June is “Pride” month

Gay is not a race, so why is there?
I visited the city today and had an openly gay man clearly checking me out.

He has good taste.
Well sure he does.

I never understood women who feigned being offended by people, straight or gay, checking them out. I mean why in the world do women select their wardrobe meticulously--even their underwear--shave their armpits and legs, carefully put on makeup, get their hair and nails done, wear costly perfume, strict diets if they put on a few pounts, etc., spend hours on the road or in the gym if it isn't to look good to others?

And why in the world would a person be offended if she does all that and somebody appreciates the effort enough to check her out or somebody, even a co-worker, asks her for a date? She can't say thanks but no as women have done for generations? Is that really grounds to report the poor guy for sexual harrassment? And is somebody who bends over backwards to be attractive to the opposite sex really offended or made uncomfortable when somebody responds to that?

But I do agree with the premise of the OP. If I wanted a month to honor some accomplishment or attribute of mine, it sure wouldn't be sexual orientation or gender identification.
Because you are more concerned about what the gay community is doing than what you are doing.

It's not healthy.
what Exactly is the “gay community” doing? Transitioning kids?

Anyway, the “gay community” is too exclusionary. What are you living in the 1980s? Now the ”gay community” includes a rainbow of people who aren’t gay. People of color share space on the pride flag. Stop marginalizing minorities by ignoring their existence.

Anyway, like “women”, “gay” people don’t really exist in any meaningful way any more. It’s just a subjective reality.

“Like everyone else, transgender people have a sexual orientation. Transgender people may be straight, lesbian, gay, bisexual, or queer. For example, a person who transitions from male to female and is attracted solely to men would typically identify as a straight woman. A person who transitions from female to male and is attracted solely to men would typically identify as a gay man.”

Transgender FAQ | GLAAD

So, please try to be respectful this Pride month and not exclude people of color and transgender people with your use of outdated and insensitive language.
And if you don’t care about gay pride month you can completely ignore it and go about your business as if it never existed.

But you obviously care about it. You seem to care about it an awful lot for some reason….
They should have just done it this month, that way Mental Illness Awareness Month and pride month could be observed at the same time.

Mental Health Awareness Month, observed every May, highlights the importance of open discussions about mental health.
They should have just done it this month, that way Mental Illness Awareness Month and pride month could be observed at the same time.

Mental Health Awareness Month, observed every May, highlights the importance of open discussions about mental health.
as it should be

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