Just Like That- Another Obama Erase- UN Small Arms Treaty

When did the Senate ratify that treaty and how did the so called treaty effect domestic weapon sales, exports or imports?

They didn't. From numbnuts article:

Although the accord was brokered by the United Nations and signed by President Barack Obama, it has never been ratified by the Senate. Experts in arms control note that the accord, even if ratified by the Senate, would not require the United States to alter any existing domestic laws or procedures governing how it sells conventional weapons overseas.

In other words he didn't do anything.
OK, I searched (USMB search function is a joke) for discussion on this as POTUS erased this ill advised plan in late April. The UN has no authority over our Constitution and just like that, POTUS eliminated another Obama anti-American destructive agenda


INDIANAPOLIS — In a speech to National Rifle Association members on Friday that was part political rally and part pep talk, President Trump called himself a champion of gun rights. Then he proved it, whipping out a pen onstage to sign a letter that would effectively cease America’s involvement in an arms treaty designed to regulate the international sale of conventional weapons

Trump Pulls Out of Arms Treaty During Speech at N.R.A. Convention

These things are easily corrected after Trump is gone. Add it to the list of things to do to erase the Trump legacy

Tear down the wall
Repeal the tax cuts on the wealthy
Rejoin treaties with Iran nuclear, Paris climate accord, UN Arms treaty,
Reinstate NAFTA
Dismantle Space Force

Easy, peasy

The wall will never happen, so tearing it down will be unnecessary.

The tax cut scam was enacted by reconciliation, and will die the same way.

The nuclear agreement and Paris accord will happen day one with a new administration with no input from Congress whatsoever.

Ditto UN arms treaty, and NAFTA.

Space Force will never come to fruition.

Since the tax scam is dotards only claim to fame, it will take all of one week to erase him from the national lexicon.
Isn't the whole purpose of that treaty to govern how any country sells conventional weapons to any other country?

Don't we make enough People Killing Sticks here already?
No foreign entity should tell Americans what they can buy.
It's not about imports dummy. It's about selling arms to countries being torn apart by civil wars...armed by these assault weapons.

You think we are dependent on importing AK 47s ?

Once again Clueless beyond belief. Have you ever had a Federal Firearm License? I have. Have you ever been a legal firearms dealer? I have. Have you ever even owned a firearm?
Once again Clueless beyond belief. Have you ever had a Federal Firearm License? I have. Have you ever been a legal firearms dealer? I have. Have you ever even owned a firearm?

I've owned numerous guns. What does any of that have to do with this. Read above if you don't understand what it's about (you obviously don't)
The Arms Trade Treaty obligates member states to monitor arms exports and ensure that weapons don't cross existing arms embargoes or end up being used for human-rights abuses, including terrorism. Member states, with the assistance of the U.N., will put into place enforceable, standardized arms import and export regulations (much like those that already exist in the U.S.) and be expected to track the destination of exports to ensure they do not end up in the wrong hands. Ideally, that means limiting the inflow of deadly weapons into places like Syria.[26]

Advocates of the treaty say that it only pertains to international arms trade, and would have no effect on current domestic laws.[27][28][29] These advocates point to the UN General Assembly resolution starting the process on the ATT. The resolution explicitly states that it is "the exclusive right of States to regulate internal transfers of arms and national ownership, including through constitutional protections on private ownership."
Here let me help you
Once again Clueless beyond belief. Have you ever had a Federal Firearm License? I have. Have you ever been a legal firearms dealer? I have. Have you ever even owned a firearm?

I've owned numerous guns. What does any of that have to do with this. Read above if you don't understand what it's about (you obviously don't)

You are ignorant of the U.N. purposes. Anything they promote is anti American and anti Freedom. It is PROGRESSIVE GLOBALIST DRECK. If you want to sign on to that crap, move to Europe.

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