Just another day in America. Guns keeping people safe... 8 dead... the dead can't be killed, therefore they're safe.

Nope, it showed increases because Trump wrecked the economy and screwed up Covid and antagonized minorities unnecessarily.

Nope....it began in 2015 when the democrat party decided to destroy local police, and started releasing violent criminals over and over again.......

Your buddies the Chinese communists unleashed that virus, not Trump, and your idiots in the democrat party used it as an excuse to destroy their state economies to hurt Trump's booming economy...
Nope....it began in 2015 when the democrat party decided to destroy local police, and started releasing violent criminals over and over again.......

Destroyed the local police by throwing more money at them?
How come the Red States have higher crime rates than the blue states, then?

As for releasing criminals, we lock up 2 million people. Releasing people isn't the problem.

Your buddies the Chinese communists unleashed that virus, not Trump, and your idiots in the democrat party used it as an excuse to destroy their state economies to hurt Trump's booming economy...

Nobody unleashed the virus, it just happened, like viruses do.
Trump was the guy who ignored the problem until it was too late, and then resisted any attempt to contain it.
Destroyed the local police by throwing more money at them?
How come the Red States have higher crime rates than the blue states, then?

As for releasing criminals, we lock up 2 million people. Releasing people isn't the problem.

Nobody unleashed the virus, it just happened, like viruses do.
Trump was the guy who ignored the problem until it was too late, and then resisted any attempt to contain it.

No....by going after even justified shootings, and arrests, to the point that they will no longer do more than they have to, and they will only do what they are called for....it has also led to police quitting and retiring in massive, unsustainable numbers...you doofus.....

Releasing known, repeat gun offenders, the ones actually shooting at and murdering people is the problem, you moron.
No....by going after even justified shootings, and arrests, to the point that they will no longer do more than they have to, and they will only do what they are called for....it has also led to police quitting and retiring in massive, unsustainable numbers...you doofus.....

Yeah, here's the thing... if left up to the cops, all shootings would be classified as "justified". The CPD called Laquan McDonald's shooting "justified", until they finally got the tape released.

If there's cops who are quitting because, "Gosh, darn, someone will ask questions if I shoot a black kid", we are better off without these people, they are too fucking expensive.

Releasing known, repeat gun offenders, the ones actually shooting at and murdering people is the problem, you moron.

Moron, we lock up 2 million people. The police make 10 million arrests a year. We can't lock people up for "merely having a gun".

We can, however, take the guns and make it very difficult to get new ones.
We start by letting the victims of gun violence sue gunmakers for negligence.
Watch how fast they clean up their act after that.
Yeah, here's the thing... if left up to the cops, all shootings would be classified as "justified". The CPD called Laquan McDonald's shooting "justified", until they finally got the tape released.

If there's cops who are quitting because, "Gosh, darn, someone will ask questions if I shoot a black kid", we are better off without these people, they are too fucking expensive.

Moron, we lock up 2 million people. The police make 10 million arrests a year. We can't lock people up for "merely having a gun".

We can, however, take the guns and make it very difficult to get new ones.
We start by letting the victims of gun violence sue gunmakers for negligence.
Watch how fast they clean up their act after that.

Moron, when you keep letting the most violent and dangerous criminals out, over and over again....you know, the ones actually shooting people...it doesn't matter how many you temporarily lock up...you idiot.......in Japan, they would be in there for life......the democrats here keep letting them out.......defeats the whole purpose of prisons when you let the criminals doing all of the killing out...

Criminals don't give a F**k about suing gun makers, you doofus........
Moron, when you keep letting the most violent and dangerous criminals out, over and over again....you know, the ones actually shooting people...it doesn't matter how many you temporarily lock up...you idiot.......in Japan, they would be in there for life......the democrats here keep letting them out.......defeats the whole purpose of prisons when you let the criminals doing all of the killing out...

Police arrest 10 million people a year.
We only have jail space for 2 million, and that's with inhumane overcrowding of the prisons.
"Well, he has priors and we caught him with a gun" simply isn't a good enough reason to throw him in jail, especially when the courts are ordering states to release prisoners due to overcrowding and lack of funding for prisons.

The Prison Industrial Complex simply doesn't work, Sparky.

Time to try something better.

Criminals don't give a F**k about suing gun makers, you doofus........

No, but the gunmakers will care a whole bunch when they get sued for selling a gun to a criminal to start with. They might actually start INSISTING on real background checks.

Just like the banks do when they lend money to people to make sure that they won't default. Just like employers do to make sure they aren't hiring a crazy person.

When I went to get my last mortgage, it took over a month to get approved. The bank lady remarked that she was amazed how quickly the loan went through (Because I had all my documentation in order and have a sterling credit history). But they still looked under every rock. They checked every box. They asked about a vacation property I co-own with five other people, which has been paid off for decades.

