Just curious,. but when exactly did this Satan guy become part of the Christian narrative?


Isaiah 14:12-15 and Ezekiel 28:11-19 allude to the angel Lucifer's original position as a very exalted being, and likely the highest ranking of all the angels. Ezekiel 28:12-15 also states that in addition to being powerful, it's likely that Lucifer was the most beautiful of all of God's creations.

Satan rebelled against God and upon learning of Lucifer's plan, God removed him from his dignified position and cast him out of Heaven (Isaiah 14:15; Ezekiel 28:16-17).

In addition to that, Hell has not yet been created and won't until the Second Coming of Christ.

That's all in the Bible.
Almost a winner. If I remember my Christian Mythology , Lucifer was the Angel of Light. The most beautiful and favorite of God. It was Lucifer who rebelled against God however, and God caught him and a third of the other angels who backed his Coup, were cast out of Heaven and became Satan and all his demons and stuff.
Thing is, you don't find that narrative anywhere in the bible, so how did it become such a believable part of Christianity?

Catholic High School. You know those kooky but progressive brandy making Christian Brothers! Not all ancient manuscripts were included in the Bible.

Actually it was a mythology class from that school. I'm not sure if it's true or not. ha.
I heard that there were a lot of religious tests floating around and some early Pope instructed that some be collected and published in one source..presto..a bible was born. a lot of those texts didn't make the 'cut'. I've heard that if some of those that missed the cut were ever found and published it would throw the Christian world into chaos...as they would contradict somewhat a lot of what we have come to accept as the word of God.

I heard that you were a bigoted dipshit who prefers believing rumors to learning facts.

Isaiah 14:12-15 and Ezekiel 28:11-19 allude to the angel Lucifer's original position as a very exalted being, and likely the highest ranking of all the angels. Ezekiel 28:12-15 also states that in addition to being powerful, it's likely that Lucifer was the most beautiful of all of God's creations.

Satan rebelled against God and upon learning of Lucifer's plan, God removed him from his dignified position and cast him out of Heaven (Isaiah 14:15; Ezekiel 28:16-17).

In addition to that, Hell has not yet been created and won't until the Second Coming of Christ. John prophesieses that in
Revelations 9, where he sees a star fall from heaven to the earth, having the key of the "bottomless pit". He opens the bottomless pit; and smoke arises out of it, like the smoke of a great furnace, which darkens the sun.

That's all in the Bible.
Satan literally means ADVERSARY----any adversary initially.

There were no adversaries before the fall of man in the Garden of Eden.
There was no Garden of Evil----------but if you believe the fable (talking snake means fable btw) the snake would have been the adversary in that story...well the snake or that evil all powerful creature smiting Adam and Eve for eating a knowledge apple.
Whenever I heard that apple story I always assumed God never intended for mankind to be 'smart'..just be equal to all the other creatures He created. But nope, had to eat that apple which enabled mankind to be on top of the pecking order. Somehow that made God mad. Said that in Sunday school once and was given a stern look and told to be quiet the rest of the day.

Sounds to me like you've made a lifelong habit of talking about what you think you "know" so loudly that you can't hear what's actually going on. Perhaps you would have heard why God was angry if you hadn't been such a prattling smartass.

Isaiah 14:12-15 and Ezekiel 28:11-19 allude to the angel Lucifer's original position as a very exalted being, and likely the highest ranking of all the angels. Ezekiel 28:12-15 also states that in addition to being powerful, it's likely that Lucifer was the most beautiful of all of God's creations.

Satan rebelled against God and upon learning of Lucifer's plan, God removed him from his dignified position and cast him out of Heaven (Isaiah 14:15; Ezekiel 28:16-17).

In addition to that, Hell has not yet been created and won't until the Second Coming of Christ. John prophesieses that in
Revelations 9, where he sees a star fall from heaven to the earth, having the key of the "bottomless pit". He opens the bottomless pit; and smoke arises out of it, like the smoke of a great furnace, which darkens the sun.

