June 6th, Today is D-Day

Now I know they may not be teaching the importance of D-Day in the schools anymore, but

today marks the anniversary of the Allied invasion of Normandy. American soldiers stormed

the beach under heavy fire and many did not make it.

My uncle did make it back, but sometimes when he fell asleep in the living room La-Z-Boy, he'd have really bad nightmares and be right back there.

D-Day marks the beginning of the end of the Nazis, Fascists, and Imperial Japan.

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How vile can a poster be? This vile. Insulting soldiers who fought and died on June 6, 1944, and use the day to remember to promote a nut job conspiracy theory based solely on ignorance.

Facts actually snowflake. International Jewry attacked Germany because Adolf Hitler took Germany OUT of the International Jewish Banking system..aka JEWS could no longer control Germany.
Everyone should somehow have an opportunity to visit the beaches and cemeteries and memorials in Normandy. I can't adequately describe my feelings from two visits, other than I hope to go back again.

Bless all our brave boys and those of our allies from that day. A terrible place to die but a beautiful resting place.

I'd like to do that sometime!
Hope you're able to do it. An incredible experience is all I can say.

Also, the initial visit to Pearl Harbor will put a chill in your spine.

The two most sobering moments of my life, Pearl Harbor and Dachau

I was stationed in Munich in '58-'60. SACOM had a Quartermaster laundry at Dachau. I would pay a guy $25.00 to take my place on laundry detail. I only made $78.00 a month. We could smell the stench all the way to our barracks in Munich when the wind was right. I always asked Holocaust deniers what in hell caused that stench. It sure wasn't marshmallows.

Why would you use a thread honoring this nation's sons and daughters to promote your hatred?

Knock it off
He is the worst kind of jerk and asshole. People here at USMN should take note and remember what kind of a low life scum bag this person is.
With all due respect to those who fought on D-Day, for my money the Nazis were doomed following the battle of Kursk on the eastern front. Many don't realize that as many as 8 of 11 casualties suffered by German forces in WWII were at the hands of the Soviets. Again, I mean no disrespect to those on the western battlefields but I think in the west we overlook the eastern war.
Odium, its time for you to get an education about the Weimar Republic. Go to the library and learn something.
Everyone should somehow have an opportunity to visit the beaches and cemeteries and memorials in Normandy. I can't adequately describe my feelings from two visits, other than I hope to go back again.

Bless all our brave boys and those of our allies from that day. A terrible place to die but a beautiful resting place.

I'd like to do that sometime!
Hope you're able to do it. An incredible experience is all I can say.

Also, the initial visit to Pearl Harbor will put a chill in your spine.

The two most sobering moments of my life, Pearl Harbor and Dachau

I was stationed in Munich in '58-'60. SACOM had a Quartermaster laundry at Dachau. I would pay a guy $25.00 to take my place on laundry detail. I only made $78.00 a month. We could smell the stench all the way to our barracks in Munich when the wind was right. I always asked Holocaust deniers what in hell caused that stench. It sure wasn't marshmallows.

The tour I was on people were silent as the guide told us about what happened. I'll take our children someday, everyone should tour it or another one.

Why would you use a thread honoring this nation's sons and daughters to promote your hatred?

Knock it off
He is the worst kind of jerk and asshole. People here at USMN should take note and remember what kind of a low life scum bag this person is.
The righteous are always attacked...its nothing new in my life. You must not pay much attention since I been here for 2 years already.

Why would you use a thread honoring this nation's sons and daughters to promote your hatred?

Knock it off
He is the worst kind of jerk and asshole. People here at USMN should take note and remember what kind of a low life scum bag this person is.
The righteous are always attacked...its nothing new in my life. You must not pay much attention since I been here for 2 years already.
Asshole thinks he is righteous and proclaims it on a public message board. Stupid fuck gives out funny faces to his critics. Probably doesn't know he is boosting their ratings. That is what a dumb ass he is.

Why would you use a thread honoring this nation's sons and daughters to promote your hatred?

