Just Go Away Teacher Unions!...

Kudos to new Wisconsin Governor Scott Walker! :clap2::clap2:

More brave Politicians need to start standing up to the corrupt Teacher Unions. The Teacher Unions have brought our Public School System to its knees. It has become all about them. It's all about getting that cash for them. They don't care about the kids anymore. They also only want to force their politics and social experimenting on the kids at this point. Their number one goal these last few decades has been to brainwash the children and create good little future adult Democrats. They stopped teaching the kids the basics of Education a long time ago.

Teacher Unions now only do far more harm than they do good. It's time for them to go away. The Public School System will be so much better off when they're gone. The Kids could actually start learning again. American kids continue to fall further & further behind other far less developed and less wealthy nations. I do blame the Teacher Unions for this. They have become too obsessed with the cash and creating good little future adult Democrats. They have lost their way. Get rid of the Teacher Unions and our Public School System might just be able to be salvaged.

If the Teachers of the Wisconsin Union cared about the kids. They would be in the classroom teaching them. Not out in the streets calling the Governor a Nazi, and crying about Wages and Benefits the nearly bankrupt state can not afford to continue to pay.

If the Governor does not get his way on this, the other option is to lay off many Teachers.

There simply is no money to pay for their lavish Union Contracts anymore, especially not when you consider they dismal performance of the students they teach.

Here is the Great Weapon used against teachers and unions when they ask for decent wages, health care, etc.

Heck, let's tell the truth....if Teachers cared about their students...they'd work for free, let government run over them with a bull dozer and kindly ask for more. :doubt:

Apparently the best teacher is one who has no self-worth or self-esteem.

Nobody is asking them to work for free, so please STFU.

If they cared, they would not shut down the schools, like they have for the last 2 days, to go out in the streets and scream to keep the Status Quo, when the status Quo is unsustainable.

Walker is not doing this to be a dick. He was elected with a mandate to get Wisconsin's Fiscal House in order, as long as the Teachers Unions continue to get everything the last governor Gave them. There will be no Fiscal order in WIS.
Kudos to new Wisconsin Governor Scott Walker! :clap2::clap2:

More brave Politicians need to start standing up to the corrupt Teacher Unions. The Teacher Unions have brought our Public School System to its knees. It has become all about them. It's all about getting that cash for them. They don't care about the kids anymore. They also only want to force their politics and social experimenting on the kids at this point. Their number one goal these last few decades has been to brainwash the children and create good little future adult Democrats. They stopped teaching the kids the basics of Education a long time ago.

Teacher Unions now only do far more harm than they do good. It's time for them to go away. The Public School System will be so much better off when they're gone. The Kids could actually start learning again. American kids continue to fall further & further behind other far less developed and less wealthy nations. I do blame the Teacher Unions for this. They have become too obsessed with the cash and creating good little future adult Democrats. They have lost their way. Get rid of the Teacher Unions and our Public School System might just be able to be salvaged.

If the Teachers of the Wisconsin Union cared about the kids. They would be in the classroom teaching them. Not out in the streets calling the Governor a Nazi, and crying about Wages and Benefits the nearly bankrupt state can not afford to continue to pay.

If the Governor does not get his way on this, the other option is to lay off many Teachers.

There simply is no money to pay for their lavish Union Contracts anymore, especially not when you consider they dismal performance of the students they teach.

BINGO!! :clap2::clap2: They don't care about the kids. They only care about themselves and getting Democrats elected. Teacher Unions don't belong in our Public School System anymore. That time has passed.
Teachers just don't want to take any responsibility for our failing Schools. It's all about whiny deflection for them. They had a big hand in our Public School System collapsing. I know they wont admit this but it is the truth.

Parents are about 98% of the problem. That's the truth.

Parenting, not parents is most of the problem, one that could be very effectively addressed by combining resources of hospitals, schools, and community.

So many student and parent and teacher problems could be addressed at the local community level.....and much more effectively....trying to solve problems from On High (the fed level) with a one-size fits all approach never works well...and the kids get lost in the bureauracy...
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Enlighten me. Tell me of the sterling record Conservatives hold on guaranteeing worker's rights, environmental protection and civil rights. Tell me how Conservatives stand fore-square against the inclusion of dogma in science classes.

I'm a vessel. Fill me.

I do my best not to derail threads. So if you actually want answers, start a new thread.
How do I do that without being dismissed as trolling? How about just the part about undermining worker's rights? That is germain to the thread.


I have yet to come across anyone in my life that has ever said they want to do away with unions for everyone b/c workers have to many rights.

I have seen them blamed for demanding excessive pay and benefits. And THAT is a fact.

My home state of Il is going to go under, way under b/c they can not afford to pay the union pensions, never mind pay everything else.

