Just a reminder that the 1st day of Winter still isnt for four days yet, yet we have seen a large amount of white precipitation(snow). Global Warming


Diamond Member
May 6, 2015
Winter Storm Update, Forecast as New York Hit by up to 24 Inches of Snow (msn.com)

I just laugh my ass off, when the prog slave argument is "it must be warming in the polar caps" so we can see snow events like this in the temperate zone of North America. What the Fuck does that mean. "Because the ice is melting (Above 32 degrees) all that cold air(lower than 32 degrees) seeps down to the south, causing such wild swings in temperature. Where did these retards go to school?

The prog slaves just love to see people get hurt or die, which is why they push this bull shit agenda on people who are totally clueless.

Nothing to see here, move along....

Winter Storm Update, Forecast as New York Hit by up to 24 Inches of Snow (msn.com)

I just laugh my ass off, when the prog slave argument is "it must be warming in the polar caps" so we can see snow events like this in the temperate zone of North America. What the Fuck does that mean. "Because the ice is melting (Above 32 degrees) all that cold air(lower than 32 degrees) seeps down to the south, causing such wild swings in temperature. Where did these retards go to school?

The prog slaves just love to see people get hurt or die, which is why they push this bull shit agenda on people who are totally clueless.

Nothing to see here, move along....

View attachment 430209

They had tpo cancel a global warming conference because of it ....
Winter Storm Update, Forecast as New York Hit by up to 24 Inches of Snow (msn.com)

I just laugh my ass off, when the prog slave argument is "it must be warming in the polar caps" so we can see snow events like this in the temperate zone of North America. What the Fuck does that mean. "Because the ice is melting (Above 32 degrees) all that cold air(lower than 32 degrees) seeps down to the south, causing such wild swings in temperature. Where did these retards go to school?

The prog slaves just love to see people get hurt or die, which is why they push this bull shit agenda on people who are totally clueless.

Nothing to see here, move along....

View attachment 430209

The really comical part is the fact that many of the statist left actually believe the propaganda their elitist teachers teach them! When I was younger we called the statist left GG's, short for Gully Gullibles!!!
It was 29 where I stays this morning- I could use some global warming if any of you have any to spare.
Winner, winner Chicken Dinner!
We get it every time it snows in the winter
Winter Storm Update, Forecast as New York Hit by up to 24 Inches of Snow (msn.com)

I just laugh my ass off, when the prog slave argument is "it must be warming in the polar caps" so we can see snow events like this in the temperate zone of North America. What the Fuck does that mean. "Because the ice is melting (Above 32 degrees) all that cold air(lower than 32 degrees) seeps down to the south, causing such wild swings in temperature. Where did these retards go to school?

The prog slaves just love to see people get hurt or die, which is why they push this bull shit agenda on people who are totally clueless.

Nothing to see here, move along....

View attachment 430209
Another rightwing idiot who doesn't understand the difference between climate and weather.
I've said this before, I'll say it again ... if you live where it snows ... you don't deserve any global warming ...
We already have had lots of snow this winter, I’m ready to move south to enjoy some global warming.
We've only had a dusting that was gone by the next day. Pretty unusual. Lots of rain, though. They say it's La Nina.
Winter Storm Update, Forecast as New York Hit by up to 24 Inches of Snow (msn.com)

I just laugh my ass off, when the prog slave argument is "it must be warming in the polar caps" so we can see snow events like this in the temperate zone of North America. What the Fuck does that mean. "Because the ice is melting (Above 32 degrees) all that cold air(lower than 32 degrees) seeps down to the south, causing such wild swings in temperature. Where did these retards go to school?

The prog slaves just love to see people get hurt or die, which is why they push this bull shit agenda on people who are totally clueless.

Nothing to see here, move along....

View attachment 430209
Another rightwing idiot who doesn't understand the difference between climate and weather.
Sure we understand it.....God controls both, man has nothing to do with either.....now who is the idiot??
That's okay, next scheme will be no swimmin without a certificate in the summer time. Because, you know, global warming makes amoeba eat your brain. Well, gawdangit, that's the government's job and it hates competition.

Like the current mask fear porn, the no swimmin gag will probably start out with nose plugs. lol.

Then maybe a compulsory DNA edit for everyone's brain if some people are ascared and require their fears be placated, because fuck you, that's why.

That's right, there's been snow somewhere in the USA in December, therefore global warming is a hoax.

If anyone every doubted that deniers were morons, they should doubt no more.

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