just because someone cares for The Common Good like JFK doesn't make them a communist or socialist

the NFL should be abolished so that folks stop watching it and wasting time and start focusing on helping their community
Yeah, great idea, why don't you be the poster boy for the end of the NFL, and you tell all those 300 pound black men to pound sand. Funny how many of those RICH black men are out their helping their communities.....Dumbass, thy name is liberal...
JFK gave a speech to Germans when the Russians were building the Berlin Wall and then went home and let them get shot in the back. JFK apparently didn't care about the sovereign right of the Cubans when he hired the CIA to raise and train an illegal invasion force that he abandoned. JFK's quirky A.G. illegally wiretapped MLK's phone. Tell me again how JFK "cared for the common good".
the NFL should be abolished so that folks stop watching it and wasting time and start focusing on helping their community

What you call a waste of time other call entertainment. If you want to focus on your community, great but don’t dictate what others should do, it is none of your business, just like your sex life is no one else’s business.

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