Just another day in America. Guns keeping people safe... 8 dead... the dead can't be killed, therefore they're safe.

Police spending has gone up every year.. funny you didn't mention that. I'm not sure how you can destroy an institution by giving it more money.

On the other hand, we've SLASHED programs for mental health and addiction treatment, which is part of the reason Crime went up.

Nope. In fact, Slave Owners - Conservative Christians - quoted the bible when advocating slavery's continuation.

Conservatives want to keep the status quo. Slavery was the status quo.

I know you guys get confused, as "Conservative" has come to mean a slavish devotion to Donald Trump.

Remember, the original Nazi goal was not to exterminate the Jews, just to remove them from German society. Just like the Americans removed indigenous people. Genocide came later. Just like it did for Indigenous people.
remember slavery started in the north and they got rid of it after all those Irish, Jewish, and Italians came over and could be worked to death for a nickel an hour.....slaves were expensive ...you had to house and feed them...yankees decided they were just to costly
Police spending has gone up every year.. funny you didn't mention that. I'm not sure how you can destroy an institution by giving it more money.

On the other hand, we've SLASHED programs for mental health and addiction treatment, which is part of the reason Crime went up.

Nope. In fact, Slave Owners - Conservative Christians - quoted the bible when advocating slavery's continuation.

Conservatives want to keep the status quo. Slavery was the status quo.

I know you guys get confused, as "Conservative" has come to mean a slavish devotion to Donald Trump.

Remember, the original Nazi goal was not to exterminate the Jews, just to remove them from German society. Just like the Americans removed indigenous people. Genocide came later. Just like it did for Indigenous people.
everyone in tennessee is part native ameican....we have gone NOWHERE idiot everyone except for the million or so that have moved here from liberal california and New York...they are just happy to live somewhere they arent taxed to death
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Um, police funding has gone up every year?

Um, no.

Um, like usual, you leftisexuals are fact-challenged.

Um, just a small sample.

Overall national spending went up. Most of the cities that cut back in 2020 (mostly due to a lack of revenues) bounced them right back up in 2021.

Democrats owned the slaves....and started the war...conservative, christian republicans started the abolitionist movememt to end slavery and fought the democrata to free the black slaves.
Uh, the Christians who opposed Slavery were not "conservative". It in fact was a pretty PROGRESSIVE opinion, the exact opposite of "Conservative".
You clearly don't know what conservative means...

Red flag laws are not gun control laws. They are laws that flag potentially dangerous individuals. You are creating another deflection. FAIL
Someone tell the NRA...

abortion is just a plan by racist democrats to limit the negro population which is considered out of control
Um, not really. If anything, abortion has caused the white birth rate to decline.

native americans happily went about murdering and roasting alive other native americans for centuries....they all hated each other and torture of captives was a happy pastime on warm summer nights
Um, okay. Yes, so we can agree that roasting other people alive is barbaric... right.

Oh, shit, those are white Europeans burning witches and heretics...
remember slavery started in the north and they got rid of it after all those Irish, Jewish, and Italians came over and could be worked to death for a nickel an hour.....slaves were expensive ...you had to house and feed them...yankees decided they were just to costly

Wow, that's not true, either. While working conditions were horrible for immigrant workers, they

1) Still came here voluntarily, just like they do today.
2) You could not whip, rape, or maim immigrants.
3) You could not sell off their family members for a quick pocket

Unlike a slave, an immigrant could ALWAYS hope that his child's life would be better.

everyone in tennessee is part native ameican....we have gone NOWHERE idiot everyone except for the million or so that have moved here from liberal california and New York...they are just happy to live somewhere they arent taxed to death

Really? The Census Bureau disagrees with you.

Overall national spending went up. Most of the cities that cut back in 2020 (mostly due to a lack of revenues) bounced them right back up in 2021.

Uh, the Christians who opposed Slavery were not "conservative". It in fact was a pretty PROGRESSIVE opinion, the exact opposite of "Conservative".
You clearly don't know what conservative means...

Someone tell the NRA...

Um, not really. If anything, abortion has caused the white birth rate to decline.

Um, okay. Yes, so we can agree that roasting other people alive is barbaric... right.

Oh, shit, those are white Europeans burning witches and heretics...

Spending in Democrat Hell holes went down. Crime went up. Strange that.

Um, the Democrat party; the Party of Slavery, went to war trying to save their Party of Slavery.
Spending in Democrat Hell holes went down. Crime went up. Strange that.

Crime went up all over the country because people lost their jobs and found themselves locked in homes with people they didn't really like that much.
Crime went up all over the country because people lost their jobs and found themselves locked in homes with people they didn't really like that much.
Crime showed dramatic increases in Democrat run Hell holes due to an array of criminal enabling policies.
Nope, it showed increases because Trump wrecked the economy and screwed up Covid and antagonized minorities unnecessarily.
Yep. The data shows Democrat run cities with Democrat policies if protecting criminals had huge increases in crime rates.

Trump is not president. You didn't know that?
Yep. The data shows Democrat run cities with Democrat policies if protecting criminals had huge increases in crime rates.

Trump is not president. You didn't know that?
And Crime has been dropping since he left... it's a good thing.
And Crime has been dropping since he left... it's a good thing.
Crime has been increasing under Democrat policies of protecting criminals.

That's a good thing for people and businesses who are left to be victims of Democrat's criminal-enabling policies.

Such is the disease of leftism.
Crime has been increasing under Democrat policies of protecting criminals.

That's a good thing for people and businesses who are left to be victims of Democrat crimibal-enabling policies.

Such is the disease of leftism.

Actually, crime is still at historic lows compared to the 1990's.

It spiked under Trump of course, because Trump fucked up...well everything.
Actually, crime is up in Democrat run cities.

A new report shows that Democrat policies in cities and counties are responsible for rising crime rates in “their otherwise red states.”
Actually, crime is still at historic lows compared to the 1990's.

It spiked under Trump of course, because Trump fucked up...well everything.
You didn't notice your graph actually shows crime decreasing under Trump.

Good gawd you're ignorant.
A new report shows that Democrat policies in cities and counties are responsible for rising crime rates in “their otherwise red states.”

Okay, you can keep saying that, but why is it 9 of the top 10 states in violent crime are red states?

You would think that blue states would be higher, given they have blue governors and mayors.

Your graph contradicts your statement.

Is there still time to edit your post with something different?

Did you actually read the graph?

Crime was at 402.4 per thousand in 2020. That was the highest it had been since 2010, when we were in the throws of the Great Recession.

Why do you Trump cultists keep pretending that 2020 didn't happen?

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