Julian Assange: not a hero and a running coward.

Despite the efforts of some misguided trollish ignorant dip shits to praise that scum bag, Julian Assange, the reality is:

Assange was busy making decisions that were not his to make, breaking laws to do it and overtly indifferent to who could get hurt as a consequence of his illegal and unauthorized behavior.

I do hope he gets captured and that the DoJ prosecutes him to the fullest extent of the law.

i actually agree with you on that.

I used to agree with that but I've lately been modifying my opinion.

The Western security 'apparatus' (apparently led by the US) has been making decisions and taking actions that impact on our security, freedoms and privacy with little to no oversight or accountability.
They have chosen to conduct US foreign and domestic policy in secret without the mandate that should be required in democratic countries...there's no other way for this to be brought to the attention of the people affected by these policies - all of us.

The organisations that are conducting these clandestine policies are also responsible for putting people in harms way when the information becomes public.
Assange's party is entering the New South Wales Senate Race and apparently if you want to get elected you have to come to a deal with other parties. Many would have thought that Assange would head towards the Greens and other left wingers, because, after all WikiLeaks candidates in NSW include human rights activist Kellie Tranter. However Assange has surprised everyone by throwing in his lot with the far right. These parties include the Shooters and Fishers Party and the white nationalist Australia First Party who are the sworn enemies of the left. Australia First's policies include reducing and limiting immigration and ''abolishing multiculturalism''. Its leader is Jim Saleam, is a former neo-Nazi who was convicted in the late 1980s of organising a shotgun attack on the home of an Australian representative of the African National Congress. To make matters worse, Assange's party said that it wanted to support the left but made an "administrative error" and backed the right instead, which does not bode well for its competence.

Assange takes a right wing stance - Neo-nazis, gun nuts are friends of Wikileaks Party | TechEye
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Assange's party is entering the New South Wales Senate Race and apparently if you want to get elected you have to come to a deal with other parties. Many would have thought that Assange would head towards the Greens and other left wingers, because, after all WikiLeaks candidates in NSW include human rights activist Kellie Tranter. However Assange has surprised everyone by throwing in his lot with the far right. These parties include the Shooters and Fishers Party and the white nationalist Australia First Party who are the sworn enemies of the left. Australia First's policies include reducing and limiting immigration and ''abolishing multiculturalism''. Its leader is Jim Saleam, is a former neo-Nazi who was convicted in the late 1980s of organising a shotgun attack on the home of an Australian representative of the African National Congress. To make matters worse, Assange's party said that it wanted to support the left but made an "administrative error" and backed the right instead, which does not bode well for its competence.

Assange takes a right wing stance - Neo-nazis, gun nuts are friends of Wikileaks Party | TechEye

If he gets in will that give him diplomatic immunity so that he can go out the front door at last?
Julian Assange releasing secrets on 50 nations, says anyone can visit his website and view 8,000,000 secret documents. The hypocrite, accused of rape in Sweden, is saying really nice things about Ecuador. He doesn't care if releasing state secrets gets millions of people killed in a nuclear war or not. I'm sure he has a lot of America-haters following his every release. :rolleyes:

I think a smug Ecuador should be put on notice the first nuke could fall on them. :muahaha:

Assange releasing files on 50 countries
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Whole wikileaks Assange thing reminds me of a bit from "Wargames"

Broderick's character, girlfriend, and two of his geek buddies are talking:

Lightman: How do I get int here? I wanna play those games!

Fat Geek: You might try looking for a backdoor.

Lightman: What's a backdoor?

Fat geek: Whenever I design a system I always leave myself a way back in no matter what security they add on top of it.

Skinny Geek interupts: Jim! That girl standing over there and you're telling him about our secret backdoors?

Fat Geeks: Backdoors are not secrets!

Skinny Geek: Ya but you're giving away all our best tricks!

The people have a right to have their classified information remain classified without unilateral decisions about that being made by unauthorized shit-holes like Assange.

The people have a right to have their classified information remain classified without unilateral decisions about that being made by unauthorized shit-holes like the NSA.
The people have a right to have their classified information remain classified without unilateral decisions about that being made by unauthorized shit-holes like Assange.

The people have a right to have their classified information remain classified without unilateral decisions about that being made by unauthorized shit-holes like the NSA.

If and when and to the extent that the NSA acts illegally, you would be correct.

But simply assuming that their behaviors "are" unauthorized is fucking dumb of you.
If and when and to the extent that the NSA acts illegally, you would be correct.

But simply assuming that their behaviors "are" unauthorized is fucking dumb of you.

The problem with that line of thought is : and who checks on them ?
They have acquired the discretionary power to destroy the life of any political candidate in the world. And no one will know it was them. There is no institution which will oversee the information they gather is used in an ethical way.
Of course he's not a "hero." For releasing classified information that he stole? That's what we call a "hero" now? :rolleyes-41: Sounds kind of like a traitor to me.
Disclosing classified information was against his signed assurance of not doing so, the law, and ethicals. So he should be awarded a medal for bringing important things to public attention, then shot. :)
Disclosing classified information was against his signed assurance of not doing so, the law, and ethicals. So he should be awarded a medal for bringing important things to public attention, then shot. :)
Assange never signed anything assuring the U.S. government of anything, and he didn't break the law. He published information that was leaked to him by Chelsea Manning. Journalists publish classified information all the time, and it's not frowned upon by the government when it makes them look good. Only when it reveals their illegal and/or immoral activities do they get upset about it. You'll note that the Obama administration couldn't wait to leak classified information regarding the Osama bin-Laden raid, but I haven't heard about any of them sitting in the cell next to Manning.
Assange really didn't do anything wrong. But using the clear text names of US operatives and foreign nationals that helped the US was reprehensible. He could have gotten lots of people killed.

