Jussie Smollet testifies he had cocaine-fueled gay bathhouse sex with his “attacker”

I couldn't care less about some idiots trial. I am curious how many times you've said or typed "gay bathhouse" recently. It seems to be a trending phrase with conservitards.
Yea, we like to make fun of gay lefties that do that shit.
Why are all you conservitards so fascinated with this whole "gay bathhouse" thing?

Seems kinda suspicious if ya know what I mean.
You just make sure you don't criticize the hate-crime faker. Your fellow leftists will call you racist.
Smollet is an evil human being!

He tried to start a race war in the USA on a hoax! ON A HOAX!!!!! that is disgusting ... he deserves to spend a very long time in prison!

If he doesn't' there is NO JUSTICE.
Sounds like the racist moron really buried himself on the stand.

Jussie Smollett's testimony was 'unparalleled disaster,' jury will see through 'ruse' and convict him: experts

"Smollett testifying in his own defense is one of two things, or maybe both: a narcissistic criminal defendant who is doubling down on his charged lies to law enforcement or defense attorneys who know they are way behind and are throwing a low probability Hail Mary to try to get their client off," former U.S. attorney Neama Rahmani, who is not involved with Smollett's case, told Fox News Digital.

Rahmani added: "Either way, Smollett’s story was a bizarre attempt at forcing a square peg into a round hole by offering every possible explanation for the state’s digital evidence except the most obvious one: that he is guilty. In the unlikely event he is acquitted, Smollett’s decision was a genius move. But it is far more likely that the jury sees through his ruse and Smollett is convicted. If so, the judge may sentence him to prison time for obstructing justice and perjuring himself on the witness stand."

James White, a high-powered attorney in Michigan who is also not involved in the Smollett case, echoed Rahmani's comments that the actor’s testimony was nothing more than "an unparalleled disaster." White noted that he believes Smollett not only "hurt his case" but also "went beyond and made the prosecutor’s case" in the process.

"His story is so unbelievable and in the face of the evidence that no reasonable jury is ever going to buy it," White said of Smollett’s time on the stand in which he admitted to doing drugs with Bola Osundairo and mentioned other personal anecdotes that White believes "[weren't] relevant" to Smollett’s defense.

"I think that he absolutely buried himself to the extent he wasn't already buried," White pressed.

Sounds like the racist moron really buried himself on the stand.

Jussie Smollett's testimony was 'unparalleled disaster,' jury will see through 'ruse' and convict him: experts

"Smollett testifying in his own defense is one of two things, or maybe both: a narcissistic criminal defendant who is doubling down on his charged lies to law enforcement or defense attorneys who know they are way behind and are throwing a low probability Hail Mary to try to get their client off," former U.S. attorney Neama Rahmani, who is not involved with Smollett's case, told Fox News Digital.

Rahmani added: "Either way, Smollett’s story was a bizarre attempt at forcing a square peg into a round hole by offering every possible explanation for the state’s digital evidence except the most obvious one: that he is guilty. In the unlikely event he is acquitted, Smollett’s decision was a genius move. But it is far more likely that the jury sees through his ruse and Smollett is convicted. If so, the judge may sentence him to prison time for obstructing justice and perjuring himself on the witness stand."

James White, a high-powered attorney in Michigan who is also not involved in the Smollett case, echoed Rahmani's comments that the actor’s testimony was nothing more than "an unparalleled disaster." White noted that he believes Smollett not only "hurt his case" but also "went beyond and made the prosecutor’s case" in the process.

"His story is so unbelievable and in the face of the evidence that no reasonable jury is ever going to buy it," White said of Smollett’s time on the stand in which he admitted to doing drugs with Bola Osundairo and mentioned other personal anecdotes that White believes "[weren't] relevant" to Smollett’s defense.

"I think that he absolutely buried himself to the extent he wasn't already buried," White pressed.

If the jury is black, he’ll be acquitted.
You denial of the truth is what is pathetic.
hahaa yeah the truth from Jesse…geez…

folks like Jesse get rich off plantation slaves that can’t think for themselves. He made this entire story up, and it’s a slap in the face to the real victims of lynching and horror created by the dems during jim crow
“I’m a Black man in America and I do not trust police,” Smollett said during testimony

Ironically, former Police Superintendent Eddie Johnson, a black man. is the one that saw the inconsistencies in this case and arrested Juicy for the false police report. He was adamant about prosecuting him. So it was a black police chief that didn't trust Juicy either.

Besides, what does that have to do with making up a story about an attack when the victim, assailants, and police are all black? Your blowing smoke Juicy. Game over.
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hahaa yeah the truth from Jesse…geez…

folks like Jesse get rich off plantation slaves that can’t think for themselves. He made this entire story up, and it’s a slap in the face to the real victims of lynching and horror created by the dems during jim crow
Yep and still being done by the right today.

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