Just in case there was ANY question left about which party understands economics


Diamond Member
Jul 5, 2011
It's painfully clear which party understands fiscal responsibility and which party is like small children with a credit card..

Together, the Romney campaign and the RNC boasted about $146 million cash on hand going into October, with the RNC accounting for about $82.6 million of it, federal filings show.

The DNC reported a comparatively paltry $4.6 million in the bank and $20.5 million in debt. Obama for America reported having nearly $100 million as of Sept. 30.

Obama for America Borrows $15 Million From Bank of America | TheBlaze.com
Guess the RNC plans on being around for awhile, while the DNC is gonna expect a bailout from Soros and the Unions..

I'd stop wasting money on those "Big Bird" ad buys... That's insulting and counterproductive. Bunch of morons running the show after those convention diatribes about abortion and contraception and God/Israel..
"Deep-pocketed financiers have abandoned President Obama and are flocking to Mitt Romney in droves, providing more donations to his campaign than any other industry except retired workers. (And that's not really an industry.)

"Individuals who work in the securities and investment industry have given the Romney campaign $8.5 million through the end of April, according to data from the Center for Responsive Politics .

"Over the same time period, Obama has brought in only $3 million from securities and investment workers, and the industry is only the campaign's fifth largest source of funds.

"'They have basically ditched Obama,' said John Dunbar, the managing editor for politics at the Center for Public Integrity. 'Romney is just a much friendlier candidate if you are a banker.'"

Wall Street ditches Obama, backs Romney - May. 29, 2012
"Deep-pocketed financiers have abandoned President Obama and are flocking to Mitt Romney in droves, providing more donations to his campaign than any other industry except retired workers. (And that's not really an industry.)

"Individuals who work in the securities and investment industry have given the Romney campaign $8.5 million through the end of April, according to data from the Center for Responsive Politics .

"Over the same time period, Obama has brought in only $3 million from securities and investment workers, and the industry is only the campaign's fifth largest source of funds.

"'They have basically ditched Obama,' said John Dunbar, the managing editor for politics at the Center for Public Integrity. 'Romney is just a much friendlier candidate if you are a banker.'"

Wall Street ditches Obama, backs Romney - May. 29, 2012

Good.. Obama shouldn't be getting a DIME from the folks he has villified. Not a dime from Wall Street, not a dime from Energy. Not a dime from "the rich". Not a dime from Insurers. Not a dime from people who ACTUALLY BUILT THEIR OWN BUSINESSES...

That's the way Free Speech works.. And that's how villifying people ends up biting you in the ass..
Why hasn't Obama prosecuted any of those folks you claim he has vilified?
Because he depends on "the rich" to fund his campaigns, too?
Who you want to prosecute?? Let's start with the Fed Reserve for keeping rates so low and inflating the bubble..
Sounds like a good start, to me.
How about Angelo and a few of his friends?

"'Friends of Angelo (FOA)' VIP program

"In June 2008 Conde Nast Portfolio reported that several influential lawmakers and politicians, including Senate Banking Committee Chairman Christopher Dodd, Senate Budget Committee Chairman Kent Conrad, and former Fannie Mae CEO Jim Johnson, received favorable mortgage financing from Countrywide by virtue of being 'Friends of Angelo.'"
"Deep-pocketed financiers have abandoned President Obama and are flocking to Mitt Romney in droves, providing more donations to his campaign than any other industry except retired workers. (And that's not really an industry.)

"Individuals who work in the securities and investment industry have given the Romney campaign $8.5 million through the end of April, according to data from the Center for Responsive Politics .

"Over the same time period, Obama has brought in only $3 million from securities and investment workers, and the industry is only the campaign's fifth largest source of funds.

"'They have basically ditched Obama,' said John Dunbar, the managing editor for politics at the Center for Public Integrity. 'Romney is just a much friendlier candidate if you are a banker.'"

Wall Street ditches Obama, backs Romney - May. 29, 2012

Because Obama has made it very clear he intends to bankrupt them with marxism and they know it...
So Mitt will give us the best government that money can buy?
Think positive...maybe Mitt will be in the White House when the global economy CRASHES loudly enough to focus America's attention the same way 911 did.

If Barack Obama has anything to say about it, it certainly will. Collapsing the U.S. economy has been his #1 priority from the time her first entered politics. I bet he never imagined he would actually make it this far and come this close...
So Mitt will give us the best government that money can buy?
Think positive...maybe Mitt will be in the White House when the global economy CRASHES loudly enough to focus America's attention the same way 911 did.

