Just Hoew Far Out Of Touch With Reality Is Harry Reid?


Silver Member
Aug 4, 2011
(Its time for Senator Reid to dribble a little bit of his urine in a bottle and send it to a tox lab somewhere, because his pronouncements get stranger and stranger by the day. He's working very hard, of late, to earn his "Dingy" Harry appelation.)

"“The massive layoffs we’ve had in America today-of course they’re rooted in the last administration-and it’s very clear that private sector jobs are doing just fine. It’s the public sector jobs where we’ve lost huge numbers, and that’s what this legislation’s all about. And it’s unfortunate my friend the Republican Leader is complaining about that. I would also note that my friend said the House passed another bill. Well, they pass lots of bills, but they rarely go anyplace.”

Here’s a fact that Reid should look over before he opens his mouth again. According to the U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics, government workers have the lowest unemployment rate of any industry or class recorded, at 4.7%,"

Liberals are so used to lying and so used to having the most outrageous lies accepted as truth, they now feel capable of saying anything and having the hook in someone's mouth.
Liberals are so used to lying and so used to having the most outrageous lies accepted as truth, they now feel capable of saying anything and having the hook in someone's mouth.

Not like me....

Reid is not out of touch, THAT is the whole PLAN of this administration. MAKE us in the private sector PAY PAY PAY for MORE guberment workers.

why do you think they are so hostile towards US little people and businesses.

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