So how is it "fair" to crush everyone else to pay for that? How is it fair to keep a useless teacher just b/c they have tenure?

I'm just dying to know how you figure wanting children tought better is a bad thing if it means redoing the teachers union.
....and give the power back to the parents in a community.....(most) parents aren't the problem.....parents today are pretty much gagged by the powers-that-be in the education system today....

Parents wield most of the power in school systems through threats (or actual implementation of) lawsuits and outright bullying of spineless administrators.

The really good parents are pretty screwed. The norm now is that both parents work full time jobs. Once that became the norm, it became pretty hard for parents to be actively involved. The majority only check in when little timmy gets an "F", and only check in then to threaten or bully timmy's teacher into giving him a "C".

A lot of folks here complain about social promotion and grade inflation. What they should know is that most of that is because parents demanded it! And when they didn't get it, they sued.
Walker is not doing this to be a dick.

Actually, he is. He's exempted the public sector unions that supported him in election bid. If he were serious about balancing the budget, it would all be on the table. It isn't. Public sector unions that supported him got passed over while those that stood up to him are punished.
They can't even get the Teachers to agree on standards testing & evaluations for Teacher job performance. This process would eliminate the under-performing Teachers who don't belong teaching our children. They viciously fight against these evaluations in every State. So the Unions just don't want to compromise and make any concessions. I really do have to applaud this Wisconsin Governor for standing up to them.
Walker is not doing this to be a dick.

Actually, he is. He's exempted the public sector unions that supported him in election bid. If he were serious about balancing the budget, it would all be on the table. It isn't. Public sector unions that supported him got passed over while those that stood up to him are punished.

He exempted unions that supported him eh? Wow yeah shocker, politicians never do anything like that. I mean Obama never did.


What ever.

You people will cry and scream Nazi at every turn when ever a responsible leader tries to make hard Budget cuts. To you people the only answer is print more money and keep giving it away to under performing unions.

The Teachers are failing to teach our kids to a level acceptable, can you say the same about the Police and Fire Unions?
Kudos to new Wisconsin Governor Scott Walker! :clap2::clap2:

More brave Politicians need to start standing up to the corrupt Teacher Unions. The Teacher Unions have brought our Public School System to its knees. It has become all about them. It's all about getting that cash for them. They don't care about the kids anymore. They also only want to force their politics and social experimenting on the kids at this point. Their number one goal these last few decades has been to brainwash the children and create good little future adult Democrats. They stopped teaching the kids the basics of Education a long time ago.

Teacher Unions now only do far more harm than they do good. It's time for them to go away. The Public School System will be so much better off when they're gone. The Kids could actually start learning again. American kids continue to fall further & further behind other far less developed and less wealthy nations. I do blame the Teacher Unions for this. They have become too obsessed with the cash and creating good little future adult Democrats. They have lost their way. Get rid of the Teacher Unions and our Public School System might just be able to be salvaged.

If the Teachers of the Wisconsin Union cared about the kids. They would be in the classroom teaching them. Not out in the streets calling the Governor a Nazi, and crying about Wages and Benefits the nearly bankrupt state can not afford to continue to pay.

If the Governor does not get his way on this, the other option is to lay off many Teachers.

There simply is no money to pay for their lavish Union Contracts anymore, especially not when you consider they dismal performance of the students they teach.

BINGO!! :clap2::clap2: They don't care about the kids. They only care about themselves and getting Democrats elected. Teacher Unions don't belong in our Public School System anymore. That time has passed.

Well they are just really made, because for 8 Years they have a Democrat Puppet for governor, who gave them everything they asked for, no matter how fiscally irresponsible it was.
Parenting, not parents is most of the problem, one that could be very effectively addressed by combining resources of hospitals, schools, and community.

If you've got a solution, I'd love to hear it. Most of the problems you're seeing now have their roots in the deteorating middle class. My Dad was home on disability. Because of that he was pretty actively involved in making sure I knew how to read and do math. I'm a mathematician now thanks to the hours of logic puzzles and Rubik's puzzles he and I worked out together at home.

Now a days, most kids are lucky if Mom and Dad are ONLY working two part time jobs. Staying above the poverty levels means even the most dedicated parents are barely able to spend time with their kids. Once that started becoming the new norm, you started seeing problems in the schools.

Teachers are no substitute for actively involved parents. What's causing most of the problems is the fact that teachers are being forced to be a parental substitute.
Walker is not doing this to be a dick.

Actually, he is. He's exempted the public sector unions that supported him in election bid. If he were serious about balancing the budget, it would all be on the table. It isn't. Public sector unions that supported him got passed over while those that stood up to him are punished.

