Just another day in America. Guns keeping people safe... 8 dead... the dead can't be killed, therefore they're safe.

one of whom?


Mitt Romney, the Mormon guy.

You don't remember the big stink that outraged the Democrats when Romney ran for President?

Granted, the dog was in a cage that he strapped to the roof but from the outrage, you would have thought he bit the head off a puppy.
My hobby is reading detective magazines, watching Forensics Files, True Crime, and Criminal murder whodoneit stories that are frequently resolved with forensic scientists.
That's nice. It's also fiction. Most murders aren't premeditated. They are usually acts of passion or madness.

Gun antagonists will often disparage those who defend responsible gun usage with no antipathy towards or even supporting the wisdom behind the Second Amendment.
The Second Amendment was about militias, which aren't a thing anymore.

But I understand how sad it is for a family member who was shot and killed by a gun for any reason including trespassing on someone else's property while under the influence of a drug cartel profit that made him insensitive or even hostile to a property owner's get off or get shot order. It's unfortunate, but many states allow shooting when someone's home or land is invaded by a dopaminergic ruffian with a loose cannon mouth..
um, you are babbling.

Here's the thing. Most murders are people who know each other in a fit of anger. It's less "Evil Cartel" and more "Who ate the last strip of bacon".
That's nice. It's also fiction. Most murders aren't premeditated. They are usually acts of passion or madness.

The Second Amendment was about militias, which aren't a thing anymore.

um, you are babbling.

Here's the thing. Most murders are people who know each other in a fit of anger. It's less "Evil Cartel" and more "Who ate the last strip of bacon".
Lying sack of shit. We are the militia, scum.
What a waste of my fucking time
Welcome to the ignore list.

Mitt Romney, the Mormon guy.
You don't remember the big stink that outraged the Democrats when Romney ran for President?

Granted, the dog was in a cage that he strapped to the roof but from the outrage, you would have thought he bit the head off a puppy.
when people go insane they are capable of anything so whatever is making you crazy...get help

8 people dead... This is how many people per 100,000 are murdered in Utah, which ranks 30th in... was it murders or murders from guns? I think the latter.

I hate to say this and it may pour salt in the wounds of some people, but... This is what happens when you do not have the religion Christ instituted. That's not to say that Catholics don't commit murders but... When is the last time we heard of a devout Catholic doing something like this?

just sayin

Well, the good news is: Those children and hopefully all who were murdered are in a better place.
God holds many faiths in his hands. Nice to see a supposedly “Christian” dude using a tragedy to perpetrate religious intolerance and hate.
Sure you will. You howler monkeys will keep crying about it while refusing to treat the mentally ill and continuing to release violent criminals from prison. Then you will continue to allow ineligible people to buy guns by failing to act when they try to buy a gun from an FFL dealer, allowing them to take possession of the of the gun instead of denying the purchase and arresting them. Now start howling monkey.
More lies and fearmongering from the right.

Conservatives continue to refuse to address the issue of gun crime and violence.
More lies and fearmongering from the right.

Conservatives continue to refuse to address the issue of gun crime and violence.
The howler monkey must have Diarrhea today! He's howling at both ends with lies.
Well, crime will always happen because humans are inherently selfish.
Non sequitur.

If we’re truly committed to reducing gun crime and violence, measures and efforts can be pursued where when one finds himself in a situation of desperation, despair, or crisis, he’ll have viable other options rather than reaching for the nearest gun.
Non sequitur.

If we’re truly committed to reducing gun crime and violence, measures and efforts can be pursued where when one finds himself in a situation of desperation, despair, or crisis, he’ll have viable other options rather than reaching for the nearest gun.
Guns don't commit crimes howler monkey. People do. I've never seen a bigger pos than you.

"A family of eight - including five children - have been found shot dead inside a rural home in Enoch City, in the US state of Utah."

Well, I guess after Sandy Hook, we know nothing will be done about this.
Just like all gun control zealots, you cherry pick tragic incidents that would NOT have been solved by stricter gun control. There is no gun control legislation that fixes people who are conpletely insane.

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