Just as I had expected

The joke is on you people because the Democrats will never be running another candidate with that much baggage.

No the joke is the DNC period, Obama is the issue and most of you are too f'ing stupid to figure it out...

The euphoric state of mind he put you in has cost the DNC and this band of millennials who received participation trophy's during their adolesents will put your precious candidates behind the 8 ball for years to come, maybe this is the Hope Mochelle was really talking about...
She was a lousy candidate. The DNC never should never fielder her as their candidate. She had way to much baggage.

She and the rest of the Dems, the DNC, the media and the pollsters all thought Trump was a joke.

Guess who's laughing now.

The joke is on you people because the Democrats will never be running another candidate with that much baggage.

And rest assured, the Republicans will never run again the one who is "next in line". 1992, 1996, 2008 and 2012 were powerful examples never to make the same mistake again.

So Trump won't run in 2020?

You know, when I posted the above, that never even occurred to me.

But, unlike for others, the Presidency is not a source of get-rich scheme for a billionaire, so a SUCCESSFUL one term might be enough for Trump to retire with the satisfaction of job well done.
Would you care to list any currently viable presidential candidates on the Dem side who have anything remotely resembling the Hillary baggage? Any who are as poor at campaigning?
Did I say anywhere in my post that I would offer up any names of Democrats they should consider for future Presidential Candidate? No. If Pressed, the 1st one that comes to mind is Ellison, who is connected to terrorists.

The point of MY post, though, was to agree with you in hopes the DNC has learned it's lesson about better selection of candidates.

As I pointed out though, their attitude seems to be for not 'No need to change anything', and Barry has suggested he wants to hang around and train new Democrats. great.
She was a lousy candidate. The DNC never should never fielder her as their candidate. She had way to much baggage.

She and the rest of the Dems, the DNC, the media and the pollsters all thought Trump was a joke.

Guess who's laughing now.

The joke is on you people because the Democrats will never be running another candidate with that much baggage.

who would that be? You dems have no upcoming young libtardians to run. All you have is old, tired, corrupt, establishment pukes.

You dumped on your only good candidate, Jim Webb. The dem party is now the party of far left old people and hollyloonies. Obama and Clinton have destroyed the party of Truman and Kennedy. You fools get what you voted for----------------GOP control of the whitehouse and both houses of congress as well as a majority of governors and state legislators.

The far left ideology is a loser, but you fools continue to destroy yourselves with it. amazingly stupid.

Yes Webb could have beaten Trump. Easily. Webb's an anti-free trader, which would have made a wash out of Trump's winning issue.

He might have. But you didn't run him and you LOST. But it was "her turn" right? Idiots. I might have voted for Webb. But you had to run the corrupt lying criminal because she was a woman and it was her turn. morons.
We get it. Trump could never have beaten a better candidate. No chance whatsoever.

I agree. I told you so about two years ago. Clinton was bad choice. An unnecessary gamble.

Pay attention to what I say, you'll all be smarter.

Difference is we knew that BEFORE the election, you guys figured it out AFTER.

So you admit that Trump could never have beaten a good solid Democrat without baggage and all of Clinton's other problems.

Uh, I didn't figure that out AFTER the election. Learn to read, homeschooler.
Hillary was the best candidate you guys could find. :laugh: :itsok:
She was a lousy candidate. The DNC never should never fielder her as their candidate. She had way to much baggage.

She and the rest of the Dems, the DNC, the media and the pollsters all thought Trump was a joke.

Guess who's laughing now.

The joke is on you people because the Democrats will never be running another candidate with that much baggage.

So who're you going to trot out there in four years?
The fake indian?
Libs are in chaos. The only thing they have going for them is the loyalty of the criminal enterprise known as the "mainstream media". Senate minority leader Chuckie Schumer even told Americans he didn't trust the FBI or the CIA to "investigate" alleged Russian hacking but he would rather have a bunch of appointed political hacks and the mainstream media let him say it without even a question.

Who investigated Benghazi?
It's over.

I'd tell them to just "get over it" but if they did....,.,

We'd have to find something new to laugh at.

Too much work this early in the week.

You elected a Birther who never 'got over' Obama being eligible to be elected, let alone GETTING elected.

Clean up your own shit.

You ran the original birther.
Libs are in chaos. The only thing they have going for them is the loyalty of the criminal enterprise known as the "mainstream media". Senate minority leader Chuckie Schumer even told Americans he didn't trust the FBI or the CIA to "investigate" alleged Russian hacking but he would rather have a bunch of appointed political hacks and the mainstream media let him say it without even a question.

Who investigated Benghazi?
It's over.

I'd tell them to just "get over it" but if they did....,.,

We'd have to find something new to laugh at.

Too much work this early in the week.

You elected a Birther who never 'got over' Obama being eligible to be elected, let alone GETTING elected.

Clean up your own shit.

Who lied about Benghazi? Who started the birther movement? Answer to both: Hillary Clinton.

You lie.

"it was caused by a video" Hillary Clinton. that was a lie

The historical evidence clearly shows that the Clinton campaign started the birther movement in early 2008.

The liar is you-------------------as usual.
Libs are in chaos. The only thing they have going for them is the loyalty of the criminal enterprise known as the "mainstream media". Senate minority leader Chuckie Schumer even told Americans he didn't trust the FBI or the CIA to "investigate" alleged Russian hacking but he would rather have a bunch of appointed political hacks and the mainstream media let him say it without even a question.

Who investigated Benghazi?
It's over.

I'd tell them to just "get over it" but if they did....,.,

We'd have to find something new to laugh at.

Too much work this early in the week.

