn't because of God. It is because of those who say they speak FOR him. That is what I mistrust.
Why would Jesus tell the woman that was caught in the act of adultery that He wouldn't condemn her for her sin, but He's going to judge us for ours? That doesn't make sense.

How does that work. If you have done more good than bad here, are you graded on a curve? Or does a C or above get to stay, D's and F's go to Hell?
And If our sins are judged when we get there, what in the world was the Son of God doing hanging on a cross?

We are forgiven our sins as we repent them...but I also think that we are REWARDED in heaven according to how we do here. It's not so much a matter of punishment, I don't think. It's just a matter of some people will reap more rewards.

At least that's the picture I have of the situation.

Kosher, I am sorry, this is going to be lengthy, but I hope it's worth the read.

I know of at least one crown that you are in line for right now. I saw you ask for something that automatically rewards you with a crown. Crowns, because people that rule and reign, have them. And that is our destiny. But you won't keep it. You'll happily give it away. You'll lay it at His feet. :eusa_angel:
Our actions here are directly linked to our rewards and crowns/positions in God's government, that governs right here on earth during the millennial reign of Christ and beyond.

Heaven is a gift. Rewards are for our services rendered to Jesus. If you look up Bible crowns you'll see that they are for different actions on our part. As are the specific jewels in those crowns.

As for our sin, it was paid for and forgiven and removed from us, almost 2,000 years before you and I were born.
Repentance is acknowledging to ourselves and then to God, that we just did something that grieved our Father, and although God has already put it behind His back, letting Him know that we are sorry brings us closer to Him. God called King David, (the murderer), the apple of His eye, because of David's repentant heart. David's sins grieved David because David knew they impacted the God he loved so much.
For us it's sorrow for our part in the cross. That Jesus had to do that for us.

We began on this earth bathed in light. It was the Shekinah glory/light of God. Adam and Eve got it by walking next to Him in the garden. Adam knew from a mile away that Eve was naked. Her light was gone, and she was ashamed. The same light enveloped Moses after being with God on the mountain. Christ glowed in His glorified human body when He returned to earth for 40 days.
Jesus took us back to that light. Hating the sins we have and will commit, and vocalizing that message to God, returns us to that glory. Re pent means to return to the highest level.

But hating sin and having it are 2 different things. We traded places with Christ. He died in our sin that we may live in His glory. Before you were born, you glowed. And when Abba looks at you, you still glow, unless you have made a conscious decision to not accept Christ's gift. Then you are naked, and vulnerable.

The reason I asked those questions you quoted was because, there was no reason to condemn the adulterer, for something Jesus was about to pay the price for anyway.
And there is no curve. There is no sin left to us to account for later.

1John 1:7 The blood of Jesus Christ cleanseth us from ALL sin.
And He has no intention of doing it again, or lessening what He already did by letting our sins be judged twice. No double jeopardy in Heaven.
It is finished.

You can't be judged on sin, (once you realize your committing it) by telling Jesus, "Ok, I've got it from here, I'll take care of these ones by going directly to God for forgiveness." And why would you want that responsibility? What if you miss one?

The Bema Judgement is the only judgement we are in store for. If we are at the Bema judgement, we've already made it to Heaven, and sin can't reside there, sooo step up and see how much of your service to the Lord was done for your own ego, and how much was done to show the love of Christ. And get your crowns, jewelry, mansions, pets, gold, frankincense, and myrrh. :eusa_angel:
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Christianity is confusing. God loves US, he created US, then allowed us to "sin" which lead to him impregnate a human with his own seed to bring forth himself only to be killed to prove if you believe in this whole process, you will gain access to eternity you never asked to be born into. Did I get this right?

Not quite.

