Just another day in America. Guns keeping people safe... 8 dead... the dead can't be killed, therefore they're safe.

Give me a break Joe, this dude just MURDERED HIS FAMILY AND KILLED HIMSELF. If he is that far gone mentally, he's going to do it with a machete, a baseball bat or just turn the oven on for a few hours and light a match. Why do you Leftists not acknowledge that we have a mental illness problem very likely exacerbated by medication and drug abuse?
YOu realize that all of those methods would have taken a lot more effort and would have given a family member enough time to call the police or run to a neighbor, right?

A gun made it easier for him to annihilate his family.

We don't have a higher rate of drug use or mental illness than any other advanced country.

The difference is those other countries make it easy to get treatment and hard to get guns.
We make it easy to get guns and hard to get treatment.

And you know that the preferred weapon of French criminlas is the fully auto matic military rifle, the Japanese police and prosecutors have police powers you hate, and Australia cant prevent their criminals rom getting illegal guns......on a giant island......

Yes, the NRA spooge is strong in this one. We had 19,498 gun homicides in 2020.

Australia had 34
The United Kingdom had 32
France had 92
Japan had 4

You scream about "criminals" all day (code for minorities, of course), but the reality is, most gun deaths are domestic violence, made easier by easy access to guns.

Their murder rates are
only low because their criminals dont choose to murder each other as often as our criminals do...
So, um, the family of 8 Mormons were criminals murdering each other? I mean, shit, I don't like Mormons but even I wouldn't go that far.
Hardly. The first important thing to consider when making laws is REALITY. You can't pretend you can get crime down to zero, especially in a free society.
And another non sequitur.

No reference is being made to ‘reducing crime’ – indeed, no reference is being made about ‘new laws.’

The REALITY is that there aren’t going to be new laws placing more limits and restrictions on accessing firearms, nor should there be.

The thread topic and the tragic event it explores isn’t even about crime – it’s about an American society comprehensively incapable of accommodating and assisting those suffering from personal crisis or mental distress, where those in crisis believe the only resolution is to reach for a gun.

That needs to change, no matter how difficult or seemingly impossible.
Please. Citizen. You know the US is too exceptional, or too big, or too diverse, or too racially divided for lessons from any other country to be useful.

I'm surprised you even mention it.

We aren't exceptional.
We aren't that big. Japan has 133 million people, Germany 80 million.
The UK is very diverse.

The only major difference is that we have a bizarre militia amendment that has been interpreted as an unlimited right to guns.

I own several machetes that could take your head right off your body. They work great for clearing brush and trimming tree limbs.
Okay, so Mormon Boy takes his mother in law's head off. By that time, the kids have run off to the neighbors and his wife has called the cops.
And another non sequitur.

No reference is being made to ‘reducing crime’ – indeed, no reference is being made about ‘new laws.’

The REALITY is that there aren’t going to be new laws placing more limits and restrictions on accessing firearms, nor should there be.

The thread topic and the tragic event it explores isn’t even about crime – it’s about an American society comprehensively incapable of accommodating and assisting those suffering from personal crisis or mental distress, where those in crisis believe the only resolution is to reach for a gun.

That needs to change, no matter how difficult or seemingly impossible.

Well, you're allowed to be wrong.
YOu realize that all of those methods would have taken a lot more effort and would have given a family member enough time to call the police or run to a neighbor, right?

A gun made it easier for him to annihilate his family.

We don't have a higher rate of drug use or mental illness than any other advanced country.

The difference is those other countries make it easy to get treatment and hard to get guns.
We make it easy to get guns and hard to get treatment.

Yes, the NRA spooge is strong in this one. We had 19,498 gun homicides in 2020.

Australia had 34
The United Kingdom had 32
France had 92
Japan had 4

You scream about "criminals" all day (code for minorities, of course), but the reality is, most gun deaths are domestic violence, made easier by easy access to guns.

So, um, the family of 8 Mormons were criminals murdering each other? I mean, shit, I don't like Mormons but even I wouldn't go that far.

The gun murders in this country average around 10,000 a year......and the victims are primarily criminals murdered by other criminals engaged in crime and the criminal life.

The increase to 19,000, and the over all elevated rate of murder in this country is a direct result of the policies of the democrat party......in 2015, the democrat party began it's war on the police, and democrat party politicians, judges and prosecutors decided to start releasing violent criminals back onto the streets as some sort of "justice."

The democrat party creates the problem, pulls back the police, then they use that as a reason to take guns away from people who don't use guns for crime...
The gun murders in this country average around 10,000 a year......and the victims are primarily criminals murdered by other criminals engaged in crime and the criminal life.

Actually, it's been over 14,000 for the last five years. the last time it was BELOW 10K was 1998. Clearly, you don't understand what "average" means.

But only in Ammosexual Bizarro world do you look at the rest of the world have only 2 digit numbers in gun murders, and you think that five digit numbers are okay in the US if they are low enough.

