Just as I had expected

Isn't that more than any Presidential election since Thomas Jefferson's time?
Correction: I guess it's more than any election since 1836, when Virginia's entire slate of 23 Democrat electors abstained from voting for Vice President in the Electoral College. The Democrat Presidential candidate (Martin Van Buren) won as expected, but the Vice President's election was thrown into the Senate, which voted for the Democrat Vice President anyway, as expected.
I'm hearing now that the number of Electors turning on Hitlery may be more than four.
Isn't that more than any Presidential election since Thomas Jefferson's time?
Correction: I guess it's more than any election since 1836, when Virginia's entire slate of 23 Democrat electors abstained from voting for Vice President in the Electoral College. The Democrat Presidential candidate (Martin Van Buren) won as expected, but the Vice President's election was thrown into the Senate, which voted for the Democrat Vice President anyway, as expected.

Wow, that's a long time ago. Folks really must hate Hillary Clinton.
Im hoping this doesn't end now. Reliving their defeat over and over has been hugely entertaining. Just as I start to tire of videos of celebutards crying and freaking out this comes along.
Maybe now the media can convince them that the House of Reps will stop Trump being elected and then we can watch them traumatized yet again when they count the votes.
Given their disconnect from reality this game could go on quite a while.
Didn't Jake say at least 12 electors would vote for Hillary or another candidate. I believe he claimed his sources told him. Might be time to get new sources.

Isn't that right....
Democrats should have been careful what they wished for. Apparently they were so convinced it wasn't the people's dislike of their policies, agenda, and arrogance that made them lose, that they begged the Electoral College to vote their consciences and violate their oaths to vote for the choice of their states.

So the electors did - with Democrat electors choosing not to vote for HILLARY in far greater numbers than Republican electors chose not to vote for Trump.

Trump coasted easily to the Presidency as the Electoral College gave him 302 electoral votes, with a few states still remaining to be counted.

It's always a hoot to see the hysterical Democrats fall on their faces again and again as they try to overturn the results of an election.

Will they ever, ever learn?

Electors remain faithful to Trump and select him as official winner - CNNPolitics.com

Yes. Her losing four votes was some hilarious stuff indeed. Good for them, though given the numbers of illegals the Democrats were bussing to the polls, another 20 or so should have changed theirs to Trump, too, so they aren't entirely honest and reflective of how Americans citizens voted yet.
I'm hearing now that the number of Electors turning on Hitlery may be more than four.
As I (later) said, SEVEN turned against her. The Democrats hurriedly kicked out some and threatened others, but still could get the number down to "only" four who could not stomach voting for her.
Democrats should have been careful what they wished for. Apparently they were so convinced it wasn't the people's dislike of their policies, agenda, and arrogance that made them lose, that they begged the Electoral College to vote their consciences and violate their oaths to vote for the choice of their states.

So the electors did - with Democrat electors choosing not to vote for HILLARY in far greater numbers than Republican electors chose not to vote for Trump.

Trump coasted easily to the Presidency as the Electoral College gave him 302 electoral votes, with a few states still remaining to be counted.

It's always a hoot to see the hysterical Democrats fall on their faces again and again as they try to overturn the results of an election.

Will they ever, ever learn?

Electors remain faithful to Trump and select him as official winner - CNNPolitics.com
Sounds like a Cumberland Gap Georgia Tech score.
Interesting to note that Hillary Clinton lost more faithless electors than Donald Trump.

Transition to Trump


Actually, I'm gonna kinda miss the electoral college. It was amusing and entertaining.

You know, Dems, you got another chance. The House must certify the overall vote. Maybe you can convince them to overturn the vote, and then they can select the president themselves !!!!

Oh wait --- that's Republican controlled, isn't it?


It's a slow winter, and I was kinda looking forward to the entertainment.
It was fun watching Rachel "Blinky" Maddow present that info. Its face was sadder than ever. :p
we finally have seen the day where no normal person wants to be associated with the Clintons and the Weiners,,,if they were exposed, they would/will be laffed at for the rest of their lives,,,kinda like being exposed to actually having sex with an intern , caught showing thier penis on the web, or having sex with Chewbacca or Richard Simmons
Hillary lost 5 electoral votes yesterday. She should crawl under a rock. I have never seen such an unqualified candidate. She is a 2 time loser and so despicable that most sane people want to see her put out to pasture.

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