June 2019 USMB Dem Primary Poll

Which Dem would you vote for today?

  • The Bern

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • Krazy Kamala Harris

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • Beto

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • Mayor Pete

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • Klobuchar

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • Julian Castro

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • Booker

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • de Blasio

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • Hickenlooper

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • Gillenbrand

    Votes: 0 0.0%

  • Total voters
  • Poll closed .
I have 3-1 odds Biden doesn't make it to the starting gate because of a prior appointment with

The only one in that list I would even consider is Yang and he has no chance anyway
The only one in that list I would even consider is Yang and he has no chance anyway

Yang is definitely the most intelligent of anybody running. I think he would run circles around all the others, including Trump, if he makes it to the debates.
Let's see what our poll looks like today, and how it will change by Feb....
I picked biden, I considered hickenblooper cuz I wanna meet his mom but figured I'll have to settle for reading one of her letters to penthouse instead.
I predict most Democrats will vote for Biden in the end. He's the safe pick. Just keep him away from the chicks, and he could sail through 4-8 years relatively scandal free.
I think Yang could do better than people expect in the primaries.Most of the others rose very quickly in popularity, but fizzled and died pretty quickly. Yang has yet to really rise. I think he'll be kinda like a Ron Paul who actually sticks it out longer than most despite no chance of winning.
The first candidate to put on Harry Hay's "NAMBLA Walks WIth Me" sandwich board and walks around the convention hall will win by a landslide.
The only one worth paying attention to is Tulsi Gabbard, and they are doing everything they can to keep her down...she scares the establishment
Yes, it' time to run around spouting names nobody is going to vote for as if they matter. All we need to know is which Dem candidate Goldman Sachs is going to sponsor so the drones can start parroting what ever name they back.
Wall Street Democrats Are Absolutely Freaking Out About Their 2020 Candidates

Apparently Kamala Harris is a major Wall Street suck up. lol

Now Biden has his team, O’Rourke his, and Harris hers — with power bases in California and New York. If you were one of the 100 campaign bundlers who’d attended Harris’s private New York City finance kickoff earlier this year, her team presented you with an ask: to commit to raise $27,000 each in the first quarter of the year. But when the quarter ended, you also saw the team’s publicly shared numbers; of the $12 million she raised, more than half came from online sources, where her average contribution was $28. Those figures reinforce the lesson of Sanders’s kickoff and O’Rourke’s $6.1 million day one: Big in-person fund-raising events have, in many cases, gone out of style, and many big-money donors are still playing wait-and-see. Others have pushed Michael Bennet, the senator from Colorado, and Mitch Landrieu, the former mayor of New Orleans, to enter the race. Earlier this year, 105 of the party’s most in-demand donors convened in south Florida for a private retreat to consider their next investments. Veteran Democratic strategist James Carville addressed the group over dinner and asked who among them had committed to a presidential candidate. Just four hands went up.

But on a recent morning in Manhattan, a handful of Wall Street’s Democratic power brokers got to chatting after a breakfast fund-raiser for a congressman. The topic was unavoidable: In recent weeks, a new name had entered the fold. Now, as the donors spoke, more news trickled out. A growing array of influential bundlers in the finance world had made their choice to support the new entrant, even though many had planned to stay neutral far longer. Hedge-fund manager Orin Kramer, for one, was onboard after meeting the candidate in person a few weeks earlier. David Jacobson, the onetime ambassador to Canada who is now a BMO vice-chairman — and who helped organize the auditions in February — was too. And Steve Elmendorf, a D.C. lobbyist who has worked closely with Wall Street leaders for years, made his choice. He even changed the background of his Facebook page to match the moment: It’s now a wide shot of a large crowd looking up at a stage with a massive PETE 2020 sign staring back.

Like I said, the most pedo-friendly candidate will get the money and thus the nod when it comes to Democrats. They are the spiritual leaders of the Party ideology now, their heart and soul.
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Yes, it' time to run around spouting names nobody is going to vote for as if they matter. All we need to know is which Dem candidate Goldman Sachs is going to sponsor so the drones can start parroting what ever name they back.

Goldman Sachs Says Trump Favored In 2020 Election

But they gave Hillary the most money; her war chest was over a billion dollars, far far larger than Trump's, and they want Trump out and a fellow deviant sociopath in. You should run yourself.
I would vote for the donkey before I'd vote for any of the clowns.
Yes, it' time to run around spouting names nobody is going to vote for as if they matter. All we need to know is which Dem candidate Goldman Sachs is going to sponsor so the drones can start parroting what ever name they back.

Goldman Sachs Says Trump Favored In 2020 Election

But they gave Hillary the most money; her war chest was over a billion dollars, far far larger than Trump's, and they want Trump out and a fellow deviant sociopath in. You should run yourself.

But some of the first people Trump appointed to his cabinet had deep ties to Goldman Sachs. One of them was the FUCKING CEO!!!
I've changed my mind. I've voting for the Dumpster.


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