Judith Curry on AGW effort failings!!!


Platinum Member
Aug 6, 2009
Not the middle of nowhere
From recent interview with Judith Curry, perhaps the leading voice in the world on climate science.

"Even if we believe the climate models, nothing that we do in terms of emissions reductions will have much of an impact on climate until the late 21st century."

"Climate science communication hasn’t been very effective in my opinion. This strategy hasn’t worked for a lot of reasons. The chief one that concerns me as a scientist is that strident advocacy and alarmism is causing the public to lose trust in scientists."

"While some of the smartest people on the planet are university professors, most of them simply don’t matter in today’s great debates."

"Drivers for the growing number of layers in the climate debate are the implications of the 21st century hiatus in warming, the growing economic realities of attempting to transition away from fossil fuels, and a growing understanding of the clash of values involved."

"Since 1998, there have been periods exceeding a decade when there has been no statistically significant warming."

".....although solar cooling is also contributing to an extent that is uncertain."

"This is in spite of the assessment of the IPCC that doesn’t find much evidence linking extreme weather events to global warming......"

The Kardashians And Climate Change Interview With Judith Curry Zero Hedge

Obviously, she does not concur with the radical alarmists in this forum on many things. Also highlights that she recognizes what the AGW climate crusaders in this forum don't: that the science is not mattering in 2014. Its not even debatable. Also, many references in this interview that indicate that there is much that is not understood.......and commentary of the almost impossible task of getting energy policy in line with the science.

Hmmm.......but if you read the material posted up by the climate obsessed alarmists in here, you realize they live on a different planet.:2up::eusa_dance::eusa_dance:
Skeptic peeps need to keep this thread up top........highly damning to the AGW nutters in this forum, they'll want it slipping off the front page but quick.........Judith Curry makes them look like the nuts they are.:50:

^ Climate "Scientists" at work
Frank.....saw this and could I be laughing any harder? Just goes to show how out of touch and how cult-like these meatheads are. They just keep going and going with this alarmist message and its like they might as well just be blowing their faces off with a 12G. Here you have the highest authority in the world on climate science stating the facts of where the reality is on this stuff yet they continue on this nutty fantasy ride. How these folks can navigate in the real world is fascinating to me......can you imagine some of the faces on the people who hang around these people socially? I would think it might be necessary to post up a "choke alert" for people eating within earshot of these people.
Poor Judith Curry has given up on actual science, and is now babbling denier nonsense full time. Apparently that pays better, and takes much less work. She's now classified as crank by the world community, and only kook denier cultists give her pseudoscience any credence. Gavin Schmidt skewers her nonsense point-by-point here.

RealClimate IPCC attribution statements redux A response to Judith Curry
Poor Judith Curry has given up on actual science, and is now babbling denier nonsense full time. Apparently that pays better, and takes much less work. She's now classified as crank by the world community, and only kook denier cultists give her pseudoscience any credence. Gavin Schmidt skewers her nonsense point-by-point here.

RealClimate IPCC attribution statements redux A response to Judith Curry
That sir/ ma'am is the greatest insult I've seen to date. Who do you think you are anyway? wow you truly are a loser. LoSiNg BIG
Poor Judith Curry has given up on actual science, and is now babbling denier nonsense full time. Apparently that pays better, and takes much less work. She's now classified as crank by the world community, and only kook denier cultists give her pseudoscience any credence. Gavin Schmidt skewers her nonsense point-by-point here.

RealClimate IPCC attribution statements redux A response to Judith Curry


Well......by far, the most respected AGW proponent on this forum is Old Rocks......doesnt have a peer.......all the rest are bomb throwing nutters.

Old Rocks referrences Judith Curry frequently, thus, making you..........an AGW zombie, better known as a climate change bomb thrower.
Frank.....saw this and could I be laughing any harder? Just goes to show how out of touch and how cult-like these meatheads are. They just keep going and going with this alarmist message and its like they might as well just be blowing their faces off with a 12G. Here you have the highest authority in the world on climate science stating the facts of where the reality is on this stuff yet they continue on this nutty fantasy ride. How these folks can navigate in the real world is fascinating to me......can you imagine some of the faces on the people who hang around these people socially? I would think it might be necessary to post up a "choke alert" for people eating within earshot of these people.

You don't have the faintest idea what that wheel is for.

And what sort of thought processes you experience lead to imagery like this: "They just keep going and going with this alarmist message and its like they might as well just be blowing their faces off with a 12G." Is that what you'd like to see Skooks? Is that your dream? I bet it is.
This interview of Curry really does highlight how off the hook k00k the AGW alarmists are on this forum. Foremost authority claims there is much we still don't know. But not to the k00ks.......to them, its 100% settled.

Not a cult? Not a religion?

Poor Judith Curry has given up on actual science, and is now babbling denier nonsense full time. Apparently that pays better, and takes much less work. She's now classified as crank by the world community, and only kook denier cultists give her pseudoscience any credence. Gavin Schmidt skewers her nonsense point-by-point here.

RealClimate IPCC attribution statements redux A response to Judith Curry

That was an excellent critique. Thanks.

Gavin's critique is to one of Curry's recent articles not the interview in the OP. Have you read it?
I have. All of her comments were based on her superiority complex and her belief in 50/50 attribution. Her comments on social media were appalling. Her contention that mainstream science is indulging in alarmist propaganda was, itself, alarmist propaganda. She spends more and more time in social media because actually doing science is hard work and she'd probably have difficulty getting her "results" past a peer review. She'd have made a good secretary to Joseph Goebbels.

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