You elected a Birther who never 'got over' Obama being eligible to be elected, let alone GETTING elected.

Clean up your own shit.

You ran the original birther.

Yup. As I recall Hillary pulled out the birther crap in 2008. She was the first birther.
She was a lousy candidate. The DNC never should never fielder her as their candidate. She had way to much baggage.

She and the rest of the Dems, the DNC, the media and the pollsters all thought Trump was a joke.

Guess who's laughing now.

The joke is on you people because the Democrats will never be running another candidate with that much baggage.

So who're you going to trot out there in four years?
The fake indian?
Christine Pelosi. Nancy Pelosi's daughter.
She was a lousy candidate. The DNC never should never fielder her as their candidate. She had way to much baggage.

She and the rest of the Dems, the DNC, the media and the pollsters all thought Trump was a joke.

Guess who's laughing now.

The joke is on you people because the Democrats will never be running another candidate with that much baggage.

who would that be? You dems have no upcoming young libtardians to run. All you have is old, tired, corrupt, establishment pukes.

You dumped on your only good candidate, Jim Webb. The dem party is now the party of far left old people and hollyloonies. Obama and Clinton have destroyed the party of Truman and Kennedy. You fools get what you voted for----------------GOP control of the whitehouse and both houses of congress as well as a majority of governors and state legislators.

The far left ideology is a loser, but you fools continue to destroy yourselves with it. amazingly stupid.

Yes Webb could have beaten Trump. Easily. Webb's an anti-free trader, which would have made a wash out of Trump's winning issue.

I could have beaten Cassius Clay in 1945. George Foreman in 1950. And I could have another aunt if my Uncle did not have a dick.
"Hillary Clinton lost the Electoral College vote to Donald Trump on Dec. 19, 2016, 18 years to the day after the U.S. House of Representatives impeached President Bill Clinton on two charges of perjury and one of obstruction of justice."

Hillary Loses Electoral College Vote 18 Years To Day After Bill’s Impeachment



(Perjury and Obstruction of Justice seem to run in the family. :p)
What a joke, Liberals are all a joke, they assum no e they know what every person everywhere knows, thinks, wants, and hates. They consider themselves intellectually superior though they make mistakes a two year old could predict. They bow to people who are the worst leaders to ever darken the earth with their shadow. They strive to belittle people who are much better in every respect than they are. So they are just like shitbitch and should call her their soul mate. HAHAHA. Speak oh wise liberals!!! We have so much to learn!!!
Libs are in chaos. The only thing they have going for them is the loyalty of the criminal enterprise known as the "mainstream media". Senate minority leader Chuckie Schumer even told Americans he didn't trust the FBI or the CIA to "investigate" alleged Russian hacking but he would rather have a bunch of appointed political hacks and the mainstream media let him say it without even a question.

Who investigated Benghazi?
It's over.

I'd tell them to just "get over it" but if they did....,.,

We'd have to find something new to laugh at.

Too much work this early in the week.

You elected a Birther who never 'got over' Obama being eligible to be elected, let alone GETTING elected.

Clean up your own shit.

You ran the original birther.

Yup. As I recall Hillary pulled out the birther crap in 2008. She was the first birther.

No, she didn't. If she did then you post any authenticated quote from Hillary Clinton saying Obama wasn't born in the US.
Libs are in chaos. The only thing they have going for them is the loyalty of the criminal enterprise known as the "mainstream media". Senate minority leader Chuckie Schumer even told Americans he didn't trust the FBI or the CIA to "investigate" alleged Russian hacking but he would rather have a bunch of appointed political hacks and the mainstream media let him say it without even a question.

Who investigated Benghazi?
It's over.

I'd tell them to just "get over it" but if they did....,.,

We'd have to find something new to laugh at.

Too much work this early in the week.

You elected a Birther who never 'got over' Obama being eligible to be elected, let alone GETTING elected.

Clean up your own shit.

You ran the original birther.

Yup. As I recall Hillary pulled out the birther crap in 2008. She was the first birther.

No, she didn't. If she did then you post any authenticated quote from Hillary Clinton saying Obama wasn't born in the US.

If you say so. LOL
She was a lousy candidate. The DNC never should never fielder her as their candidate. She had way to much baggage.

She and the rest of the Dems, the DNC, the media and the pollsters all thought Trump was a joke.

Guess who's laughing now.

The joke is on you people because the Democrats will never be running another candidate with that much baggage.

who would that be? You dems have no upcoming young libtardians to run. All you have is old, tired, corrupt, establishment pukes.

You dumped on your only good candidate, Jim Webb. The dem party is now the party of far left old people and hollyloonies. Obama and Clinton have destroyed the party of Truman and Kennedy. You fools get what you voted for----------------GOP control of the whitehouse and both houses of congress as well as a majority of governors and state legislators.

The far left ideology is a loser, but you fools continue to destroy yourselves with it. amazingly stupid.

Yes Webb could have beaten Trump. Easily. Webb's an anti-free trader, which would have made a wash out of Trump's winning issue.

I could have beaten Cassius Clay in 1945. George Foreman in 1950. And I could have another aunt if my Uncle did not have a dick.

Webb would have had none of the Hillary baggage, and he opposes trade agreements like NAFTA.

So we can thus give him Hillary's 3 million vote win PLUS the ability to have won Michigan, Ohio, and Pennsylvania where the anti-NAFTA vote helped Trump.
We get it. Trump could never have beaten a better candidate. No chance whatsoever.

I agree. I told you so about two years ago. Clinton was bad choice. An unnecessary gamble.

Pay attention to what I say, you'll all be smarter.
Gee, thanks. I'll bet you predict darkness tonight as well?

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