He exempted unions that supported him eh? Wow yeah shocker, politicians never do anything like that. I mean Obama never did.


What ever.

You people will cry and scream Nazi at every turn when ever a responsible leader tries to make hard Budget cuts. To you people the only answer is print more money and keep giving it away to under performing unions.

The Teachers are failing to teach our kids to a level acceptable, can you say the same about the Police and Fire Unions?

:clap2::clap2: Yes Teachers are under-performing for the most part. It's time for Teacher Unions to just go away. Good riddance.
....and give the power back to the parents in a community.....(most) parents aren't the problem.....parents today are pretty much gagged by the powers-that-be in the education system today....

Parents wield most of the power in school systems through threats (or actual implementation of) lawsuits and outright bullying of spineless administrators.

The really good parents are pretty screwed. The norm now is that both parents work full time jobs. Once that became the norm, it became pretty hard for parents to be actively involved. The majority only check in when little timmy gets an "F", and only check in then to threaten or bully timmy's teacher into giving him a "C".

A lot of folks here complain about social promotion and grade inflation. What they should know is that most of that is because parents demanded it! And when they didn't get it, they sued.

Bullshit....most parents don't stand a chance against "the system".....they have to organize in big groups to even be heard...

...lawsuits are a completely different animal.....is this really how most normal people want to resolve their issues in their communities.....?
You people will cry and scream Nazi at every turn when ever a responsible leader tries to make hard Budget cuts. To you people the only answer is print more money and keep giving it away to under performing unions.

If he were really interested in being a responsible leader, he'd put it all on the table. He isn't.

And no, I'm not in favor of printing more money. What pisses me off about budgets is that the Left refuses to put entitlements on the table, and Right refuses to put Defense on the table. Until both are on the table, any talk about cuts is pretty damn futile.
I do my best not to derail threads. So if you actually want answers, start a new thread.
How do I do that without being dismissed as trolling? How about just the part about undermining worker's rights? That is germain to the thread.


I have yet to come across anyone in my life that has ever said they want to do away with unions for everyone b/c workers have to many rights.

I have seen them blamed for demanding excessive pay and benefits. And THAT is a fact.

My home state of Il is going to go under, way under b/c they can not afford to pay the union pensions, never mind pay everything else.

So how is it "fair" to crush everyone else to pay for that? How is it fair to keep a useless teacher just b/c they have tenure?

I'm just dying to know how you figure wanting children tought better is a bad thing if it means redoing the teachers union.
So, it's alright to blame union workers for asking for pay and benefits if it's thought to be excessive. Does the same go for CEO Golden Parachute deals and bonuses? Pensioners can be held in contempt for actually using their benefits. But the wage disparity between management and worker is something Conservatives ignore.
Bullshit....most parents don't stand a chance against "the system".....they have to organize in big groups to even be heard...

...lawsuits are a completely different animal.....is this really how most normal people want to resolve their issues in their communities.....?

Bullshit. Threaten to sue and you'll have the school falling all over itself to give the parent anything they want. Where do you think social promotion and grade inflation really come from?

And I think we can all agree lawsuits are a pretty bs way to handle stuff. That doesn't change the fact that a fair number of the public school teachers I interact with have started carrying malpractice insurance due to threat of parental lawsuits.

The really bad parents are driving the car right now. It doesn't matter to them that Timmy hasn't turned in a homework assignment in 2 months, Timmy can't add two numbers, and Timmy can barely read. And don't even bring up the fact that Timmy's parents have ignored repeated pleading for parent teacher conferences and refuse to sign any of the warning notes sent home. Once Timmy get's an "F", you WILL see Timmy's parents and a Lawyer. Worse, some administrator will magically decide Timmy deserves a "C" and promition to the next grade.

That scenario is far more common than you think. And it is completely out of the hands of the teachers or the union.
Kudos to new Wisconsin Governor Scott Walker! :clap2::clap2:

More brave Politicians need to start standing up to the corrupt Teacher Unions. The Teacher Unions have brought our Public School System to its knees. It has become all about them. It's all about getting that cash for them. They don't care about the kids anymore. They also only want to force their politics and social experimenting on the kids at this point. Their number one goal these last few decades has been to brainwash the children and create good little future adult Democrats. They stopped teaching the kids the basics of Education a long time ago.

Teacher Unions now only do far more harm than they do good. It's time for them to go away. The Public School System will be so much better off when they're gone. The Kids could actually start learning again. American kids continue to fall further & further behind other far less developed and less wealthy nations. I do blame the Teacher Unions for this. They have become too obsessed with the cash and creating good little future adult Democrats. They have lost their way. Get rid of the Teacher Unions and our Public School System might just be able to be salvaged.

