Juror speaks: Trayvon threw first punch

smacking my head--

'if this juror's husband is an attorney then she must have lied that she didn't know a lot about this case'

and more

I read an entire thread and waited for someone to report that she has now decided not to write a book.

could also decide later to do this--if she doesn't someone will

Coincidentally a film was just released that parallels this case, 'Fruitvale Station'--an incident in San Francisco involving a transit cop. Oscar buzz.


Now that we have that settled--that is another weight off my mind.

None of this was any surprise to Michael Moore.
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If reports I've heard are correct, their first vote split 3-3, with two in favor of convicting of 2nd degree and the other of manslaughter. Whether the other 3 were all for acquittal, or one or some hung at that point I haven't heard. But what I'd really like to know about would be the discussions that ensued after the first vote. Be interesting to hear what was said and how it was said during ensuing deliberations that got them to change their minds to not guilty.
If reports I've heard are correct, their first vote split 3-3, with two in favor of convicting of 2nd degree and the other of manslaughter. Whether the other 3 were all for acquittal, or one or some hung at that point I haven't heard. But what I'd really like to know about would be the discussions that ensued after the first vote. Be interesting to hear what was said and how it was said during ensuing deliberations that got them to change their minds to not guilty.

Probably nothing too exceptional. I would imagine that is when they decided they needed a list of the evidence. She said it wasn't in any kind of order. They listened to the tapes over and over again--the video and the phone tapes. She said the Lauer tape was the most significant piece of evidence, I think.

She said it became difficult at the end --applying/interpreting Stand Your Ground and Self Defense. I'm not certain I heard this correctly--they kept asking about a 'moment of passion' to compare against all of the events from the time GZ left the truck. I loosely inferred that meant who was the aggressor?--Maybe, maybe not.

I just heard the African American population of Seminole County is 11% and 30 % for Sanford. The ethnicity of the jurors is now a topic. The Martin family attorney said they never endorsed the jury.

I never understood 'what kind of place' Sanford, FL is. Suburb of Orlando.

Just as it wouldn't be clear if this had occurred in my area. Much that isn't clear.
No TV, no radio, no newspapers, no phone calls, no contact with the outside world....you do that to 6 women captive in hotel rooms and you'll have a verdict in 2 days....I'm surprised they held out that long. :lol:

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