Just Following Orders !!


Gold Member
Mar 19, 2013
this Side of Heaven
some of us who are gun savvy and staunch second Amdt. supporters have wondered for years that if an executive order was issued to confiscate all firearms and jail their owners would the police and all other LEO's follow those orders ?? i believe we now know that answer. in this time of turmoil and dissent.., cops are NOT your best friend, i do believe one would pull his gun and kill you if you protested too much or failed to "JUST FOLLOW ORDERS". :up:

we all have seen, heard or read about LEO abuse, "just following orders" is no excuse for what is happening now, this is exactly how we as a once free people are slowly and incrementally losing our freedoms, there are hundreds of thousands of laws against what you can not do than there are laws for what you can do.
some of us who are gun savvy and staunch second Amdt. supporters have wondered for years that if an executive order was issued to confiscate all firearms and jail their owners would the police and all other LEO's follow those orders ?? i believe we now know that answer. in this time of turmoil and dissent.., cops are NOT your best friend, i do believe one would pull his gun and kill you if you protested too much or failed to "JUST FOLLOW ORDERS". :up:

we all have seen, heard or read about LEO abuse, "just following orders" is no excuse for what is happening now, this is exactly how we as a once free people are slowly and incrementally losing our freedoms, there are hundreds of thousands of laws against what you can not do than there are laws for what you can do.

I think that you gun nuts scare LEO's more than the real crooks do.... and rightfully so.
some of us who are gun savvy and staunch second Amdt. supporters have wondered for years that if an executive order was issued to confiscate all firearms and jail their owners would the police and all other LEO's follow those orders ?? i believe we now know that answer. in this time of turmoil and dissent.., cops are NOT your best friend, i do believe one would pull his gun and kill you if you protested too much or failed to "JUST FOLLOW ORDERS". :up:

we all have seen, heard or read about LEO abuse, "just following orders" is no excuse for what is happening now, this is exactly how we as a once free people are slowly and incrementally losing our freedoms, there are hundreds of thousands of laws against what you can not do than there are laws for what you can do.

I think that you gun nuts scare LEO's more than the real crooks do.... and rightfully so.

Yer lying again, Joey...you do not THINK and never have in your life!
some of us who are gun savvy and staunch second Amdt. supporters have wondered for years that if an executive order was issued to confiscate all firearms and jail their owners would the police and all other LEO's follow those orders ?? i believe we now know that answer. in this time of turmoil and dissent.., cops are NOT your best friend, i do believe one would pull his gun and kill you if you protested too much or failed to "JUST FOLLOW ORDERS". :up:

we all have seen, heard or read about LEO abuse, "just following orders" is no excuse for what is happening now, this is exactly how we as a once free people are slowly and incrementally losing our freedoms, there are hundreds of thousands of laws against what you can not do than there are laws for what you can do.

Let me explain why this paranoid fantasy -- the gun grab -- is retarded beyond words.

Ask yourself: What's upside, what is to be gained by a "gun grab" or mass confiscation of legal firearms?

While you're pondering that questions and trying to come up with your answer, keep in mind, we are a consumer-based economy. Our government is funded by tax revenue including sales tax and income tax. Do you have any clue what a quasi police state action would do to our economy and tax base?

Why? Why would the modern day U.S. Government, run by people who live in the same cities, go to the same malls and churches as the private citizens who presumably be the target of the "gun grab"....

Are you starting to see how fucking stupid the NRA paranoia talking point is?

There will never be a "gun grab". We can hope that we see more laws that make it harder for wife beaters, dishonorable discharges, felons, and nutjobs to get a gun at a gun show.
I imagine someone would try it one day. I believe the enforcement officers would be on the right side. some people take their oath seriously
stretched hypothetical, but one that has happened many times
some of us who are gun savvy and staunch second Amdt. supporters have wondered for years that if an executive order was issued to confiscate all firearms and jail their owners would the police and all other LEO's follow those orders ?? i believe we now know that answer. in this time of turmoil and dissent.., cops are NOT your best friend, i do believe one would pull his gun and kill you if you protested too much or failed to "JUST FOLLOW ORDERS". :up:

we all have seen, heard or read about LEO abuse, "just following orders" is no excuse for what is happening now, this is exactly how we as a once free people are slowly and incrementally losing our freedoms, there are hundreds of thousands of laws against what you can not do than there are laws for what you can do.

Let me explain why this paranoid fantasy -- the gun grab -- is retarded beyond words.

Ask yourself: What's upside, what is to be gained by a "gun grab" or mass confiscation of legal firearms?

While you're pondering that questions and trying to come up with your answer, keep in mind, we are a consumer-based economy. Our government is funded by tax revenue including sales tax and income tax. Do you have any clue what a quasi police state action would do to our economy and tax base?