If the Teachers of the Wisconsin Union cared about the kids. They would be in the classroom teaching them. Not out in the streets calling the Governor a Nazi, and crying about Wages and Benefits the nearly bankrupt state can not afford to continue to pay.

If the Governor does not get his way on this, the other option is to lay off many Teachers.

There simply is no money to pay for their lavish Union Contracts anymore, especially not when you consider they dismal performance of the students they teach.

Here is the Great Weapon used against teachers and unions when they ask for decent wages, health care, etc.

Heck, let's tell the truth....if Teachers cared about their students...they'd work for free, let government run over them with a bull dozer and kindly ask for more. :doubt:

Apparently the best teacher is one who has no self-worth or self-esteem.

Once again I ask, what are considered 'fair wages' for teachers?
Once again I ask, what are considered 'fair wages' for teachers?

I'd imagine most teachers would consider their current wages "fair" provided the working environment wasn't so soul crushingly bad. Or if it weren't for the fact that they're sent to the class deprived of any tool to maintain order.

It's when people start talking about stripping away tenure, or enacting provisions that will likely make the job that much harder that the real gripping about wages hits. And that's a pretty fair thing. In a free market economy, if you're asking to someone to perform a demanding job, you'd best be willing to pay them approprately if you want to keep a quality employee. Otherwise they'll find another better paying job. Which is what many teachers over the years have done.
Bullshit....most parents don't stand a chance against "the system".....they have to organize in big groups to even be heard...

...lawsuits are a completely different animal.....is this really how most normal people want to resolve their issues in their communities.....?

Bullshit. Threaten to sue and you'll have the school falling all over itself to give the parent anything they want. Where do you think social promotion and grade inflation really come from?

And I think we can all agree lawsuits are a pretty bs way to handle stuff. That doesn't change the fact that a fair number of the public school teachers I interact with have started carrying malpractice insurance due to threat of parental lawsuits.

The really bad parents are driving the car right now. It doesn't matter to them that Timmy hasn't turned in a homework assignment in 2 months, Timmy can't add two numbers, and Timmy can barely read. And don't even bring up the fact that Timmy's parents have ignored repeated pleading for parent teacher conferences and refuse to sign any of the warning notes sent home. Once Timmy get's an "F", you WILL see Timmy's parents and a Lawyer. Worse, some administrator will magically decide Timmy deserves a "C" and promition to the next grade.

That scenario is far more common than you think. And it is completely out of the hands of the teachers or the union.

I said before lawsuits were a different animal...yet they in essence do the same thing unions do....just an alternate leftist approach to destroying our schools and kids and families and communities.....why do you think the legal lobby supports dems so much....?
Parents are about 98% of the problem. That's the truth.

Parenting, not parents is most of the problem, one that could be very effectively addressed by combining resources of hospitals, schools, and community.

So many student and parent and teacher problems could be addressed at the local community level.....and much more effectively....trying to solve problems from On High (the fed level) with a one-size fits all approach never works well...and the kids get lost in the bureauracy...

I believe that most parents really do want what's best for their kids. Most parents do what their parents did for them. Thus, the rich get richer and the poor, poorer. However, when someone they trust, a ob/gyn, pediatrician, nurse practitioner, social worker gives them basic information on nutrition, the importance of talking and telling stories to babies and toddlers. Talking, seems simple, right? You've no idea how many parents park their kids in front of TV with some toys and that's that. Oh they change their diapers and give them food-often junk. Mind you, not just 'poor folks' either.

An outing to the grocery? They put the child in cart and shop, they leave. If the kid opens a package they may say, "No!" but that is the interaction. It's also where behavior issues start.

Something as simple as saying, "Your baby will learn to talk to you so much more quickly if you talk to them. Just easy ramblings of where you are going in the home, outside, what you see. They don't expect Aristotle."

Grocery store with infant, just showing them a package of noodles, meat, whatever. Giving things words. Toddlers, much more interaction here. Can introduce good for you, snacks, and costs.

Libraries, we all pay taxes, yes even the poor. Infants love being read and sung to. Board books are great for them after 6 months. Toddlers? A mix of board books, word books, and stories. If the parents can't read, they can tell stories both from their own ideas and based on pictures in book. They can encourage their children to do the same. All of these are high level cognitive activities to prepare children for reading and basic to socialization.

By the age of 3 schools should have outreach programs tied into preschools and social services. These programs really need to offer parents a safe place to learn how to parent and provide environment for their children.

Simple and cheap ideas to make the child responsible for picking up and organizing their belongings.

Responsibilities to self and family.


Reinforcement of interaction between parent and adult. Reasonable expectations of age and maturity. How a child telling you, "NO!" can be a good thing, within reason. No underestimating how much child abuse could be avoided.

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