Just how dumb is the "Pro Israel Christian?"


Diamond Member
Apr 5, 2021
For months we have been told here over and over that Kamala is anti-Israel. OVER AND OVER...

and now that all of the "Republican" 911 Traitors have endorsed Kamala, did the "Pro Israel Christian" learn anything.... of course not.

Does anyone think Dick Cheney is "anti Israel?" No, he is just one of the WORST TRAITORS in US history, orchestrating the 911 false flag hate hoax to sell out our troops for 2 wars over total lies and nothing in US national interest, all while making those behind 911, including himself, above the law.

What does Dick Cheney want?

1. NO re-opening of the 911 investigation

2. a US war with Iran by any means necessary

And now back to the unimaginably STUPID "Pro Israel Christians," who loved Dick Cheney and worshipped him and W, and have been telling us Kamala is "anti israel."

These people claim to have "values" and "character"

Well, in this case, CHARACTER would be to ADMIT YOU WERE COMPLETELY WRONG!!!

and we will get NONE of that, because the "Pro Israel Christian" is not a high character person, not a patriotic American, not a conservative...

So you think Hamas attacked and killed 1,200 and took about 200 hostages so poor old Cheney could stop the 9-11 questions and start a war with Iran?
It is surprising that we never went to war with Saudi Arabia. That is the home country of Bin Laden. Not Iraq, and certainly not Afghanistan.

9/13 the Saudis told the FBI to #### off, gave no evidence "bin Laden" was ever in Saudi, because Col Tim Osman never was...


tim osman | Tumblr

Jeff Epstein and Saudi Crown Prince bin Salman were BESTEST OF BEST BUDDIES...

Epstein made all of his money on futures of oil, gold, the long bond, and defense stocks on 910.

Putin said 911 was a fraud by the W Administration, israel, AND SAUDI
So you think Hamas attacked and killed 1,200 and took about 200 hostages so poor old Cheney could stop the 9-11 questions and start a war with Iran?

10/7 is an even more obvious fraud than 911.

10/8 Real America's Voice had a Church group leader in Nazareth on the phone...

WE HAD A QUIET NIGHT HERE.... despite "allegedly" 1200 rockets going over his head... and hitting all around him

Hopefully you know who Charlie Kirk is...

Israel is a fortress, there are armed guards every two blocks. This attack is not believable....

because it didn't happen. There are no hostages. There is just a Zionist Fascist "hostage movie" for DUMBSHIT PRO ISRAEL CHRISTIANS
10/7 is an even more obvious fraud than 911.

10/8 Real America's Voice had a Church group leader in Nazareth on the phone...

WE HAD A QUIET NIGHT HERE.... despite "allegedly" 1200 rockets going over his head... and hitting all around him

Hopefully you know who Charlie Kirk is...

Israel is a fortress, there are armed guards every two blocks. This attack is not believable....

because it didn't happen. There are no hostages. There is just a Zionist Fascist "hostage movie" for DUMBSHIT PRO ISRAEL CHRISTIANS
You’re a fucking Muslim retard.
For months we have been told here over and over that Kamala is anti-Israel. OVER AND OVER...

and now that all of the "Republican" 911 Traitors have endorsed Kamala, did the "Pro Israel Christian" learn anything.... of course not.

Does anyone think Dick Cheney is "anti Israel?" No, he is just one of the WORST TRAITORS in US history, orchestrating the 911 false flag hate hoax to sell out our troops for 2 wars over total lies and nothing in US national interest, all while making those behind 911, including himself, above the law.

What does Dick Cheney want?

1. NO re-opening of the 911 investigation

2. a US war with Iran by any means necessary

And now back to the unimaginably STUPID "Pro Israel Christians," who loved Dick Cheney and worshipped him and W, and have been telling us Kamala is "anti israel."

These people claim to have "values" and "character"

Well, in this case, CHARACTER would be to ADMIT YOU WERE COMPLETELY WRONG!!!

and we will get NONE of that, because the "Pro Israel Christian" is not a high character person, not a patriotic American, not a conservative...

Cheney should invite Hamas to go on a hunting trip with him. Problem solved.
For months we have been told here over and over that Kamala is anti-Israel. OVER AND OVER...

and now that all of the "Republican" 911 Traitors have endorsed Kamala, did the "Pro Israel Christian" learn anything.... of course not.

Does anyone think Dick Cheney is "anti Israel?" No, he is just one of the WORST TRAITORS in US history, orchestrating the 911 false flag hate hoax to sell out our troops for 2 wars over total lies and nothing in US national interest, all while making those behind 911, including himself, above the law.

What does Dick Cheney want?

1. NO re-opening of the 911 investigation

2. a US war with Iran by any means necessary

And now back to the unimaginably STUPID "Pro Israel Christians," who loved Dick Cheney and worshipped him and W, and have been telling us Kamala is "anti israel."

