Just Like That- Another Obama Erase- UN Small Arms Treaty

OK, I searched (USMB search function is a joke) for discussion on this as POTUS erased this ill advised plan in late April. The UN has no authority over our Constitution and just like that, POTUS eliminated another Obama anti-American destructive agenda


INDIANAPOLIS — In a speech to National Rifle Association members on Friday that was part political rally and part pep talk, President Trump called himself a champion of gun rights. Then he proved it, whipping out a pen onstage to sign a letter that would effectively cease America’s involvement in an arms treaty designed to regulate the international sale of conventional weapons

Trump Pulls Out of Arms Treaty During Speech at N.R.A. Convention

History will show that the US is one of the biggest exporters of illegal arms, and thus has had a substantial impact in supplying hostile regimes and bad actors.

Since Trump campaign was illegally coordinating with NRA, this all really stinks.

Aren't we the biggest exporter of legal arms too?
course , he is allowing the USA to be flooded by third worlders from south of the border Pilot .

The COURTS and Congress are holding him back. Humvees with .50 cals would work.
---------------------------------------- maybe he should ignore the 'courts' , i think that Andrew Jackson ignored the 'court' . And the 'court' didn't send its 'army' to coerce Jackson . Meanwhile the USA is flooded by third world invaders .
OK, I searched (USMB search function is a joke) for discussion on this as POTUS erased this ill advised plan in late April. The UN has no authority over our Constitution and just like that, POTUS eliminated another Obama anti-American destructive agenda


INDIANAPOLIS — In a speech to National Rifle Association members on Friday that was part political rally and part pep talk, President Trump called himself a champion of gun rights. Then he proved it, whipping out a pen onstage to sign a letter that would effectively cease America’s involvement in an arms treaty designed to regulate the international sale of conventional weapons

Trump Pulls Out of Arms Treaty During Speech at N.R.A. Convention

History will show that the US is one of the biggest exporters of illegal arms, and thus has had a substantial impact in supplying hostile regimes and bad actors.

Since Trump campaign was illegally coordinating with NRA, this all really stinks.

Agreed. Obama let all those guns walk to Mexico then blamed the US for cartel killing locals and BP with said walked guns

Good times


In reality it is the AZ gun law that allows the practice of straw buying. The suspects did not break any laws in most cases that the ATF observed. That's why so few charges were brought.

There was no outcry from Americans over violence in Mexico. The only way they registered on the fauxrage meter was when Agent Terry was killed after his patrol opened up on some bandits with bean bag shot! The bandits returned with deadly fire of there own.

Perhaps, but Hillary sure made an issue of it. The 90% thing........

I like the fact President Trump is not a polished... aka..... Presidential from a conduct and personality perspective

Because look at what the man is getting done. Why? Because he has the skills and knowledge not realized by a traditional politician

He is different, therefore we get different results

They are called 'positive' results

Future Presidents will have a high bar to reach in the coming years

When did the Senate ratify that treaty and how did the so called treaty effect domestic weapon sales, exports or imports?
It was to be a slow bleed.

Again, Trump threw a wrench in the cog of the machine and NWO


Isn't it only an EO, just like Obama's?
No, he formed a letter to the UN stating we would no longer be a part of the treaty.... regardless of its structure

When did the Senate ratify that treaty and how did the so called treaty effect domestic weapon sales, exports or imports?
It was to be a slow bleed.

Again, Trump threw a wrench in the cog of the machine and NWO


Isn't it only an EO, just like Obama's?
No, he formed a letter to the UN stating we would no longer be a part of the treaty.... regardless of its structure


A position that is just as reversible from the next president.
Cause it's really important for terrorists to have easy access to military grade small arms right?


And oh by the way?

Russia Today?

Please Vlad....
Cause it's really important for terrorists to have easy access to military grade small arms right?


And oh by the way?

Russia Today?

Please Vlad....

There is no such thing as "military grade". It is a media created LIE. Terrorists don't buy guns at gun stores. They get them illegally, so more laws won't stop them. Americans don't want foreign entities controlling them.

You are clueless as usual.
OK, I searched (USMB search function is a joke) for discussion on this as POTUS erased this ill advised plan in late April. The UN has no authority over our Constitution and just like that, POTUS eliminated another Obama anti-American destructive agenda


INDIANAPOLIS — In a speech to National Rifle Association members on Friday that was part political rally and part pep talk, President Trump called himself a champion of gun rights. Then he proved it, whipping out a pen onstage to sign a letter that would effectively cease America’s involvement in an arms treaty designed to regulate the international sale of conventional weapons

Trump Pulls Out of Arms Treaty During Speech at N.R.A. Convention

The fact is that the UN Small Arms Treaty is the best example of far right wing propaganda. The Congressional Research Service explains it best.

"The ATT regulates trade in conventional weapons between and among countries. It does not affect sales or trade in weapons among private citizens within a country. The treaty obligates states parties engaged in the international arms trade to establish national control systems to review, authorize, and document the import, export, brokerage, transit, and transshipment of conventional weapons, their parts, and ammunition."


This is Trump appealing to far right radicals and shows how far right the NRA has become. The NRA is likely to be a millstone around Republicans' necks.
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Trump is the real deal. He is preserving U.S. SOVEREIGNTY while the Democrats want Globalism, Open Borders and for us to be ruled by the Master in Europe.

You and Trump are lying weasels. There is not a ounce of truth in what you said.
course , he is allowing the USA to be flooded by third worlders from south of the border Pilot .
Pismoe you're and idiot Trump has been trying to close the Illegal entry loopholes while Congressional Dems have obstructed securing the Border at every turn. What level of stupid do you want everyone else to believe you at.
OK, I searched (USMB search function is a joke) for discussion on this as POTUS erased this ill advised plan in late April. The UN has no authority over our Constitution and just like that, POTUS eliminated another Obama anti-American destructive agenda


INDIANAPOLIS — In a speech to National Rifle Association members on Friday that was part political rally and part pep talk, President Trump called himself a champion of gun rights. Then he proved it, whipping out a pen onstage to sign a letter that would effectively cease America’s involvement in an arms treaty designed to regulate the international sale of conventional weapons

Trump Pulls Out of Arms Treaty During Speech at N.R.A. Convention

These things are easily corrected after Trump is gone. Add it to the list of things to do to erase the Trump legacy

Tear down the wall
Repeal the tax cuts on the wealthy
Rejoin treaties with Iran nuclear, Paris climate accord, UN Arms treaty,
Reinstate NAFTA
Dismantle Space Force

Easy, peasy

Yeah but why should they be they're in America's best interest not good for Globalist shits like you but American Security and Sovereignty is The goal and the Posts don't seem to be moving like they do with Lying underhanded Dems. Move to Mexico if you love them so much , Guatemala , Honduras , El Salvador would love you I'm sure you could spread your socialist agenda more easily there and they are too stupid to turn away from the free shit Agenda you espouse.
course , he is allowing the USA to be flooded by third worlders from south of the border Pilot .
Pismoe you're and idiot Trump has been trying to close the Illegal entry loopholes while Congressional Dems have obstructed securing the Border at every turn. What level of stupid do you want everyone else to believe you at.
------------------------------------ believe as you like you naive boy . All i know is that thousands and thousands or more invaders are being distributed through out the USA on Trumps watch CaptainK .
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I like the fact President Trump is not a polished... aka..... Presidential from a conduct and personality perspective

Because look at what the man is getting done. Why? Because he has the skills and knowledge not realized by a traditional politician

He is different, therefore we get different results

They are called 'positive' results

Future Presidents will have a high bar to reach in the coming years

Future presidents will have to repair his damages to the US reputation

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