Jussie Smollett’s grandmother asks judge not to send him to prison: 'If you do, send me along with him'

Live sentencing:

The race baiters are claiming he is a civil rights hero.

The prosecutor is pointing out he never once apologized and refuses to accept responsibility.

He tried to start race riots over his fake shit. He should hang, but they will probably give him a fine, community service, and probation because Black Privilege.

He committed a hate crime against the white race.
Smollet's granny might want many things....but it's not up to her to decide if she goes to jail or not!

God, what a circus!:rolleyes:
Another take:

Smollet Sentencing: 150 Days in Jail, 30 Months Probation

Jussie was sentenced, I think, to 150 days of jail time, and is now ranting he is not suicidal, which I think is intended to suggest he is suicidal, and therefore the judge must undo the sentence, or otherwise he's responsible for the suicide.

I think this asshole has rolled right into his next hoax.

He's going to immediately run to the jail psychiatrist and claim he's having thoughts of self-harm and all the other Warning Signs he rehearsed after looking them up on Google MD and start making fake suicide attempts.

Anything to get his sentence suspended on a mental health mercy pass.

He also shouted that he did not commit the crime, but added, "If I did [commit the crime], I put a fist into 400 years of oppression against blacks and the LGBT community!" or some such self-justifying lunacy.

150 days in jail, plus 30 month probation. Plus some fines and restitution he won't have any problem handling, alas. Though he might dearly miss that money in the future!

His script throughout the whole thing was pathetically unbelievable.

-20 degrees. - Nobody is out walking anywhere.
He goes out to Subway for a salad in the wee hours after midnight in -20 degree weather
He gets assaulted by someone wearing a MAGA hat. (The nearest Republican in Chicago resides in Wisconsin)
He's still wearing a rope around his neck when the police are called.

He has no future as a screen writer. Enjoy the 150 days.
Relying on his 92-year-old grandmother to keep his sorry ass out of prison.

CHICAGO -- Jussie Smollett’s grandmother asks judge not to send him to prison: 'If you do, send me along with him.'

She should be in prison for not getting an abortion.
Relying on his 92-year-old grandmother to keep his sorry ass out of prison.

CHICAGO -- Jussie Smollett’s grandmother asks judge not to send him to prison: 'If you do, send me along with him.'

Why not send him to prison....he's gonna LOVE his new social life.
My grandmother was a bit tougher and more realistic than her.

When I got in trouble as a kid should would say "you messed up boy and there are consequences for messing up". I got arrested for something stupid as a kid and she made me sit in the county jail for a day and a half to teach me a lesson. She was hardcore, she came down to the jail and looked me in the eye and said "I'll be be back in the next day or two so you sit and think about what you did" and walked off. Course she cried later at leaving me there.
The homo hate hoaxer has been released while his case is being appealed...how much time did he serve?? not even a week. LOLOL are you surprised?? I"m not.

This is what you get when you have marxist, america hating friends in high places. Do you think people who pull this crap wouldn't steal an election to get their way? LOLOL

The homo hate hoaxer has been released while his case is being appealed...how much time did he serve?? not even a week. LOLOL are you surprised?? I"m not.

This is what you get when you have marxist, america hating friends in high places. Do you think people who pull this crap wouldn't steal an election to get their way? LOLOL

Black privilege.

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