June 2019 USMB Dem Primary Poll

Which Dem would you vote for today?

  • The Bern

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • Krazy Kamala Harris

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • Beto

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • Mayor Pete

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • Klobuchar

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • Julian Castro

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • Booker

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • de Blasio

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • Hickenlooper

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • Gillenbrand

    Votes: 0 0.0%

  • Total voters
  • Poll closed .
I thought all you socialists got a good tingle down your leg for this lady... I don't know that much about her but I'd bet the farm she could eat an ear of sweet corn through a picket fence...

Kamala Harris will be there is some form. Either VP or main candidate. She has been preordained by Obama and the machine

There is no Democrat worthy of my consideration in this time, on this planet.
I would not vote for any one on your list. I would vote for a former Democrat however, a man who makes a plan and sticks to it. His name is President Donald Trump.

Not one of the others would support American workers because they would take the money, spend and run away to some high-falutin' resort in a foreign country that does not pay US Taxes.
I predict most Democrats will vote for Biden in the end. He's the safe pick. Just keep him away from the chicks, and he could sail through 4-8 years relatively scandal free.
He's in the deep state up to his cute little chin, and he approves of the system that thinks the village (state) should take care of your kids, not the parents. He also wants his party to keep on killing a million or more unborn Americans per year.
With Democrats now running off all the prolifers and Christians from their ranks, I couldn't vote for an atheist. Today's atheist is an entitlement elitist. I pray for those I vote for. From what I've seen here, some Democrats take deep umbrage at being prayed for. I believe the Founders based the constitution on what they felt Christians (who'd spent centuries being discriminated against, killed or tortured for their beliefs) deserved to have as being free men and women. I didn't feel this way when Democrats weren't so extreme in their views to the point of socially ostracizing good people.
aaronleland said:
...and he could sail through 4-8 years relatively scandal free.
Oh, Yeah...
Ol' Elmer Fudd Would Be A GREAT President !!
He'll Pick War Criminal Kerry As His Vice
With the Dems All In Big Smear Campaign completely dead in the water and new investigations into Democrats' Party treason and many indies tiring of having truly sick deviancies forced on their children by infantile lunatics, Trump has little to worry about from Dems. Most of his problems now are within the GOP and the traitors and sociopaths in the RNC.

At the moment he is beating Trump in Texas...

Joe Biden Leads President Trump by Four Points in Texas | National Review

So when this comes up the GOP discover they got no cover and will let him get impeached post primary and save there own asses... Senate is 6 years long and that is a long time to forget and the real shit to come out about Trump...

Hey teddy... Wanna buy some magic beans?


Yes, it's hilarious ow these loons still think anybody believes their polls.
I'm still predicting that the eventual winner will be someone currently under 5% in the polls.

Yang certainly qualifies there.

Economist poll yesterday dumped "low IQ" Biden to 27%. He's "melting" almost as fast as Hillary did in the final 8 weeks...


With 100% certainty, I can predict the Dem nominee will NOT BE

1. Joe Biden
2. Bernie Sanders
3. Pocahontas
4. Kamala Harris
If Gabbard is nominee (she won't be) I would consider voting for her...I plan on voting in the democrat primary in Georgia for the most outrageous and far left candidate left....I am getting a movement going to do just that.
I predict most Democrats will vote for Biden in the end. He's the safe pick. Just keep him away from the chicks, and he could sail through 4-8 years relatively scandal free.

He just started campaigning and he's already being implicated in another plagiarism scandal--the same thing that forced him to drop out of the '88 presidential election.
Not a single vote yet for The Bern...

My oh my is he toast...

Remember the passion of his supporters four years ago.

Today, there is NO PASSION at all... all because The Bern became The Hillary BROWN NOSE after losing...
i'm on the Yang Gang. i just watched a 3 hour interview with him on the rubin report. he was tremendous!

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