The increase to 19,000, and the over all elevated rate of murder in this country is a direct result of the policies of the democrat party......in 2015, the democrat party began it's war on the police, and democrat party politicians, judges and prosecutors decided to start releasing violent criminals back onto the streets as some sort of "justice."

Actually, the elevated rate in 2020 was because when you stick angry anxious people in the same house for months on end, and there's a gun lying around, you are going to have more murders.

The reason why you had gun murders going up after 2010 is that is when SCOTUS struck down the few sensible gun laws that the cities did have in place.

The democrat party creates the problem, pulls back the police, then they use that as a reason to take guns away from people who don't use guns for crime...

Except gun crime isn't the problem, is it? This Mormon Insurance Salesman wasn't out committing Crimes until he realized that he'd be disgraced in his community if his wife dumped him...
Fetuses aren't babies.

And babies aren't adolescents.

And adolescents aren't adults.

So what?

It's the same person, the same organism, the same form of life, at every age, at every stage of growth and development and aging.

/——-/ As a reminder, Hitler had to dehumanize Jews. Gypsies, and the crippled before he slaughtered them.

As we have seen, throughout history, almost every time one demographic group, in power seeks to commit mass murder, genocide, or other major human rights violations, against another.
Please. Citizen. You know the US is too exceptional, or too big, or too diverse, or too racially divided for lessons from any other country to be useful.

I'm surprised you even mention it.

We learned the lesson…you didn’t….

Europe….15 million innocent men, women, and children after guns were confiscated. This happened in just 6 years…….

25 million murdered in Russia…

70 million murdered in China…..………..

You anti- gun fanatics didn’t learn the lessons from those murders….

The entire 246 year history of gun murder in the U.S. ……2,460,000, and the vast majority of the victims are criminals….not innocent people…..

That you anti gun fanatics can’t see that lesson makes you fools…..,
Actually, it's been over 14,000 for the last five years. the last time it was BELOW 10K was 1998. Clearly, you don't understand what "average" means.

But only in Ammosexual Bizarro world do you look at the rest of the world have only 2 digit numbers in gun murders, and you think that five digit numbers are okay in the US if they are low enough.

Actually, the elevated rate in 2020 was because when you stick angry anxious people in the same house for months on end, and there's a gun lying around, you are going to have more murders.

The reason why you had gun murders going up after 2010 is that is when SCOTUS struck down the few sensible gun laws that the cities did have in place.

Except gun crime isn't the problem, is it? This Mormon Insurance Salesman wasn't out committing Crimes until he realized that he'd be disgraced in his community if his wife dumped him...

Yeah, you dipshit….in 2015 the democrats started their war against the police and started turning loose every violent criminal they could find………

This is the Ferguson Effect……..a lie about a violent teen and the democrats used it to destroy local police, and release violent criminals…
/——-/ As a reminder, Hitler had to dehumanize Jews. Gypsies, and the crippled before he slaughtered them.

Um, no, 2000 years of Christian Culture did that.

The fact you still use the word "Gypsies" to describe the Roma people should tell you that. Not to mention the word "Cripples" to describe the disabled.

This has nothing to do with a woman deciding she doesn't want to carry an unwanted pregnancy to term, which is her right because it's her body.

And babies aren't adolescents.

And adolescents aren't adults.

So what?

It's the same person, the same organism, the same form of life, at every age, at every stage of growth and development and aging.

Except a fetus is the size of a kidney bean when most abortions are performed and not viable outside of the woman it is inside. You keep skipping over that part.

As we have seen, throughout history, almost every time one demographic group, in power seeks to commit mass murder, genocide, or other major human rights violations, against another.

Right... because clearly women are oppressing the fetuses inside of them by not wanting them.
Women have been having abortions all throughout history. Most of history, no one thought anything about it. In fact, laws against abortion are a relatively recent thing, like late 19th century. It took another century for people to realized such laws aren't workable, and another 50 years to forget what we learned.

You anti- gun fanatics didn’t learn the lessons from those murders….

The entire 246 year history of gun murder in the U.S. ……2,460,000, and the vast majority of the victims are criminals….not innocent people…..

Not even sure where you get those crazy numbers... If you count in the Civil War and the genocide of Native Americans, you get a lot more than 2.4 million.

Yeah, you dipshit….in 2015 the democrats started their war against the police and started turning loose every violent criminal they could find………

This is the Ferguson Effect……..a lie about a violent teen and the democrats used it to destroy local police, and release violent criminals…
The War on Police where we've given them more money every year?
I hope someone makes war on me like that.
"Hey, Joe, we don't like the way you are doing your job, have some more money!"

Last edited:
Um, no, 2000 years of Christian Culture did that.

The fact you still use the word "Gypsies" to describe the Roma people should tell you that. Not to mention the word "Cripples" to describe the disabled.

