Just another day in America. Guns keeping people safe... 8 dead... the dead can't be killed, therefore they're safe.

Why would people automatically assume that a tragic event like this had anything to do with the Mormon religion? Latent bigotry?
well, it certainly cannot be denied that Mormonism doesn't appear to exactly prevent a lot of incidents like this.

Again, when is the last time we heard of a devout Catholic father killing his whole family?

I draw a total blank myself
well, it certainly cannot be denied that Mormonism doesn't appear to exactly prevent a lot of incidents like this.

Again, when is the last time we heard of a devout Catholic father killing his whole family?

I draw a total blank myself

Obviously there is a "lot" of incidents like this. (sarcasm)
Contrary to the lies that you persist in telling, it is you who is always citing race as an excuse for subhuman criminals shit to behave as such. To listen to you, black people can't help being criminals, and it's racist to wish for criminals to be held accountable for their behavior.

Wow, all these conversations, you really don't get it.

Our justice system is racist. White people get probation, black people get prison. White people get light sentences, black people have an arrest follow them around for the rest of their lives.

Of course, when one of you white cultists wipes out his family, everyone will pay attention, and no one will talk about your crazy cult.

When you blame guns for crimes, you forget that truly sick people will use knives, and even hands to choke their targets, cars to run over people who get in their way, poison, fisticuffs, and crimes planned in minutia to get off scot free from their murders.

75% of murders are with guns. I'd happily take a 75% reduction in murder. Then we can concentrate on the other 25%.

Most people with guns do not kill anybody, much less relatives and immediate family members.
Okay, but here's the thing. If this guy didn't have a gun, he'd have gotten another job and a divorce. Life would have gotten better.

Instead, he killed his whole family because he was at that level of despair.
Wow, all these conversations, you really don't get it.

Our justice system is racist. White people get probation, black people get prison. White people get light sentences, black people have an arrest follow them around for the rest of their lives.

Of course, when one of you white cultists wipes out his family, everyone will pay attention, and no one will talk about your crazy cult.

75% of murders are with guns. I'd happily take a 75% reduction in murder. Then we can concentrate on the other 25%.

Okay, but here's the thing. If this guy didn't have a gun, he'd have gotten another job and a divorce. Life would have gotten better.

Instead, he killed his whole family because he was at that level of despair.
Why were there so many whites and Hispanics incarcerated at the prison I worked at, liar?
Okay, but here's the thing. If this guy didn't have a gun, he'd have gotten another job and a divorce. Life would have gotten better.
This is the most pathetic, delusional crock of bullshit yet.
Why were there so many whites and Hispanics incarcerated at the prison I worked at, liar?
I wouldn't know. Where is the prison you work at?
My point stands, that blacks are more likely to get prison time for the same minor offenses whites get probation for.

The report, which was published by the Council on Criminal Justice, a nonpartisan think tank, examined how disparities in state imprisonment rates changed between 2000 and 2016. During that 16-year period, the ratio of Blacks to whites in state prisons fell from more than eight-to-one to five-to-one. The ratio of Hispanics to whites dropped from a little more than two-to-one to nearly one-to-one. For drug offenses, the decline was particularly stark: In 2016, Blacks were incarcerated for drug crimes at five times the rate of whites. In 2000 it was 15 times the rate.

Yet even as the number of Black men and women in prisons has declined, the report uncovered a growing disparity in the time served by Black inmates. Compared to white offenders, African Americans who entered prison could expect to serve more time than whites for all violent and for drug crimes. Prison time among Black people increased by one percent or more each year between 2000 and 2016.

This is the most pathetic, delusional crock of bullshit yet.

Not at all... a gun in the home often turns a minor domestic spat into a tragedy. Now imagine what would have happened if this guy didn't have a gun. A shouting match, the cops are called, everyone cools off and life goes on.
I wouldn't know. Where is the prison you work at?
My point stands, that blacks are more likely to get prison time for the same minor offenses whites get probation for.

The report, which was published by the Council on Criminal Justice, a nonpartisan think tank, examined how disparities in state imprisonment rates changed between 2000 and 2016. During that 16-year period, the ratio of Blacks to whites in state prisons fell from more than eight-to-one to five-to-one. The ratio of Hispanics to whites dropped from a little more than two-to-one to nearly one-to-one. For drug offenses, the decline was particularly stark: In 2016, Blacks were incarcerated for drug crimes at five times the rate of whites. In 2000 it was 15 times the rate.

Yet even as the number of Black men and women in prisons has declined, the report uncovered a growing disparity in the time served by Black inmates. Compared to white offenders, African Americans who entered prison could expect to serve more time than whites for all violent and for drug crimes. Prison time among Black people increased by one percent or more each year between 2000 and 2016.

Not at all... a gun in the home often turns a minor domestic spat into a tragedy. Now imagine what would have happened if this guy didn't have a gun. A shouting match, the cops are called, everyone cools off and life goes on.
total lies. fake news.

8 people dead... This is how many people per 100,000 are murdered in Utah, which ranks 30th in... was it murders or murders from guns? I think the latter.

I hate to say this and it may pour salt in the wounds of some people, but... This is what happens when you do not have the religion Christ instituted. That's not to say that Catholics don't commit murders but... When is the last time we heard of a devout Catholic doing something like this?

just sayin

Well, the good news is: Those children and hopefully all who were murdered are in a better place.
Hetero male?
Wow, all these conversations, you really don't get it.

Our justice system is racist. White people get probation, black people get prison. White people get light sentences, black people have an arrest follow them around for the rest of their lives.

Of course, when one of you white cultists wipes out his family, everyone will pay attention, and no one will talk about your crazy cult.

75% of murders are with guns. I'd happily take a 75% reduction in murder. Then we can concentrate on the other 25%.

Okay, but here's the thing. If this guy didn't have a gun, he'd have gotten another job and a divorce. Life would have gotten better.

Instead, he killed his whole family because he was at that level of despair.
People who plan to kill other people are going to kill them. Guns are not the only things that kill people. If the person who wants to murder a specific person will do so in planning
the episode. Spousal hatred? Yes. Killing children is done because the perpetrator decides (for the same reason the exact gun killing would have been done) he is going to kill the ex-wife and her beloved baby. People as bent as the guy who shot wife, in-law, and every family child likely thought he'd never kill them.
People facing the prospect of losing literally everything they've worked their whole life for; can at times react poorly. Tragically, and of no consideration; children are far more likely to be murdered by their mothers, than their fathers...
People facing the prospect of losing literally everything they've worked their whole life for; can at times react poorly. Tragically, and of no consideration; children are far more likely to be murdered by their mothers, than their fathers...

5 Things To Know About Andrea Yates, The Mom Who Drowned Her 5 Kids In The Bathtub​

I like reality.

How do you know unless you try it? The funny thing about being delusional is always being deluded into thinking that you aren't delusional. :poke:

And before you try your grade-school trick of trying to reverse the argument against me, Hun, let me tell you that I have extensive background and training in the field of applied psychology and in the recognition of mental aberrations, and believe me, Babe, you could keep a whole team of Viennese doctors employed full time.

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