Just another day in America. Guns keeping people safe... 8 dead... the dead can't be killed, therefore they're safe.

Possibly. Or having lost his job, then having his wife file for divorce, during Christmas week; realizing his age, and staring down the certainty of losing not only his wife, but his kids, his home, the majority of any future income he may, or may not be able to generate, (or going to jail if he cannot generate...) made him snap. That too is a possibility. Short of the man leaving a note, we likely will never know. But from my perspective, what I do know, is that this is absolutely tragic as far as it concerns these children.
I don't stick up for the acts of cowards.
Your side is the one that continues to cut mental health spending to give tax cuts to billionaires. As for prisons, we already lock up 2 million people, more than even Communist China.

This guy bought his gun legally, as near as I can tell. He had no history of mental illness before he snapped. He held down a good job and was respected in his Mormon community.
according to the article, wife wanted a divorce.

8 people dead... This is how many people per 100,000 are murdered in Utah, which ranks 30th in... was it murders or murders from guns? I think the latter.

I hate to say this and it may pour salt in the wounds of some people, but... This is what happens when you do not have the religion Christ instituted. That's not to say that Catholics don't commit murders but... When is the last time we heard of a devout Catholic doing something like this?

just sayin

Well, the good news is: Those children and hopefully all who were murdered are in a better place.

8 people dead... This is how many people per 100,000 are murdered in Utah, which ranks 30th in... was it murders or murders from guns? I think the latter.

I hate to say this and it may pour salt in the wounds of some people, but... This is what happens when you do not have the religion Christ instituted. That's not to say that Catholics don't commit murders but... When is the last time we heard of a devout Catholic doing something like this?

just sayin

Well, the good news is: Those children and hopefully all who were murdered are in a better place.

They were godless Mormons.
I stand by what I said.
Like I said, a blood thirsty nut. Wants gun owners killed, babies torn from the womb, People who refuse the death jab killed. What an evil monster.

I picture you like this.

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