Just as I had expected

She was a lousy candidate. The DNC never should never fielder her as their candidate. She had way to much baggage.

She and the rest of the Dems, the DNC, the media and the pollsters all thought Trump was a joke.

Guess who's laughing now.

The joke is on you people because the Democrats will never be running another candidate with that much baggage.

who would that be? You dems have no upcoming young libtardians to run. All you have is old, tired, corrupt, establishment pukes.

You dumped on your only good candidate, Jim Webb. The dem party is now the party of far left old people and hollyloonies. Obama and Clinton have destroyed the party of Truman and Kennedy. You fools get what you voted for----------------GOP control of the whitehouse and both houses of congress as well as a majority of governors and state legislators.

The far left ideology is a loser, but you fools continue to destroy yourselves with it. amazingly stupid.

Yes Webb could have beaten Trump. Easily. Webb's an anti-free trader, which would have made a wash out of Trump's winning issue.

I could have beaten Cassius Clay in 1945. George Foreman in 1950. And I could have another aunt if my Uncle did not have a dick.

Webb would have had none of the Hillary baggage, and he opposes trade agreements like NAFTA.

So we can thus give him Hillary's 3 million vote win PLUS the ability to have won Michigan, Ohio, and Pennsylvania where the anti-NAFTA vote helped Trump.

thanks for confirming the stupidity of the dem party. But you are still one of them, right?
It is well documented that her campaign started it. It is also well documented that behind the scenes is where the DNC does their dirty work for the bitch. We need to call Vlad and see if he can get the DNC emails from that campaign. I'm sure the door is still open since our idiot in charges people are so incompetent. HAHAHA. Speak oh high and mighty Yoda!!!

It is well documented someone other than Hillary started the birther thing.

What's funniest is you people trying to attack Hillary for birtherism, when you elected a birther.

Her staffers, her supporters, her campaign. Now, did she tell them to stop it? NO. So she condoned it, supported it, and then lied about supporting it. Its called corruption and lying, and Hillary is very good at both, and you are too stupid to realize that.
The joke is on you people because the Democrats will never be running another candidate with that much baggage.

who would that be? You dems have no upcoming young libtardians to run. All you have is old, tired, corrupt, establishment pukes.

You dumped on your only good candidate, Jim Webb. The dem party is now the party of far left old people and hollyloonies. Obama and Clinton have destroyed the party of Truman and Kennedy. You fools get what you voted for----------------GOP control of the whitehouse and both houses of congress as well as a majority of governors and state legislators.

The far left ideology is a loser, but you fools continue to destroy yourselves with it. amazingly stupid.

Yes Webb could have beaten Trump. Easily. Webb's an anti-free trader, which would have made a wash out of Trump's winning issue.

I could have beaten Cassius Clay in 1945. George Foreman in 1950. And I could have another aunt if my Uncle did not have a dick.

Webb would have had none of the Hillary baggage, and he opposes trade agreements like NAFTA.

So we can thus give him Hillary's 3 million vote win PLUS the ability to have won Michigan, Ohio, and Pennsylvania where the anti-NAFTA vote helped Trump.

I agree.

Webb would have been a great candidate.

Too bad the DNC was focused on Hillary as someone who could win and pretty much blanked everyone one else out.

They were stupid as hell.
Webb can't win the Democratic primary.
She was a lousy candidate. The DNC never should never fielder her as their candidate. She had way to much baggage.

She and the rest of the Dems, the DNC, the media and the pollsters all thought Trump was a joke.

Guess who's laughing now.

The joke is on you people because the Democrats will never be running another candidate with that much baggage.

who would that be? You dems have no upcoming young libtardians to run. All you have is old, tired, corrupt, establishment pukes.

You dumped on your only good candidate, Jim Webb. The dem party is now the party of far left old people and hollyloonies. Obama and Clinton have destroyed the party of Truman and Kennedy. You fools get what you voted for----------------GOP control of the whitehouse and both houses of congress as well as a majority of governors and state legislators.

The far left ideology is a loser, but you fools continue to destroy yourselves with it. amazingly stupid.

Yes Webb could have beaten Trump. Easily. Webb's an anti-free trader, which would have made a wash out of Trump's winning issue.

I could have beaten Cassius Clay in 1945. George Foreman in 1950. And I could have another aunt if my Uncle did not have a dick.

Webb would have had none of the Hillary baggage, and he opposes trade agreements like NAFTA.

