Just checking in on California and it's Budget Situation.

Looks like poor otto105 had to flee. Too many facts proving his BS wrong.
What facts? The fact that California has a projected 15 Billion dollar surplus?

How can they have a surplus when they have 186.5 BILLION in unfunded mandates? What planet does that sort of math work on?
You're not an accountant are you.

No, but I have a PhD in an exact science that requires me to understand higher math. How about you? Can you do middle school math?
Sure, 2+2= what to an exact science guy?
You mean thanks to the American people for bailing them out...give credit where credit is due....
So, you didn't actually read the article, but fell back to your ignorance to post a response.
I stay informed...CA just got billions from Joe and mark my words...it will be used to shore up public pensions before it improves one damn thing....
When will one of your posts present facts or comment accurately one them?

The post above, moron.
California....state with the most bankrupt cities of all states.

The state with over 186 BILLION, in unfunded mandates. It is the ultimate ponzi scheme

Awash in the cash of taxpayers from the other States that the xiden admin stole from, to then use to bail out flailing California.

You really are a stupid parrot.
Again, another conservative posting opinion bullshit rather than relying on facts.
Speaking of bullshit...otto.
California received 26 billion dollars from the taxpayers just for starter.

42 billion overall.
How much money will your state get if Biden's COVID-19 relief bill passes?
How does that money affect the opening paragraph of the article.

California’s state budget, already poised to be flush with higher-than-expected tax revenues, will receive an additional cash infusion of $26 billion under the COVID-19 relief bill that President Biden signed Thursday, sparking demands for a wide array of new efforts to help those hit hardest by the pandemic.
Where does that 26 billion go?
To the people that it was intended for.
Oh, you mean the union pension funds. Got it

Isn't it amazing how these parrots ignore the very real economic catastrophes heading their way.
Can you offer any evidence that the Federal COVID money will go to the California pension system?

Can you offer any evidence that it won't? How about you address the elephant in the room, you claimed Cali was awash in cash, 186.5 BILLION in unfunded public employee mandates proves that claim is bullshit. How about you simply address your bullshit claim.

Typical wingnut BS:

Make a completely false accusation, then challenge anyone that disagrees to prove that the accusation is not true.

Here's some news for you:


I'm not accusing. I am pointing out these things called FACTS. Fascists, like you, don't like facts.

You made the accusation that Covid-19 relief money would be funneled to pension funds. You provided no proof.

You're just saying so does not make it a fact.

Either prove your accusation or STFU!!!!

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