If Barack Obama has anything to say about it, it certainly will. Collapsing the U.S. economy has been his #1 priority from the time her first entered politics. I bet he never imagined he would actually make it this far and come this close...

Since you made the claim, it's your job to prove it. When and where did Obama say that collapsing the U.S. economy has been his #1 priority from the time her first entered politics?

What evidence do you have that he's made some effort to bring this about?

Negged for complete dishonesty.
"Deep-pocketed financiers have abandoned President Obama and are flocking to Mitt Romney in droves, providing more donations to his campaign than any other industry except retired workers. (And that's not really an industry.)

"Individuals who work in the securities and investment industry have given the Romney campaign $8.5 million through the end of April, according to data from the Center for Responsive Politics .

"Over the same time period, Obama has brought in only $3 million from securities and investment workers, and the industry is only the campaign's fifth largest source of funds.

"'They have basically ditched Obama,' said John Dunbar, the managing editor for politics at the Center for Public Integrity. 'Romney is just a much friendlier candidate if you are a banker.'"

Wall Street ditches Obama, backs Romney - May. 29, 2012

Because Obama has made it very clear he intends to bankrupt them with marxism and they know it...
If what you say is true, why did Obama fail to support the Public Option in his original health care "reform" and why hasn't his administration prosecuted any Wall Street bankers for accounting and control fraud?
So Mitt will give us the best government that money can buy?
Think positive...maybe Mitt will be in the White House when the global economy CRASHES loudly enough to focus America's attention the same way 911 did.
Oh God let's hope not! Nothing good will come from a global economic collapse. No cheap political points, no rise in approval numbers, and certainly no job growth.

And God forbid we focus America's attention the same way 9/11 did! We would blame the wrong players, take them over, suffer through an intractable batch of stupidity at our own creation and come out poorer, less respected and more divided than we were when we went in. You failed to learn that lesson if you espouse a global collapse as anything close to good for anyone.
Think positive...maybe Mitt will be in the White House when the global economy CRASHES loudly enough to focus America's attention the same way 911 did.

If Barack Obama has anything to say about it, it certainly will. Collapsing the U.S. economy has been his #1 priority from the time her first entered politics. I bet he never imagined he would actually make it this far and come this close...

Since you made the claim, it's your job to prove it. When and where did Obama say that collapsing the U.S. economy has been his #1 priority from the time her first entered politics?

What evidence do you have that he's made some effort to bring this about?

Negged for complete dishonesty.

I'm sorry, he has to say it for it to be true?!?! So, you operate under the assumption that people flat out admit their nefarious actions?!?! Nobody ever lies?!?! Really?!?!

He wrote a book called "Dreams from My Father". His father taught him that America was the "great imperialist" who reached their status atop the globe by "exploiting" other nations. Furthermore, he taught him that the only way to correct that is to collapse America and redistribute their wealth to other nations so that they are on "equal" par with the rest of the world.

If you look at Obama's actions since becoming president, you will see that they are in lock-step with this philosophy.

Nobody is so stupid as to over spend their budget by $7 trillion in 3.5 years. NOBODY. That's no Obama being an incompetent leader, that is a man with a nefarious agenda trying to collapse America.

Nobody is so stupid as to ban offshore drilling in America, but then turn around and send $40 billion per year to Brazil so that they can perform off shore drilling (see, propping up other nations at the cost of the US?!?!). NOBODY is that dumb. Once again, this is a case of a man with a nefarious agenda trying to collapse America.

There are literally hundreds of more examples just like this. Since you support him, one would think you would be aware of these actions. I found it odd that you are not.

Negged for the completely NAIVE thinking that if someone (Obama) hasn't said it, that it can't possibly be true.
Because Obama has made it very clear he intends to bankrupt them with marxism and they know it...

If what you say is true, why did Obama fail to support the Public Option in his original health care "reform"

Because he had already tipped his hand enough regarding his radical marxist positition, and he was worried about his re-election. If you doubt that for even a second, consider his now infamous moment when he was caught on mic whispering to Dmitry Medvedev that he needed "space" from he and Vladimir Putin until after his last election, when he could then cave to their demands and reveal to the American people his true agenda:

[ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=XsFR8DbSRQE&sns=em]Obama open mic slip: 'After my election I have more flexibility' - YouTube[/ame]

and why hasn't his administration prosecuted any Wall Street bankers for accounting and control fraud?

