Just How Big Is the Government?


Diamond Member
Sep 21, 2012

The answer is . . . no one really knows. At least the government can’t tell you.

Seriously? Think about it. Do a search asking how many federal workers are there nd you get a … well, it depends upon what you call...

Or you go to the US Census Bureau @http://www2.census.gov/govs/apes/2013_summary_report.pdf and if you really look, it says the Fed workforce is 2.7 million – with all sorts of caveats.

In fact, Clyde Wayne Crews, vice president of policy for CEI, found this gem of a quote inside the Administrative Conference of the United States source book. It lists 115 agencies in the appendix but adds: “[T]here is no authoritative list of government agencies.”

Read more @ Just How Big Is the Government?
If anyone takes the time to research it, they will realize in short order, it is a country within itself.
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We are a huge country, a lot bigger than in what 1800 with 6 million people and 13ish colonies, and 1900 with what 23 million pop and now with 323 million. Did you expect the gov to stay the same size or shrink?

We do need to do something about how wasteful it is, and get the lobbyist out of Washington DC.
We are a huge country, a lot bigger than in what 1800 with 6 million people and 13ish colonies, and 1900 with what 23 million pop and now with 323 million. Did you expect the gov to stay the same size or shrink?

We do need to do something about how wasteful it is, and get the lobbyist out of Washington DC.
Penelope , there's hope for you yet. That's the most logical, sensible statement you've made yet on USMB.
Its entirely to large with loads of department that are copies of other department doing the same thing.

Hell half of them do nothing. There are Way to many fed employees
Way to many wasted tax dollars supporting them.

They should clean house and shut down those offices that do nothing but waste tax dollars and those that do the same thing other parts of the Govt. do. If we lost half of the Fed employees no one would notice. That's how useless they are.

Entirely to much Federal Govt.
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The fed govt today does not even resemble what it was suppose to be. The states were to handle their own affairs, other than with some basic instruction from the feds. As it is today the feds try to control the states in their every thought and move.
We are a huge country, a lot bigger than in what 1800 with 6 million people and 13ish colonies, and 1900 with what 23 million pop and now with 323 million. Did you expect the gov to stay the same size or shrink?

We do need to do something about how wasteful it is, and get the lobbyist out of Washington DC.
There are slightly more than 2.5 million federal workers, about the same as it has been for 50 years


The answer is . . . no one really knows. At least the government can’t tell you.

Seriously? Think about it. Do a search asking how many federal workers are there nd you get a … well, it depends upon what you call...

Or you go to the US Census Bureau @http://www2.census.gov/govs/apes/2013_summary_report.pdf and if you really look, it says the Fed workforce is 2.7 million – with all sorts of caveats.

In fact, Clyde Wayne Crews, vice president of policy for CEI, found this gem of a quote inside the Administrative Conference of the United States source book. It lists 115 agencies in the appendix but adds: “[T]here is no authoritative list of government agencies.”

Read more @ Just How Big Is the Government?

For someone who has sucked on the government teat til retirement , your post is ironic

The answer is . . . no one really knows. At least the government can’t tell you.

Seriously? Think about it. Do a search asking how many federal workers are there nd you get a … well, it depends upon what you call...

Or you go to the US Census Bureau @http://www2.census.gov/govs/apes/2013_summary_report.pdf and if you really look, it says the Fed workforce is 2.7 million – with all sorts of caveats.

In fact, Clyde Wayne Crews, vice president of policy for CEI, found this gem of a quote inside the Administrative Conference of the United States source book. It lists 115 agencies in the appendix but adds: “[T]here is no authoritative list of government agencies.”

Read more @ Just How Big Is the Government?

For someone who has sucked on the government teat til retirement , your post is ironic
Fancy that! A military career is sucking on the government tit? Personally, I started out at $78 per month and 20 years later at $1100 per month. That averages $586 per month. Three years of that was spent in Infantry combat. You're right, guno , but that was a dry tit I sucked on.

The answer is . . . no one really knows. At least the government can’t tell you.

Seriously? Think about it. Do a search asking how many federal workers are there nd you get a … well, it depends upon what you call...

Or you go to the US Census Bureau @http://www2.census.gov/govs/apes/2013_summary_report.pdf and if you really look, it says the Fed workforce is 2.7 million – with all sorts of caveats.

In fact, Clyde Wayne Crews, vice president of policy for CEI, found this gem of a quote inside the Administrative Conference of the United States source book. It lists 115 agencies in the appendix but adds: “[T]here is no authoritative list of government agencies.”

Read more @ Just How Big Is the Government?

For someone who has sucked on the government teat til retirement , your post is ironic
Fancy that! A military career is sucking on the government tit? Personally, I started out at $78 per month and 20 years later at $1100 per month. That averages $586 per month. Three years of that was spent in Infantry combat. You're right, guno , but that was a dry tit I sucked on.

Its Gumbo. He probably still lives in his mothers basement and has never left. Free ride and all doncha know.

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