That's all in the Bible.
Satan literally means ADVERSARY----any adversary initially.

There were no adversaries before the fall of man in the Garden of Eden.
There was no Garden of Evil----------but if you believe the fable (talking snake means fable btw) the snake would have been the adversary in that story...well the snake or that evil all powerful creature smiting Adam and Eve for eating a knowledge apple.
Whenever I heard that apple story I always assumed God never intended for mankind to be 'smart'..just be equal to all the other creatures He created. But nope, had to eat that apple which enabled mankind to be on top of the pecking order. Somehow that made God mad. Said that in Sunday school once and was given a stern look and told to be quiet the rest of the day.

Sounds to me like you've made a lifelong habit of talking about what you think you "know" so loudly that you can't hear what's actually going on. Perhaps you would have heard why God was angry if you hadn't been such a prattling smartass.
God can't make a prattling ass hear something??
'Satan' is only mentioned about 19 times in the Old Testament and only once in the New Testament. No where in those bibles is he referred to as the ruler of a place called hell or that he was once an angel but was cast out of heaven by God. The word Satan is used more as a description of evil than an actual evil deity ruling over a place called hell. I think the idea of Satan and his realm of hell is a narrative created less than a few hundred years ago to keep people in line....Who Is Satan?
Satan is the answer to the question, how could a loving God create a world so filled with evil. Like everything else he evolved over time and was given a back story.

Isaiah 14:12-15 and Ezekiel 28:11-19 allude to the angel Lucifer's original position as a very exalted being, and likely the highest ranking of all the angels. Ezekiel 28:12-15 also states that in addition to being powerful, it's likely that Lucifer was the most beautiful of all of God's creations.

Satan rebelled against God and upon learning of Lucifer's plan, God removed him from his dignified position and cast him out of Heaven (Isaiah 14:15; Ezekiel 28:16-17).

In addition to that, Hell has not yet been created and won't until the Second Coming of Christ. John prophesieses that in
Revelations 9, where he sees a star fall from heaven to the earth, having the key of the "bottomless pit". He opens the bottomless pit; and smoke arises out of it, like the smoke of a great furnace, which darkens the sun.

That's all in the Bible.
Satan literally means ADVERSARY----any adversary initially.

There were no adversaries before the fall of man in the Garden of Eden.
There was no Garden of Evil----------but if you believe the fable (talking snake means fable btw) the snake would have been the adversary in that story...well the snake or that evil all powerful creature smiting Adam and Eve for eating a knowledge apple.
Whenever I heard that apple story I always assumed God never intended for mankind to be 'smart'..just be equal to all the other creatures He created. But nope, had to eat that apple which enabled mankind to be on top of the pecking order. Somehow that made God mad. Said that in Sunday school once and was given a stern look and told to be quiet the rest of the day.

Sounds to me like you've made a lifelong habit of talking about what you think you "know" so loudly that you can't hear what's actually going on. Perhaps you would have heard why God was angry if you hadn't been such a prattling smartass.
God can't make a prattling ass hear something??

He can. He probably won't. It is your free choice to listen to the voice of your own overweening pride instead of seriously seeking information.
'Satan' is only mentioned about 19 times in the Old Testament and only once in the New Testament. No where in those bibles is he referred to as the ruler of a place called hell or that he was once an angel but was cast out of heaven by God. The word Satan is used more as a description of evil than an actual evil deity ruling over a place called hell. I think the idea of Satan and his realm of hell is a narrative created less than a few hundred years ago to keep people in line....Who Is Satan?
Satan is the answer to the question, how could a loving God create a world so filled with evil. Like everything else he evolved over time and was given a back story.
That is a New Testament point of view.
'Satan' is only mentioned about 19 times in the Old Testament and only once in the New Testament. No where in those bibles is he referred to as the ruler of a place called hell or that he was once an angel but was cast out of heaven by God. The word Satan is used more as a description of evil than an actual evil deity ruling over a place called hell. I think the idea of Satan and his realm of hell is a narrative created less than a few hundred years ago to keep people in line....Who Is Satan?
Satan is the answer to the question, how could a loving God create a world so filled with evil. Like everything else he evolved over time and was given a back story.
That is a New Testament point of view.
What is the Jewish answer to the question, how could a loving God create a world so filled with evil?
What is the Jewish answer to the question, how could a loving God create a world so filled with evil?
This is were atheists get confused.
God created a beautiful world but it's people who fill it with evil doings. ... :cool:

Isaiah 14:12-15 and Ezekiel 28:11-19 allude to the angel Lucifer's original position as a very exalted being, and likely the highest ranking of all the angels. Ezekiel 28:12-15 also states that in addition to being powerful, it's likely that Lucifer was the most beautiful of all of God's creations.

Satan rebelled against God and upon learning of Lucifer's plan, God removed him from his dignified position and cast him out of Heaven (Isaiah 14:15; Ezekiel 28:16-17).

In addition to that, Hell has not yet been created and won't until the Second Coming of Christ.

That's all in the Bible.
Almost a winner. If I remember my Christian Mythology , Lucifer was the Angel of Light. The most beautiful and favorite of God. It was Lucifer who rebelled against God however, and God caught him and a third of the other angels who backed his Coup, were cast out of Heaven and became Satan and all his demons and stuff.
Thing is, you don't find that narrative anywhere in the bible, so how did it become such a believable part of Christianity?

It seems very much like you didn't ask your "question" to get an answer; you "asked" it to get a handful of other religiophobic egomaniacs to gather around and agree with you and tell you you're clever.

So it seems like the correct response to your OP should have been, "No one cares what bigots think." Toddle along, and we'll remember next time that your name on the post is all we need to know.
"No one cares what bigots think."
well, really sissy, that doesn't fit the bill for everyone of your posts ...
'Satan' is only mentioned about 19 times in the Old Testament and only once in the New Testament. No where in those bibles is he referred to as the ruler of a place called hell or that he was once an angel but was cast out of heaven by God. The word Satan is used more as a description of evil than an actual evil deity ruling over a place called hell. I think the idea of Satan and his realm of hell is a narrative created less than a few hundred years ago to keep people in line....Who Is Satan?
Satan is the answer to the question, how could a loving God create a world so filled with evil. Like everything else he evolved over time and was given a back story.
That is a New Testament point of view.
What is the Jewish answer to the question, how could a loving God create a world so filled with evil?
It's not evil, it's free choice.
God doesn't need a world full of robots.
There's a reason God dispersed the human race as a response to the Tower of Bavel...the world no longer has only one nation where every person will walk in lock step.
There will always be nations in conflict and that conflict consists of various shades of Godliness and Selfishness.
'Satan' is only mentioned about 19 times in the Old Testament and only once in the New Testament. No where in those bibles is he referred to as the ruler of a place called hell or that he was once an angel but was cast out of heaven by God. The word Satan is used more as a description of evil than an actual evil deity ruling over a place called hell. I think the idea of Satan and his realm of hell is a narrative created less than a few hundred years ago to keep people in line....Who Is Satan?

Why speculate? Just reference the word of God see what the actual text tells us about Satan.
Satan....is a spirit....and is called a "lying spirit" (1 Kings 22:19-22 or as the Christ describes him...the father of lies (John 8:44)

The Book of Job tells us, "Now there was a day when the sons of God came to present themselves before the Lord, and Satan was among them. (Job 1:6). The phrase sons of God refer to the angels, and we find Satan among their number. (Job 2:1)

We find that Satan had fallen from heaven as referenced in (Job 38)

Also its addressed in the book of Jude that some of the Angels did not keep their place in heaven, but left their abode or home (Jude 6). In the book of Revelation we find that a war broke out between the angels of God and the angels of THE GREAT DRAGON (Satan) -- Rev. 12:7-9