Two reasons - first, same as before. Because he still has another election and couldn't afford to be throwing American workers in prison. Those people all have family, friends, co-workers, and connections with significant influence. Not the people you want dead-set on getting you out of office at all costs.

Furthermore, he doesn't need to... why "prosecute" them when he can simply bankrupt them? He's better off having them out in the work force producing wealth, and then confiscating that wealth and redistributing it than he is having them in prison and costing his government even more money than he's already spending. Obama's not stupid - he knows how this ends. With all of us living "equally" in poverty like Cuba. But the longer he can keep Wall Street generating wealth while he confiscates it, the longer it appears to his followers that his marxism really does work.
It's painfully clear which party understands fiscal responsibility and which party is like small children with a credit card..

Together, the Romney campaign and the RNC boasted about $146 million cash on hand going into October, with the RNC accounting for about $82.6 million of it, federal filings show.

The DNC reported a comparatively paltry $4.6 million in the bank and $20.5 million in debt. Obama for America reported having nearly $100 million as of Sept. 30.

Obama for America Borrows $15 Million From Bank of America | TheBlaze.com

Because the point of running a campaign is to end it with tons of cash in the bank..........

fuck you're stupid.

First of all, this is the CLEAN DEBATE ZONE so your comments here are completely inappropriate.

Second, is the point of running a campaign to end with tons of debt and having to borrow money? Is that the point?

Always amusing how the left will support mass spending and insurmountable debt by using any angle imaginable, no matter how absurd.
It's painfully clear which party understands fiscal responsibility and which party is like small children with a credit card..

Together, the Romney campaign and the RNC boasted about $146 million cash on hand going into October, with the RNC accounting for about $82.6 million of it, federal filings show.

The DNC reported a comparatively paltry $4.6 million in the bank and $20.5 million in debt. Obama for America reported having nearly $100 million as of Sept. 30.

Obama for America Borrows $15 Million From Bank of America | TheBlaze.com

Because the point of running a campaign is to end it with tons of cash in the bank..........

fuck you're stupid.

First of all, this is the CLEAN DEBATE ZONE so your comments here are completely inappropriate.

Second, is the point of running a campaign to end with tons of debt and having to borrow money? Is that the point?

Always amusing how the left will support mass spending and insurmountable debt by using any angle imaginable, no matter how absurd.

So Mitt will give us the best government that money can buy?
Think positive...maybe Mitt will be in the White House when the global economy CRASHES loudly enough to focus America's attention the same way 911 did.
Oh God let's hope not! Nothing good will come from a global economic collapse. No cheap political points, no rise in approval numbers, and certainly no job growth.

And God forbid we focus America's attention the same way 9/11 did! We would blame the wrong players, take them over, suffer through an intractable batch of stupidity at our own creation and come out poorer, less respected and more divided than we were when we went in. You failed to learn that lesson if you espouse a global collapse as anything close to good for anyone.
Sorry, I should have put "positive" inside quotation marks.
I don't see the coming crash as anything to hope for or profit from.

That said, the US investor class no longer has any need for the middle class in this country since investors have a much larger contingent of workers/consumers rising in India, China, and Brazil.

I think the impending CRASH is more inevitable than desirable, and I suspect you are exactly right about who will get the blame and what the consequences will be for 90% of Americans.
It is always surprising the lack of knowledge concerning finances on the republican side. Debt is republican policy but somehow the moonies who follow the party as blind partisans miss the forest and the trees. Reagan was the first republican to make America a debtor nation - everyone forget that fact? See link for a bit of reality and quote from op that covers why the blind remain blind.

U.S. Federal Deficits, Presidents, and Congress

"This is when the Republican Party set its trap. Meeting in closed sessions at the beginning of the Obama regime, the party of tax cuts for the rich, unfunded wars, and the largest deficit in the history of the country redefined itself. It suddenly became the party of deficit reduction through lean government joined to supreme confidence in unregulated financial and corporate markets. It even opposed the bail out of General Motors and Chrysler, though these actions stopped unemployment from reaching a dangerous tipping point, allowed the two companies time to reconstruct themselves, and enabled them to pay back the loans within two years–-creating one of the most successful bailouts in the history of Euro-American economic life." The Contemporary Condition: The Republican Pincer Machine

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