Just 7 percent of journalists are Republicans. That’s far fewer than even a decade ago.

I could not be a journalist and meet my financial obligations. The pay is too low for anyone who wants to get married and start a family. Liberals are less likely to get married, less likely to have children, and they tend to abort the children they do have.

This simply isn't true. There are many independent journalists out there who have figured out how to monetize content and build a following either through their own blog, website, youtube channel. Some of them are doing VERY well. The most successful example is Ariana Huffington starting the Huffington Post.

But if you lack entrepreneurial skills, you probably won't be able to do it unless you're hired by a large platform.

Stop making excuses for your own failures. You failed, period. Just because you can't do it, doesn't mean someone else can't either.
I could not be a journalist and meet my financial obligations. The pay is too low for anyone who wants to get married and start a family. Liberals are less likely to get married, less likely to have children, and they tend to abort the children they do have.

Awesome bullshit.

Aren't you financially strapped?
Just 7 percent of journalists are Republicans. That’s far fewer than even a decade ago.

The key to understanding the bias of the mainstream media is understanding that the rank-and-file journalist is almost always a liberal.
Yea but what's different now is 6 mega corporations own 90% of the media and the ceo's don't allow negative news on bush lying us into Iraq, no global warming, who's behind jobs going overseas and hiring illegals or the truth on oil companies. In other words the stuff that matters.

But on God gays and guns they appear liberal and use them to divide us. Don't forget racism

Calling it liberal exposes your ignorance to the media being deregulated in the 90s.
Brain dead people go into journalism and then promote the state as god........
Just 7 percent of journalists are Republicans. That’s far fewer than even a decade ago.

The key to understanding the bias of the mainstream media is understanding that the rank-and-file journalist is almost always a liberal.
I don't believe the main stream media is as biased as you claim, just as you probably don't believe Fox is as biased as I claim. However, if your 5/2014 WaPo article is still true, why do you suppose so many journalists are not Republican? Political affiliation is a choice. Why do so many writers are Democratic? I take it you think a journalist who leans Democratic cannot be fair and balanced since that is an exclusively Republican journalist characteristic?
Just 7 percent of journalists are Republicans. That’s far fewer than even a decade ago.

The key to understanding the bias of the mainstream media is understanding that the rank-and-file journalist is almost always a liberal.

Well, seeing as Republicanism is going for "intelligence is stupid man", why would intelligent people fall for that?
In order to support illegal immigration and political correctness one has to absolve themself of all traces of intelligence.

Democrats are retards.
Just 7 percent of journalists are Republicans. That’s far fewer than even a decade ago.

The key to understanding the bias of the mainstream media is understanding that the rank-and-file journalist is almost always a liberal.
And only 6% of scientists (or less) are Republican. They used to be the party of science. They started NASA and built the Interstate Highway System. Now, they work to destroy the country.
That was back when science was exciting and not endless politically motivated bullshit.
Not sure if the OP is true but assuming it is, it's an interesting correlation given journalists are actually the ones out there researching, interviewing and fact finding to produce their stories. If the majority of people who have the "first hand" experience tend to lean a specific way, doesn't that tell you something?
They were all Democrats before they even became journalists.

Many of them become journalists as a way to enforce a Democrat agenda.
Really? And you found this fact in your ass or some other place?
Can you prove your insinuation?
Prove what insinuation?
Not sure if the OP is true but assuming it is, it's an interesting correlation given journalists are actually the ones out there researching, interviewing and fact finding to produce their stories. If the majority of people who have the "first hand" experience tend to lean a specific way, doesn't that tell you something?
They were all Democrats before they even became journalists.

Many of them become journalists as a way to enforce a Democrat agenda.
Really? And you found this fact in your ass or some other place?
Can you prove your insinuation?
Prove what insinuation?
The one in your 1st post on this thread.
I could not be a journalist and meet my financial obligations. The pay is too low for anyone who wants to get married and start a family. Liberals are less likely to get married, less likely to have children, and they tend to abort the children they do have.
They need to add a "dumb" button so I don't have to waste time responding to idiotic statements like this... :cuckoo:
I could not be a journalist and meet my financial obligations. The pay is too low for anyone who wants to get married and start a family. Liberals are less likely to get married, less likely to have children, and they tend to abort the children they do have.
They need to add a "dumb" button so I don't have to waste time responding to idiotic statements like this... :cuckoo:
I would be using it hundreds of times a day.
Just 7 percent of journalists are Republicans. That’s far fewer than even a decade ago.

The key to understanding the bias of the mainstream media is understanding that the rank-and-file journalist is almost always a liberal.

Well, a key requirement for being a journalist is being literate. So, the stats make sense.
That's just a dumb remark from a person who isn't very intelligent.

The reason conservatives don't go into journalism is the same reason we don't go into other low-paying jobs, we'd rather make more money so we can get married, have children, and afford the kind of lifestyle that requires, like a big house and a big car.

Liberals don't care as much about having children, so they can go into lower paying jobs that have influence over other people's thinking.

My journalism professor told me that a typical writer at the Los Angeles Times makes $700 per week, which was low, even in 1983. I ended up going to law school and making roughly three times that much.
Love it! And aren't you the one now on the dole?
Not sure if the OP is true but assuming it is, it's an interesting correlation given journalists are actually the ones out there researching, interviewing and fact finding to produce their stories. If the majority of people who have the "first hand" experience tend to lean a specific way, doesn't that tell you something?
They were all Democrats before they even became journalists.

Many of them become journalists as a way to enforce a Democrat agenda.
Really? And you found this fact in your ass or some other place?
Can you prove your insinuation?
Prove what insinuation?
The one in your 1st post on this thread.
That was an observation... never claimed it to be fact. This was a discussion forum last time I checked
Just 7 percent of journalists are Republicans. That’s far fewer than even a decade ago.

The key to understanding the bias of the mainstream media is understanding that the rank-and-file journalist is almost always a liberal.
So....why aren't Republicans becoming journalists? Why aren't Republicans becoming teachers.....is the college education thing too much of a road block?
I'll be a teacher pretty soon, so.....

Just 7 percent of journalists are Republicans. That’s far fewer than even a decade ago.

The key to understanding the bias of the mainstream media is understanding that the rank-and-file journalist is almost always a liberal.
This fails as a post hoc fallacy.

You obviously didn't understand a post hoc fallacy. It cracks me up when you try to name fallacies, you always get them wrong. It's comic.

Ad hoc fallacy refers to one event following another in time.

E.G., the Denver Broncos won the Super Bowl. Then the Pittsburgh Penguins won the Stanley Cup, therefore the Broncos caused the Penguins to win the Stanley Cup.

You meant to say he committed a "cum hoc ergo propter hoc" fallacy, you're denying that the media is liberal because reporters are liberal.

And it's a fallacy to say that because two things happened it is a fallacy so say they are related. They could very well be related. There clearly is a causal relationship between our media being liberal and 7% of Reporters being Republican. One you'd suddenly get if only 7% of reporters were Democrat

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