(Future revelation). He(God) laid hold of the Dragon, the serpent of old, WHO IS THE DEVIL AND SATAN.......Satan was cast into the bottomless pit, shut up, with a seal of God placed upon him........-- Rev. 20:2-3 As explained in Ezekiel 28:12-19.......he was cast from the mountain of God down to the ground.........God brought "fire" from his (Satan's) mist, it devoured you, turned you to ashes upon the earth. Of course this passage is allegorical in nature and refers to a physical king, the king of Tyre also.....one must consider the text and content. The facts presented in this passage can't only be referencing a man only.
1. Was in the garden of Eden. 2. Was CREATED by God 3. Was an anointed cherub (angel). 4. Became sinful 5. His downfall from grace was pride 6. Was cast out from the mountain of God.

Satan was in the Garden in the form of a serpent (Gen. 3:1, Rev. 20:2). Satan is not God, he was "created" by God as was all of creation (Gen. 1:31). We know there was "one" cherub/angel in the garden. We know that in the garden the scriptures mention Adam, Eve, Satan and God (Gen. 3). Neither Adam, Eve or God can be defined as a Cherub/angel....who does that leave?

The scriptures tell us at one time Satan could appear before God, thus he was in heaven at one time (Job 1:6, 2:1, 1 Kings 22:19-23).

Satan became sinful and was known as the father of lies (John 8:44). We know that Satan's sin was the sin of pride in wanting to be equal with God as the Apostle compares the sin of one man with the sin of Satan (1 Tim. 3:6)

Satan indeed was cast from heaven by God (2 Peter 2:4, Jude 6, Rev. 12:7-9, 20:2-3). If he (Satan/Devil) is a spirit and no longer allowed in the realm known as heaven........where was he cast? To earth, where he (Satan rules over his kingdom).....(Luke 4:5-7). He has dominion over all sinners (Eph. 2:1-2, Col. 1:13). Hell is where Satan will end up along with all those he rules over....... unrepentant sinners, removed from the presence of God forever.
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'Satan' is only mentioned about 19 times in the Old Testament and only once in the New Testament. No where in those bibles is he referred to as the ruler of a place called hell or that he was once an angel but was cast out of heaven by God. The word Satan is used more as a description of evil than an actual evil deity ruling over a place called hell. I think the idea of Satan and his realm of hell is a narrative created less than a few hundred years ago to keep people in line....Who Is Satan?

Why speculate? Just reference the word of God see what the actual text tells us about Satan.
Satan....is a spirit....and is called a "lying spirit" (1 Kings 22:19-22 or as the Christ describes him...the father of lies (John 8:44)

The Book of Job tells us, "Now there was a day when the sons of God came to present themselves before the Lord, and Satan was among them. (Job 1:6). The phrase sons of God refer to the angels, and we find Satan among their number. (Job 2:1)

We find that Satan had fallen from heaven as referenced in (Job 38)

Also its addressed in the book of Jude that some of the Angels did not keep their place in heaven, but left their abode or home (Jude 6). In the book of Revelation we find that a war broke out between the angels of God and the angels of THE GREAT DRAGON (Satan) -- Rev. 12:7-9

(Future revelation). He(God) laid hold of the Dragon, the serpent of old, WHO IS THE DEVIL AND SATAN.......Satan was cast into the bottomless pit, shut up, with a seal of God placed upon him........-- Rev. 20:2-3 As explained in Ezekiel 28:12-19.......he was cast from the mountain of God down to the ground.........God brought "fire" from his (Satan's) mist, it devoured you, turned you to ashes upon the earth. Of course this passage is allegorical in nature and refers to a physical king, the king of Tyre also.....one must consider the text and content. The facts presented in this passage can't only be referencing a man only.
1. Was in the garden of Eden. 2. Was CREATED by God 3. Was an anointed cherub (angel). 4. Became sinful 5. His downfall from grace was pride 6. Was cast out from the mountain of God.

Satan was in the Garden in the form of a serpent (Gen. 3:1, Rev. 20:2). Satan is not God, he was "created" by God as was all of creation (Gen. 1:31). We know there was "one" cherub/angel in the garden. We know that in the garden the scriptures mention Adam, Eve, Satan and God (Gen. 3). Neither Adam, Eve or God can be defined as a Cherub/angel....who does that leave?