God and Satan are in a power struggle.
God creates Adam and gives him authority over earth.
Satan wants that power and targets Adam's wife.
Satan tricks Eve and to stay with Eve, Adam gives up authority.
Satan takes Adam's authority.
Sin has now entered human blood like a septic virus.
The result is death in sin.
Satan demands God remain 100% just.
Just rule: Sin separates God from children.
Just rule: No sin allowed to reside in Heaven
God does an end around, and supplies a blood transfusion.
Recipients sit at God's table in Heaven.
Touchdown...... :eusa_angel:
Christianity is confusing. God loves US, he created US, then allowed us to "sin" which lead to him impregnate a human with his own seed to bring forth himself only to be killed to prove if you believe in this whole process, you will gain access to eternity you never asked to be born into. Did I get this right?

That's why we Muslims don't believe that our sins are forgiven. You have to earn Paradise. We don't believe in salvation and the love thing seems like a modern Christian invention. It's their way of bringing people towards Christianity. It doesn't really have anything to do with it though.

Yes Islam is very simple. You earn Paradise by killing everyone that doesn't agree with you. No love is correct. Not for wives, daughters, neighbors, or each other.
Nor will you find compassion, mercy, forgiveness, sanctuary, or salvation.

The love thing is a Jewish carpenter taking my place on the cross. :eusa_angel:

If God is the Almighty..how can He have a power struggle with another being? Or rather, allow the other being to have the same power?

See? Confusing.

I am looking at Islam like I look at Judaism, paganism, buddhism, etc. Not who said this or that for someone else...but rather the INTENT of the words said. Before humans screwed it all up.

That probably didn't make sense. Suffice it to say...on my weird strange path...I drag God and Jesus with me, so no fears there, Irish.
Christianity is confusing. God loves US, he created US, then allowed us to "sin" which lead to him impregnate a human with his own seed to bring forth himself only to be killed to prove if you believe in this whole process, you will gain access to eternity you never asked to be born into. Did I get this right?

That's why we Muslims don't believe that our sins are forgiven. You have to earn Paradise. We don't believe in salvation and the love thing seems like a modern Christian invention. It's their way of bringing people towards Christianity. It doesn't really have anything to do with it though.

Yes Islam is very simple. You earn Paradise by killing everyone that doesn't agree with you. No love is correct. Not for wives, daughters, neighbors, or each other.
Nor will you find compassion, mercy, forgiveness, sanctuary, or salvation.

The love thing is a Jewish carpenter taking my place on the cross. :eusa_angel:

Keep your assertions to yourself....:cuckoo:

If God is the Almighty..how can He have a power struggle with another being? Or rather, allow the other being to have the same power?

See? Confusing.

I am looking at Islam like I look at Judaism, paganism, buddhism, etc. Not who said this or that for someone else...but rather the INTENT of the words said. Before humans screwed it all up.

That probably didn't make sense. Suffice it to say...on my weird strange path...I drag God and Jesus with me, so no fears there, Irish.


I don't think God's power is hampered by us...but we humans do struggle against him.

If God is the Almighty..how can He have a power struggle with another being? Or rather, allow the other being to have the same power?

God is the Almighty because of the struggle against evil and the absolute victory attained by the present Deity - Satan the evil is dead and there is nowhere in the Everlasting as Hell.

the same struggle is within each person - the same absolute victory over evil is the price for admittance to the OuterWorld of the Everlasting - if so desired within the time frame of the physiological presence innerworld, as otherwise the individual will perish.

thoughts from the Garden.
Satan is a spirit. Spirits are immortal. Which is why there is a hell. An inescapable residence for Lucifer and his demons. Evil is alive and well at present and roaming the earth. Jesus removes it from the earth at the White Throne Judgement.
Satan is a spirit. Spirits are immortal. Which is why there is a hell. An inescapable residence for Lucifer and his demons. Evil is alive and well at present and roaming the earth. Jesus removes it from the earth at the White Throne Judgement.

Satan is not a spirit - Satan is dead ...

the (knowledge of) Satan and per those tendencies, evil is what the Deity will not allow and must be removed by each individual as the goal to accomplish Remittance ... in ones lifetime.
So, do Christians believe their sins are judged when they go to Heaven?

:eusa_eh: Wouldn't that question best be posed to Chrisitans as individuals?

What a Monkey believes is pretty personal... I don't reckon all the Christian Monkeys agree on the process of Devine Judgement. :dunno:

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