When I applied for my job, They checked my credit history, they called my past employers, they talked to my former co-workers, they did a thorough police background check.

When I applied for a FOID card, I paid $11.00. Someone punched my name into a computer and nothing came up.
No evidence that this was a criminal who was released. At first blush, this sounds like a murder/suicide. And Utah, you know that some kind of Mormon Craziness was involved.

Probably not, since a gun in the home is 43 times more likely to kill a family member than a bad guy.

Wouldn't be surprised if we find out this was domestic violence, given the remoteness of the home and that they were all Mormon crazies.
No matter how many times you repeat that debunked stat it will never be true
No matter how many times you repeat that debunked stat it will never be true

No matter how many times you whine about it, it remains true.

25,000 suicides with guns
About half the 19,000 gun homicides are domestic.
Only 200 gun homicides in the home are ruled self-defense.

If anything, Kellerman was probably conservative in his numbers. The real ones are far worse.

Andrea Yates killed her 5 kids without a gun so I guess you are wrong again
Children under five with no other adults in the room.
As opposed to adults and teens in the house with Crazy Mormon Man murdering his whole family.
No matter how many times you whine about it, it remains true.

25,000 suicides with guns
About half the 19,000 gun homicides are domestic.
Only 200 gun homicides in the home are ruled self-defense.

If anything, Kellerman was probably conservative in his numbers. The real ones are far worse.

Children under five with no other adults in the room.
As opposed to adults and teens in the house with Crazy Mormon Man murdering his whole family.
Suicides don't count never did never will.

Suicide is a choice that everyone has the absolute right to make .

And as you have been told countless times already a successful defensive use of a gun does not necessarily mean anyone was killed. Most criminals are cowards and will run when they see a gun pointed at them
Suicides don't count never did never will.

Suicide is a choice that everyone has the absolute right to make .

And guns make them easier to do.. and that's the problem.

And as you have been told countless times already a successful defensive use of a gun does not necessarily mean anyone was killed. Most criminals are cowards and will run when they see a gun pointed at them

You've claimed that. I don't really believe it. Just because you like to waive guns at scary black people doesn't make it a "Defensive use".
And guns make them easier to do.. and that's the problem.

You've claimed that. I don't really believe it. Just because you like to waive guns at scary black people doesn't make it a "Defensive use".
Not a problem at all. People have the absolute right choose to commit suicide or not.

My mother was Black you racist asshole.
No matter how many times you whine about it, it remains true.

25,000 suicides with guns
About half the 19,000 gun homicides are domestic.
Only 200 gun homicides in the home are ruled self-defense.

If anything, Kellerman was probably conservative in his numbers. The real ones are far worse.

Children under five with no other adults in the room.
As opposed to adults and teens in the house with Crazy Mormon Man murdering his whole family.
No matter how much you whine and moan abou, firearms are routinely used for self-defense.

I think everyone gets it, you insist criminals are a victim class to be defended.
Meanwhile, in the real world, guns aren't going to be 'banned,' guns aren't going to be 'confiscated,' and there will be no 'new' Federal AWB.
I'll give you another chance to tuck your tail and run away from my challenge:

Tell us why the USSC, under current jurisprudence, will uphold the state bans on 'assault weapons'.

C'mon, chump - stand and deliver.
No matter how much you whine and moan abou, firearms are routinely used for self-defense.

Nope, they really aren't. DGU's by civilians are rare.

I think everyone gets it, you insist criminals are a victim class to be defended.
Nope, they are the result of our failure as a society.

In Frankenstein, it's not the monster who is evil, it's the mad doctor who created him.


We create the criminal class by allowing easy access to guns, no access to mental health treatment, grinding poverty and racism. Then we all cower in our houses with our guns and our bibles with the problem we've created.
Nope, they really aren't. DGU's by civilians are rare.

Nope, they are the result of our failure as a society.

In Frankenstein, it's not the monster who is evil, it's the mad doctor who created him.

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We create the criminal class by allowing easy access to guns, no access to mental health treatment, grinding poverty and racism. Then we all cower in our houses with our guns and our bibles with the problem we've created.
You can press your conspiracy theory that DGU's being rare but the facts tell us otherwise.

You can use "we" in connection with your claim about creating a criminal class but in the grown-up world, "we" understand that leftist policies are designed to protect criminals as the oppressed victims. Leftist policies are enabling criminals and making the career path for those criminals much easier.

Most of us live in the real world, not your fantasy world of Hollywood movies,
No, they don't. Just ask Jack Kevorkian.

We lock suicidal people up.

Sure she was... that's why you support racist Trump.
Assisted suicide and suicide aren't the same thing . Idiot.

OK so why don't you quote any post of mine where I have supported Trump? I didn't vote for that idiot

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