So we can thus give him Hillary's 3 million vote win PLUS the ability to have won Michigan, Ohio, and Pennsylvania where the anti-NAFTA vote helped Trump.
Webb got less than 3% of the vote in nearly every Democratic primary he participated in.

Webb is too pro-white for your dumbass party.
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who would that be? You dems have no upcoming young libtardians to run. All you have is old, tired, corrupt, establishment pukes.

You dumped on your only good candidate, Jim Webb. The dem party is now the party of far left old people and hollyloonies. Obama and Clinton have destroyed the party of Truman and Kennedy. You fools get what you voted for----------------GOP control of the whitehouse and both houses of congress as well as a majority of governors and state legislators.

The far left ideology is a loser, but you fools continue to destroy yourselves with it. amazingly stupid.

Yes Webb could have beaten Trump. Easily. Webb's an anti-free trader, which would have made a wash out of Trump's winning issue.

I could have beaten Cassius Clay in 1945. George Foreman in 1950. And I could have another aunt if my Uncle did not have a dick.

Webb would have had none of the Hillary baggage, and he opposes trade agreements like NAFTA.

So we can thus give him Hillary's 3 million vote win PLUS the ability to have won Michigan, Ohio, and Pennsylvania where the anti-NAFTA vote helped Trump.

I agree.

Webb would have been a great candidate.

Too bad the DNC was focused on Hillary as someone who could win and pretty much blanked everyone one else out.

They were stupid as hell.
Webb can't win the Democratic primary.

the dem party of today is so far left, the candidates are very few. Maybe Whoopi can run for them. She fits their current mold.

The party of Truman and Kennedy is dead, very dead.
Yes Webb could have beaten Trump. Easily. Webb's an anti-free trader, which would have made a wash out of Trump's winning issue.

I could have beaten Cassius Clay in 1945. George Foreman in 1950. And I could have another aunt if my Uncle did not have a dick.

Webb would have had none of the Hillary baggage, and he opposes trade agreements like NAFTA.

So we can thus give him Hillary's 3 million vote win PLUS the ability to have won Michigan, Ohio, and Pennsylvania where the anti-NAFTA vote helped Trump.

I agree.

Webb would have been a great candidate.

Too bad the DNC was focused on Hillary as someone who could win and pretty much blanked everyone one else out.

They were stupid as hell.
Webb can't win the Democratic primary.

the dem party of today is so far left, the candidates are very few. Maybe Whoopi can run for them. She fits their current mold.

The party of Truman and Kennedy is dead, very dead.
The Democratic Party isn't really left at all, they are just hypocritical dumbasses who don't understand just how hypocritical they are.

Kennedy(John) was actually much more of a leftist than most of the black and Hispanic Democrat voters are today, and obviously they depend on blacks and Hispanics to win nearly all the state and national elections.

The reason why you think the Democrats are far left is because of the very extreme and very vocal white and Jewish element in the party that in all actuality relinquishes the little remaining power they have to the far right non-white element of the party.

La Raza is far right. The New Black Panthers and the Nation of Islam are far right. CAIR is far right. Without La Raza, New Black Panthers and CAIR the Democrats could barely win California.
I could have beaten Cassius Clay in 1945. George Foreman in 1950. And I could have another aunt if my Uncle did not have a dick.

Webb would have had none of the Hillary baggage, and he opposes trade agreements like NAFTA.

So we can thus give him Hillary's 3 million vote win PLUS the ability to have won Michigan, Ohio, and Pennsylvania where the anti-NAFTA vote helped Trump.

I agree.

Webb would have been a great candidate.

Too bad the DNC was focused on Hillary as someone who could win and pretty much blanked everyone one else out.

They were stupid as hell.
Webb can't win the Democratic primary.

the dem party of today is so far left, the candidates are very few. Maybe Whoopi can run for them. She fits their current mold.

The party of Truman and Kennedy is dead, very dead.
The Democratic Party isn't really left at all, they are just hypocritical dumbasses who don't understand just how hypocritical they are.

Kennedy(John) was actually much more of a leftist than most of the black and Hispanic Democrat voters are today, and obviously they depend on blacks and Hispanics to win nearly all the state and national elections.

The reason why you think the Democrats are far left is because of the very extreme and very vocal white and Jewish element in the party that in all actuality relinquishes the little remaining power they have to the far right non-white element of the party.

La Raza is far right. The New Black Panthers and the Nation of Islam are far right. CAIR is far right. Without La Raza, New Black Panthers and CAIR the Democrats could barely win California.

the welfare state, supported by the groups you named, is far left. dem party = welfare state, therefore, dem party = far left.

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