Just How Free Are Ya', Really?


VIP Member
Nov 4, 2016
On the big blue marble
I enjoy reading Larken Rose. He sees the obvious and he reports on it. This link is to one of his best more recent essays.

"It's a Free Country!"

At this point, calling the United States a “free country” is profoundly idiotic. Even the most basic example of living free is “illegal” for a dozen different reasons, and would be violently crushed here in the “land of the free.” Consider this hypothetical: “Hey, I just want to buy a piece of unused land somewhere, build a house, grow some stuff, trade goods and services with my neighbors, mind my own business and raise a family!” In a “free country” (ignoring the fact that that phrase is, all by itself, an oxymoron), wouldn't that be allowed?

However, if you were to try such a thing in the U.S., you would learn a few things, such as:

1 - Even after you pay for a piece of land, you have to continue to pay off various levels of political parasites every year, for the “privilege” of hanging onto what you already bought. This is called “property taxes,” and aside from ridiculous euphemisms and statist spin, it means that you don't own anything. You merely rent it from the ruling class. And if you fail to pay that rent, they send men with guns to take it from you.

Continue reading @ https://steemit.com/anarchism/@larkenrose/it-s-a-free-country and don't forget to read the comments for a bit more enlightenment. There are also pictures for those of you who can't live without pictures in an essay.
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I enjoy reading Larken Rose. He sees the obvious and he reports on it. This link is to one of his best more recent essays.

"It's a Free Country!"

At this point, calling the United States a “free country” is profoundly idiotic. Even the most basic example of living free is “illegal” for a dozen different reasons, and would be violently crushed here in the “land of the free.” Consider this hypothetical: “Hey, I just want to buy a piece of unused land somewhere, build a house, grow some stuff, trade goods and services with my neighbors, mind my own business and raise a family!” In a “free country” (ignoring the fact that that phrase is, all by itself, an oxymoron), wouldn't that be allowed?

However, if you were to try such a thing in the U.S., you would learn a few things, such as:

1 - Even after you pay for a piece of land, you have to continue to pay off various levels of political parasites every year, for the “privilege” of hanging onto what you already bought. This is called “property taxes,” and aside from ridiculous euphemisms and statist spin, it means that you don't own anything. You merely rent it from the ruling class. And if you fail to pay that rent, they send men with guns to take it from you.

Continue reading @ https://steemit.com/anarchism/@larkenrose/it-s-a-free-country and don't forget to read the comments for a bit more enlightenment. There are also pictures for those of you who can't live without pictures in an essay.

the american sheep are the most idiot brainwashed thinking they live in a free country.that is the biggest lie in that song the LAND OF THE FREE in the national anthem.at a ballgame when i hear that propagana bullshit,i got to go off to the restroom to get away from that sick lie.this is the biggest fascist dictatershit oppressed country there ever has been.
It's more free here than anywhere else. The concept of a free country comes with the fact that unless your inherit everything, you still have to work and pay your bills. It's a great system for those who want to work and better themselves. The rest of you commies can pound sand. So it's like pay me, so I can pay them, and they can pay her and we can live.
It's more free here than anywhere else. The concept of a free country comes with the fact that unless your inherit everything, you still have to work and pay your bills. It's a great system for those who want to work and better themselves. The rest of you commies can pound sand. So it's like pay me, so I can pay them, and they can pay her and we can live.

"It's more free here than anywhere else."
Really? Prove it.
Never mind, I'll save you the time and prove otherwise.

The table below is from The Human Freedom Index for 2012 (published in 2015). In case you are interested, you can find the complete work at http://www.freetheworld.com/2015/freedomIndex/Human-Freedom-Index-2015.pdf


This table was published in 2016 for the year 2014 (most recent). Note that the U.S. DROPPED from 20th freest country to 23rd freest country in just two years!




I enjoy reading Larken Rose. He sees the obvious and he reports on it. This link is to one of his best more recent essays.

"It's a Free Country!"

At this point, calling the United States a “free country” is profoundly idiotic. Even the most basic example of living free is “illegal” for a dozen different reasons, and would be violently crushed here in the “land of the free.” Consider this hypothetical: “Hey, I just want to buy a piece of unused land somewhere, build a house, grow some stuff, trade goods and services with my neighbors, mind my own business and raise a family!” In a “free country” (ignoring the fact that that phrase is, all by itself, an oxymoron), wouldn't that be allowed?

However, if you were to try such a thing in the U.S., you would learn a few things, such as:

1 - Even after you pay for a piece of land, you have to continue to pay off various levels of political parasites every year, for the “privilege” of hanging onto what you already bought. This is called “property taxes,” and aside from ridiculous euphemisms and statist spin, it means that you don't own anything. You merely rent it from the ruling class. And if you fail to pay that rent, they send men with guns to take it from you.

Continue reading @ https://steemit.com/anarchism/@larkenrose/it-s-a-free-country and don't forget to read the comments for a bit more enlightenment. There are also pictures for those of you who can't live without pictures in an essay.
In my opinion free countries don't exist.
Every country in some way or another is totalitarian :(
Maybe it's unavoidable because we humans don't know how to handle too much freedom! lol :)
Nobody is safe while the legislature is in session.

Samuel Clemens aka Mark Twain.

He has a new book out btw -- his memoirs.
I feel free because I can go where I want, do what I want, work wherever I want, and carry a gun 24/7/365.

That beats anyplace else on Earth except maybe Switzerland or Israel. They can do this too.
I feel free because I can go where I want, do what I want, work wherever I want, and carry a gun 24/7/365.

That beats anyplace else on Earth except maybe Switzerland or Israel. They can do this too.

FYI: Israel has dropped four places to #52 on the Human Freedom Index.

You cannot go where you want, do what you want, work wherever you want and carry a gun without an assload of regulations and permissions. Try getting on an airplane to go where you want to without being felt up and molested by TSA agents. Do what you want? Try driving your car without a license (permission slip) to do so. Work where you want to? Try getting a job at NASA as a janitor and watch how much dirty crap they will bring up on you that can disqualify you from that job. Carry a gun? Not any gun you want, only those approved by your masters and you better have a permission slip for some of them.

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