This has nothing to do with a woman deciding she doesn't want to carry an unwanted pregnancy to term, which is her right because it's her body.

Except a fetus is the size of a kidney bean when most abortions are performed and not viable outside of the woman it is inside. You keep skipping over that part.

Right... because clearly women are oppressing the fetuses inside of them by not wanting them.
Women have been having abortions all throughout history. Most of history, no one thought anything about it. In fact, laws against abortion are a relatively recent thing, like late 19th century. It took another century for people to realized such laws aren't workable, and another 50 years to forget what we learned.

Not even sure where you get those crazy numbers... If you count in the Civil War and the genocide of Native Americans, you get a lot more than 2.4 million.

The War on Police where we've given them more money every year?
I hope someone makes war on me like that.

/——/ Oh my, you use the political correct terms so not to offend dead people. Well, that’s what the world called them in 1938. Get a freaking life. BTW I stopped reading your post after the second paragraph. It was that pathetic.
/——/ Oh my, you use the political correct terms so not to offend dead people. Well, that’s what the world called them in 1938. Get a freaking life. BTW I stopped reading your post after the second paragraph. It was that pathetic.

See, you did it again. People demand to be treated with respect by not being called "Cripples" or "Gypsies" or "Colored", and you get all offended by political correctness...
When those terms are dehumanizing.

So Hitler didn't "dehumanize" Jews, the disabled, or the Roma people... centuries of Christian culture did. Hitler just straight up killed them.

Again, nothing to do with the fact that women have been deciding to end unwanted pregnancies all through history.
See, you did it again. People demand to be treated with respect by not being called "Cripples" or "Gypsies" or "Colored", and you get all offended by political correctness...
When those terms are dehumanizing.

So Hitler didn't "dehumanize" Jews, the disabled, or the Roma people... centuries of Christian culture did. Hitler just straight up killed them.

Again, nothing to do with the fact that women have been deciding to end unwanted pregnancies all through history.
/----/ "See, you did it again."
1. YOU ???? My personal pronouns are YO, Dude, and Bro.
2. gypsy
gyp·sy ˈjip-sē
gypsied; gypsying; gypsies
intransitive verb: to travel or roam from place to place.
crippled; crippling ˈkri-p(ə-)liŋ
transitive verb:1, to deprive of the use of a limb and especially a leg
the accident left him crippled
2: to deprive of capability for service or of strength, efficiency, or wholeness an economy crippled by inflation
Except a fetus is the size of a kidney bean when most abortions are performed and not viable outside of the woman it is inside. You keep skipping over that part.

And a toddler is the size of a moderate dog, and not really viable, either. Put him out on the street to fend for himself, with no care from adults, and he'll probably die.

Size does not define humanity. Nor does the need for care and assistance from other humans.
See, you did it again. People demand to be treated with respect by not being called "Cripples" or "Gypsies" or "Colored", and you get all offended by political correctness...
When those terms are dehumanizing.

So Hitler didn't "dehumanize" Jews, the disabled, or the Roma people... centuries of Christian culture did. Hitler just straight up killed them.

Again, nothing to do with the fact that women have been deciding to end unwanted pregnancies all through history.
/----/ This is me mocking you.
Um, no, 2000 years of Christian Culture did that.

The fact you still use the word "Gypsies" to describe the Roma people should tell you that. Not to mention the word "Cripples" to describe the disabled.

This has nothing to do with a woman deciding she doesn't want to carry an unwanted pregnancy to term, which is her right because it's her body.

Except a fetus is the size of a kidney bean when most abortions are performed and not viable outside of the woman it is inside. You keep skipping over that part.

Right... because clearly women are oppressing the fetuses inside of them by not wanting them.
Women have been having abortions all throughout history. Most of history, no one thought anything about it. In fact, laws against abortion are a relatively recent thing, like late 19th century. It took another century for people to realized such laws aren't workable, and another 50 years to forget what we learned.

Not even sure where you get those crazy numbers... If you count in the Civil War and the genocide of Native Americans, you get a lot more than 2.4 million.

The War on Police where we've given them more money every year?
I hope someone makes war on me like that.
"Hey, Joe, we don't like the way you are doing your job, have some more money!"


The Civil War? The war started by the democrat party, in order to keep their slaves? A political party you vote for today? The slave rapist party as you describe them?

And the Indians were largely killed off before our country was founded...by European diseases..........and the mass murder I am talking about didn't happen in "olden times," it happened after 1917....in modern nation states........after they took guns away from their intended victims.
And a toddler is the size of a moderate dog, and not really viable, either. Put him out on the street to fend for himself, with no care from adults, and he'll probably die.

Size does not define humanity. Nor does the need for care and assistance from other humans.

Size does not define humanity.

Joe and his socialist buddies know this.....which makes the end game of their policies easier for them....and why we really, really, need to keep our guns....

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