That's why responsible news agencies do internal editing when they get these sorts of materials.

That's actually a large part of why Assange REALLY DID do "something wrong."
I think you are replying to multiple personalities posting in the same sentence.
Disclosing classified information was against his signed assurance of not doing so, the law, and ethicals. So he should be awarded a medal for bringing important things to public attention, then shot. :)
Assange never signed anything assuring the U.S. government of anything, and he didn't break the law. He published information that was leaked to him by Chelsea Manning. Journalists publish classified information all the time, and it's not frowned upon by the government when it makes them look good. Only when it reveals their illegal and/or immoral activities do they get upset about it. You'll note that the Obama administration couldn't wait to leak classified information regarding the Osama bin-Laden raid, but I haven't heard about any of them sitting in the cell next to Manning.

You're right, was thinking of Manning. My mistake.

Assange should be shot for revealing classified material. Just because a truck hits a bump and spills its cargo doesn't mean it's lawful for you to go pick it up.
Disclosing classified information was against his signed assurance of not doing so, the law, and ethicals. So he should be awarded a medal for bringing important things to public attention, then shot. :)
Assange never signed anything assuring the U.S. government of anything, and he didn't break the law. He published information that was leaked to him by Chelsea Manning. Journalists publish classified information all the time, and it's not frowned upon by the government when it makes them look good. Only when it reveals their illegal and/or immoral activities do they get upset about it. You'll note that the Obama administration couldn't wait to leak classified information regarding the Osama bin-Laden raid, but I haven't heard about any of them sitting in the cell next to Manning.

You're right, was thinking of Manning. My mistake.

Assange should be shot for revealing classified material. Just because a truck hits a bump and spills its cargo doesn't mean it's lawful for you to go pick it up.

I remember a time a truck load of whole fryer chickens wrecked near here.

People lined up to load up, and the sheriff monitored the traffic.

Otherwise they would have all spoiled and had to be disposed of.

I doubt they would have let the public clean up a truckload of computers though.

Anyway, off topic, but, thanks for bringing back a pleasant old memory.
Disclosing classified information was against his signed assurance of not doing so, the law, and ethicals. So he should be awarded a medal for bringing important things to public attention, then shot. :)
Assange never signed anything assuring the U.S. government of anything, and he didn't break the law. He published information that was leaked to him by Chelsea Manning. Journalists publish classified information all the time, and it's not frowned upon by the government when it makes them look good. Only when it reveals their illegal and/or immoral activities do they get upset about it. You'll note that the Obama administration couldn't wait to leak classified information regarding the Osama bin-Laden raid, but I haven't heard about any of them sitting in the cell next to Manning.

You're right, was thinking of Manning. My mistake.

Assange should be shot for revealing classified material. Just because a truck hits a bump and spills its cargo doesn't mean it's lawful for you to go pick it up.
Completely ignored the rest of my post about how it's not illegal for journalists to publish classified materials, and how the government, especially under Obama, is very exclusive in which journalists are persecuted based on how the leaks makes them look in the public eye.
Disclosing classified information was against his signed assurance of not doing so, the law, and ethicals. So he should be awarded a medal for bringing important things to public attention, then shot. :)
And then the same treatment should be applied to al the politicians who massively violated the fourth amendment.
Disclosing classified information was against his signed assurance of not doing so, the law, and ethicals. So he should be awarded a medal for bringing important things to public attention, then shot. :)
Assange never signed anything assuring the U.S. government of anything, and he didn't break the law. He published information that was leaked to him by Chelsea Manning. Journalists publish classified information all the time, and it's not frowned upon by the government when it makes them look good. Only when it reveals their illegal and/or immoral activities do they get upset about it. You'll note that the Obama administration couldn't wait to leak classified information regarding the Osama bin-Laden raid, but I haven't heard about any of them sitting in the cell next to Manning.

You're right, was thinking of Manning. My mistake.

Assange should be shot for revealing classified material. Just because a truck hits a bump and spills its cargo doesn't mean it's lawful for you to go pick it up.

I don't think he should be shot, as I don't believe in the DP, but he is definitely a traitor and has no integrity.
Wikileaks exposed the global warming fraudsters/liars/idiots who were posing as "scientists" when the general public didn't know they were being scammed. The climategate e-mails that were leaked affirmed what us real climate scientists were saying for years but never quite expressed it in such stark terms that were understandable to the layman.

Kudos to wikileaks for that.
In the end, we should all be far less concerned with spilling state secrets , and far more concerned with the creep of fascism... When did we get so flag-drunk that we condemn the messenger, and ignore the injustice being hidden? Just as a matter of degree/proportion, your outrage over Assange and free pass to torture (among other unethical acts) is kind of embarrassing.

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