Why? Why would the modern day U.S. Government, run by people who live in the same cities, go to the same malls and churches as the private citizens who presumably be the target of the "gun grab"....

Are you starting to see how fucking stupid the NRA paranoia talking point is?

There will never be a "gun grab". We can hope that we see more laws that make it harder for wife beaters, dishonorable discharges, felons, and nutjobs to get a gun at a gun show.

I think I heard what you just said from people that went through the holocaust too. The didn't realize what was going on until it was too late.
some of us who are gun savvy and staunch second Amdt. supporters have wondered for years that if an executive order was issued to confiscate all firearms and jail their owners would the police and all other LEO's follow those orders ?? i believe we now know that answer. in this time of turmoil and dissent.., cops are NOT your best friend, i do believe one would pull his gun and kill you if you protested too much or failed to "JUST FOLLOW ORDERS". :up:

we all have seen, heard or read about LEO abuse, "just following orders" is no excuse for what is happening now, this is exactly how we as a once free people are slowly and incrementally losing our freedoms, there are hundreds of thousands of laws against what you can not do than there are laws for what you can do.

Let me explain why this paranoid fantasy -- the gun grab -- is retarded beyond words.

Ask yourself: What's upside, what is to be gained by a "gun grab" or mass confiscation of legal firearms?

While you're pondering that questions and trying to come up with your answer, keep in mind, we are a consumer-based economy. Our government is funded by tax revenue including sales tax and income tax. Do you have any clue what a quasi police state action would do to our economy and tax base?

Why? Why would the modern day U.S. Government, run by people who live in the same cities, go to the same malls and churches as the private citizens who presumably be the target of the "gun grab"....

Are you starting to see how fucking stupid the NRA paranoia talking point is?

There will never be a "gun grab". We can hope that we see more laws that make it harder for wife beaters, dishonorable discharges, felons, and nutjobs to get a gun at a gun show.
gun grabs have happened before you fuckin idiot.
way to answer the question dumbass
you just cause me to say and think mean things
some of us who are gun savvy and staunch second Amdt. supporters have wondered for years that if an executive order was issued to confiscate all firearms and jail their owners would the police and all other LEO's follow those orders ?? i believe we now know that answer. in this time of turmoil and dissent.., cops are NOT your best friend, i do believe one would pull his gun and kill you if you protested too much or failed to "JUST FOLLOW ORDERS". :up:

we all have seen, heard or read about LEO abuse, "just following orders" is no excuse for what is happening now, this is exactly how we as a once free people are slowly and incrementally losing our freedoms, there are hundreds of thousands of laws against what you can not do than there are laws for what you can do.

Let me explain why this paranoid fantasy -- the gun grab -- is retarded beyond words.

Ask yourself: What's upside, what is to be gained by a "gun grab" or mass confiscation of legal firearms?

While you're pondering that questions and trying to come up with your answer, keep in mind, we are a consumer-based economy. Our government is funded by tax revenue including sales tax and income tax. Do you have any clue what a quasi police state action would do to our economy and tax base?

Why? Why would the modern day U.S. Government, run by people who live in the same cities, go to the same malls and churches as the private citizens who presumably be the target of the "gun grab"....

Are you starting to see how fucking stupid the NRA paranoia talking point is?

There will never be a "gun grab". We can hope that we see more laws that make it harder for wife beaters, dishonorable discharges, felons, and nutjobs to get a gun at a gun show.
The next time the economy collapses, it will be world wide. It will be for good. It will be a major reorganization.

It will make the Great Depression look like a recession. Haven't you ever seen any of those "Tent City" documentaries? Well, expect tent cities everywhere, not just in major metropolitan areas.

Why would there be a gun grab? Because, once the free market is dead, and the nation is put under a command economy, the government is the one in charge of the allocatoin of resources. The government of this nation is, by far, the most corrupt on the planet. Look at the disparity between the richest and the poorest in our society. Do you honestly think that resources, i.e., food, water, medical care, will be distributed evenly in the event of martial law? Really now? :doubt:

Yeah, me neither. Only a fool would believe that they would be. So when the populace sees the naked corruption when they are starving, naked and homeless, what do you think they are going to do with the highest per capita gun ownership?

It doesn't take a rocket scientist to figure out they will want their democracy back from the elites and think that martial law, a command economy, and the loss of their Constitution is a raw deal.
way to answer the question dumbass
you just cause me to say and think mean things

I cause you say and think mean things?

cause you say dumb shit, darlin
wait!! I didnt quote you, so, how did you know I was talking to you?
see?? <rolls eyes>
answer my question, please. how does tin foil fit into this thread?

Did you notice the question mark?
With your lack of commas and capitalization I can understand if you missed it.

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