Knock it off
He is the worst kind of jerk and asshole. People here at USMN should take note and remember what kind of a low life scum bag this person is.
The righteous are always attacked...its nothing new in my life. You must not pay much attention since I been here for 2 years already.
Asshole thinks he is righteous and proclaims it on a public message board. Stupid fuck gives out funny faces to his critics. Probably doesn't know he is boosting their ratings. That is what a dumb ass he is.
Oh I know what I am doing....its hilarious....Its hard to take zionist lovers seriously so they get a funny rating....because there is no wow you are stupid rating :D
Now I know they may not be teaching the importance of D-Day in the schools anymore, but

today marks the anniversary of the Allied invasion of Normandy. American soldiers stormed

the beach under heavy fire and many did not make it.

My uncle did make it back, but sometimes when he fell asleep in the living room La-Z-Boy, he'd have really bad nightmares and be right back there.

D-Day marks the beginning of the end of the Nazis, Fascists, and Imperial Japan.

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You are one fucked up individual.
I'd like to do that sometime!
Hope you're able to do it. An incredible experience is all I can say.

Also, the initial visit to Pearl Harbor will put a chill in your spine.

The two most sobering moments of my life, Pearl Harbor and Dachau

I was stationed in Munich in '58-'60. SACOM had a Quartermaster laundry at Dachau. I would pay a guy $25.00 to take my place on laundry detail. I only made $78.00 a month. We could smell the stench all the way to our barracks in Munich when the wind was right. I always asked Holocaust deniers what in hell caused that stench. It sure wasn't marshmallows.

The tour I was on people were silent as the guide told us about what happened. I'll take our children someday, everyone should tour it or another one.
First time I visited I stood looking down at the huge expanse of beach the boys had to traverse and wondering how awful it must have been with artillery, machine gun and rifle fire, grenades and God knows what else raining down on them as they tried to get to what little safety existed below the bunkers where it was harder to get a clean shot at them.

Next time I went it was after having seen Saving Private Ryan, the movie I've heard and read was the closest depiction Hollywood has produced about that horrible beach assault. With those movie images in my mind it was much more difficult looking down there, and after just a short time turned and walked away because I honestly thought my knees were gonna give out and I'd end up on the ground. It was a very weird experience but in a strange way I'm sort of glad I felt the way I did.

I do hope to go back again but I've had my full of standing where I did both those times and thinking about what went on down there. There's plenty other things to see and think about, like the sea of white crosses and Stars of David that seem to stretch forever. Those sights are still grim but in a more peaceful or something way to me.

Thank God and bless the Greatest Generation.
Looks like I was off on who the biggest white racist is here. :uhoh3:

Really? Crapping on good men who sacrificed everything just to push a crackpot theory? :cuckoo:
Now I know they may not be teaching the importance of D-Day in the schools anymore, but

today marks the anniversary of the Allied invasion of Normandy. American soldiers stormed

the beach under heavy fire and many did not make it.

My uncle did make it back, but sometimes when he fell asleep in the living room La-Z-Boy, he'd have really bad nightmares and be right back there.

D-Day marks the beginning of the end of the Nazis, Fascists, and Imperial Japan.

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Piece o' shit you be...

Why would you use a thread honoring this nation's sons and daughters to promote your hatred?

Knock it off
Kiss my ass and learn the truth ziocon. Don't like the truth? TOUGH!

I know the truth...it's you that seems confused.

There are other avenues to spew your venom, a thread honoring those that braved the beaches of Normandy isn't it
No you know what propaganda you have been brainwashed to believe. You don't know ANY truth or facts.
Patton did say we fought the wrong side.

Indeed he did,he was assassinated for it.
Today is instructive......or should be. Thousands of American GI's died on those beaches that day because we had too many fairy limpwristers running things in the 1930's. We are seeing this same crap happening in recent years and we are watching whole cultures disappear in places like France and Great Britain. What a shame.......can you imagine if those who died ever knew that the mofu's let their countries be invaded again in less than 75 years.
Ike's letter if things went bad.
CDR Salamander: Failure is Always an Option
"Our landings in the Cherbourg-Havre area have failed to gain a satisfactory foothold and I have withdrawn the troops. My decision to attack at this time and place was based upon the best information available. The troops, the air and the Navy did all that Bravery and devotion to duty could do. If any blame or fault attaches to the attempt it is mine alone."

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