These people claim to have "values" and "character"

Well, in this case, CHARACTER would be to ADMIT YOU WERE COMPLETELY WRONG!!!

and we will get NONE of that, because the "Pro Israel Christian" is not a high character person, not a patriotic American, not a conservative...


This is a baitclick title. The longer the good L-rd allows me to walk the earth the more I realize that one of the rarest traits of our species is courage. Perhaps coincidentally followed closely behind by intelligence. No subset of society is immune from this burden whether by religion, creed or geography, we are all at our core basic simpletons.

In a few scarce periods in time God blesses us and we acquire an Einstein, Da Vinci, Plato, Newton or Musk who remind us of the creativity and deep cognitive potential of Man. Then we are forced to observe the mean intelligence of society (and of course, cowardice) in excessive abundance and we realize that all will be lost in due time regardless of what a few of us may believe, there is little we can do to prevent this planets decline of its inhabitants.

It is a daily reminder, we are helpless in avoiding the land mines of increasingly normalized insanity that surrounds us.

After the eventual nuclear war occurs and we are forced to reinvent the stone wheel, we will grudgingly be forced to accept that we weren't really an advanced species at all. A very young, immature and hardly sophisticated species. Stunted in our evolution and only by pure dumb luck and irrational fortune have we avoided our demise over the last 80 years. The least impressive among us somehow possessing control of the conch.

The men working on the Manhattan Project who greatly feared the future of humanity after their latest creation was unleashed from our imagination, once again applied for regressive purposes; will have been vindicated in their grave concerns in their time
This is a baitclick title. The longer the good L-rd allows me to walk the earth the more I realize that one of the rarest traits of our species is courage. Perhaps coincidentally followed closely behind by intelligence. No subset of society is immune from this burden whether by religion, creed or geography, we are all at our core basic simpletons.

In a few scarce periods in time God blesses us and we acquire an Einstein, Da Vinci, Plato, Newton or Musk who remind us of the creativity and deep cognitive potential of Man. Then we are forced to observe the mean intelligence of society (and of course, cowardice) in excessive abundance and we realize that all will be lost in due time regardless of what a few of us may believe, there is little we can do to prevent this planets decline of its inhabitants.

It is a daily reminder, we are helpless in avoiding the land mines of increasingly normalized insanity that surrounds us.

After the eventual nuclear war occurs and we are forced to reinvent the stone wheel, we will grudgingly be forced to accept that we weren't really an advanced species at all. A very young, immature and hardly sophisticated species. Stunted in our evolution and only by pure dumb luck and irrational fortune have we avoided our demise over the last 80 years. The least impressive among us somehow possessing control of the conch.

The men working on the Manhattan Project who greatly feared the future of humanity after their latest creation was unleashed from our imagination, once again applied for regressive purposes; will have been vindicated in their grave concerns in their time

Whatever that means...

This topic is about Zionist Fascist 911 Traitor Dick Cheney endorsing Kamala, and the "Pro Israel Christians" who claim Kamala is anti Israel despite the entire 911 crowd endorsing her and funding her, as all the "911 billionaires" are funding her to.

Kamala is the COVER UP 911 candidate, and the more likely of the two to start another war over lies solely to help Israel.
I have a demographic?

I did not realize that sane-Americans was considered an actual demographic.

If you believe 911 and 10/7 you re not sane and certainly not a patriotic American. You and your left wing "Pro Israel Christians" should vote for Kamala, because she won't repeal "conservative" W's socialization of senior drugs, which your demographic is the leading consumer of worldwide.
If you believe 911 and 10/7 you re not sane and certainly not a patriotic American. You and your left wing "Pro Israel Christians" should vote for Kamala, because she won't repeal "conservative" W's socialization of senior drugs, which your demographic is the leading consumer of worldwide.
I am left wing, now, am I?

You should tell that to our resident Stalinists.
Whatever that means...

This topic is about Zionist Fascist 911 Traitor Dick Cheney endorsing Kamala, and the "Pro Israel Christians" who claim Kamala is anti Israel despite the entire 911 crowd endorsing her and funding her, as all the "911 billionaires" are funding her to.

Kamala is the COVER UP 911 candidate, and the more likely of the two to start another war over lies solely to help Israel.

There was no cover up of 911, apply a little logic please.

If there was don't you think there would have been a couple of Whistleblowers with evidence and details? The Russians and Chinese would have presented it to the U.N and it would have been a coup for them. If not them maybe the Iraqi or Afghanistan governments.

Radicals can do the worst to other humans.

Re-read my post. We simply haven't evolved as a species. I won't lower myself any more in life. I have to accept the fate of that walking the path least traveled. It's my destiny, or my curse I suppose.

No people of any religion is immune to the cerebral deficit that has befallen the worlds population. You promoting some outlandish conspiracy theory doesn't improve our lot in this regard. All you succeed in doing is bringing out the Crazies from the dark forest in which they reside.

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