The scriptures tell us at one time Satan could appear before God, thus he was in heaven at one time (Job 1:6, 2:1, 1 Kings 22:19-23).

Satan became sinful and was known as the father of lies (John 8:44). We know that Satan sin was the sin of pride in wanting to be equal with God as the Apostle compares the sin of one man with the sin of Satan (1 Tim. 3:6)

Satan indeed was cast from heaven by God (2 Peter 2:4, Jude 6, Rev. 12:7-9, 20:2-3). If he (Satan/Devil) is a spirit and no longer allowed in the realm known as heaven........where was he cast? To earth, where he (Satan rules over his kingdom).....(Luke 4:5-7). He has dominion over all sinners (Eph. 2:1-2, Col. 1:13)

The Satahn is not in this verse.
According to the King James version of the Bible, Satan is mentioned 34 times in the New Testament and 15 times in the Old Testament. You can find them at the following links.

Old Testament

Job 2:1-4, 6-7

Job 1:6-9, 12

Zechariah 3:1-2

1 Chronicles 21:1

Psalm 109:6

New Testament

Mark 3:23, 26

Revelation 20:2, 7

Revelation 2:9, 13, 24

Revelation 12:9

Luke 22:3, 31

2 Corinthians 11:14​

Mark 1:13​

Matthew 12:26​

2 Corinthians 2:11

1 Timothy 5:15

1 Corinthians 7:5

Acts 26:18

Luke 4:8

2 Corinthians 12:7

2 Thessalonians 2:9

Mark 4:15

1 Corinthians 5:5

1 Timothy 1:20

Matthew 16:23

Luke 13:16

Mark 8:33

Acts 5:3

Romans 16:20

Revelation 3:9

Luke 11:18

1 Thessalonians 2:18​

Matthew 4:10​


John 13:27

Satan was obviously known from Old Testament times and Satan's beginnings are mentioned in Revelation 12.
'Satan' is only mentioned about 19 times in the Old Testament and only once in the New Testament. No where in those bibles is he referred to as the ruler of a place called hell or that he was once an angel but was cast out of heaven by God. The word Satan is used more as a description of evil than an actual evil deity ruling over a place called hell. I think the idea of Satan and his realm of hell is a narrative created less than a few hundred years ago to keep people in line....Who Is Satan?
Satan is the answer to the question, how could a loving God create a world so filled with evil. Like everything else he evolved over time and was given a back story.
That is a New Testament point of view.
What is the Jewish answer to the question, how could a loving God create a world so filled with evil?
It's not evil, it's free choice.
God doesn't need a world full of robots.
There's a reason God dispersed the human race as a response to the Tower of Bavel...the world no longer has only one nation where every person will walk in lock step.
There will always be nations in conflict and that conflict consists of various shades of Godliness and Selfishness.
Earthquakes, disease, and birth defects are all part of the world God created and have nothing to do with free choice. The Mongols may choose to wage war on my village and kill everyone in it but I don't see that as an exercise of MY free will. No there is evil in this world that has nothing to do with free choice.
'Satan' is only mentioned about 19 times in the Old Testament and only once in the New Testament. No where in those bibles is he referred to as the ruler of a place called hell or that he was once an angel but was cast out of heaven by God. The word Satan is used more as a description of evil than an actual evil deity ruling over a place called hell. I think the idea of Satan and his realm of hell is a narrative created less than a few hundred years ago to keep people in line....Who Is Satan?
God does worse things in the Bible than Satan ever did

Imagine if Satan had created the Great Flood, killed the first born of Egypt or created plagues?

All Satan is accused of is “tempting”

Yeah, go with that.


Tell me some of the evil things Satan has done in the Bible
Just looking objectively. God does some nasty things in the Bible

This is why you're confused rightwinger. If you think God is evil but Satan is good, you start and end every day from a place of fundamental confusion

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