Just me or are liberals becoming progressively more & more hateful


Gold Member
Oct 26, 2016
as there's progressively less & less to complain about?

Trump Supporter (Otherwise referenced as the NAZI party)
They’ve always been hateful. It’s nothing new
as there's progressively less & less to complain about?

Trump Supporter (Otherwise referenced as the NAZI party)
This has been the most surprising and saddest thing I've seen since Donald Trump shocked the world and saved the USA. I thought after a few months the Left would calm down, work their stages of grief and we would be back to a normal state of disagreement. Instead there appears to be steady ramp upward in the hatred toward Trump and his supporters. I sincerely hope it doesn't continue like this.
Partisans liberals and conservatives are always riled when the other is empowered.
as there's progressively less & less to complain about?

Trump Supporter (Otherwise referenced as the NAZI party)

No, they have become violent and downright vile.

They are now making threats against the children of DHS employees. They harass people and threaten to kidnap children and they say the most disgusting things. Peter Fonda wants to kidnap Baron Trump and put him in a cage with pedophiles.

No other leftists call them on this. Anyone goes when they are on the attack.

They don't care that the UCLA investigated mistreatment of minors held in detention centers. Their report covers 2009 - 2014, all during the Obama years. Children were kept in cages then. Obama brags about deporting over 3 million illegals, more than ever before and that meant separation from families during the process. But, he's a lib so they said nothing.

Now the left thinks it's fine to make threats against families and they seem to mean business. Isn't that terrorism when people threaten others unless they get their way? Of course, Trump did far more than anyone before him when it came to keeping families together after the parents break the law. It didn't calm the left at all. They stepped up their craziness. So, that wasn't what they really wanted. They want to have their radical leaders back in office so they can continue the destruction of this country. For now, they will continue their attacks because things aren't the way they want.

They like it when families live in fear of leftist terrorists.

Leftists Make 'Credible Threats' Against the Children of DHS Employees
Think of the bright side, they continue this. We win again in the midterms, normal people are getting sick of this stuff.
Soros wants to ignite a civil war and doesn't care how many democrats get charged as traitors
After all, all conservatives progressed from KKK to straight-up NAZI.

For the entire time that it had any meaningful existence, in both of its incarnations, the Ku Klux Klan was aligned with the Democratic party.

Nazis haven't existed for longer than most people now have been alive, but do not forget that they were National SOCIALISTS.

Your effort to tar conservatives by associating them with two extinct extreme LIBERAL groups is a fail.

But then, this is exactly the sort of clumsy deceitfulness that we know to expect of you on the left wrong—trying to slander your opposition by projecting your own vices on to us.
as there's progressively less & less to complain about?

Trump Supporter (Otherwise referenced as the NAZI party)

It's just you.

They've always been consumed with hate.

Their entire political philosophy is founded on hatred and envy.

They're just more annoying lately.

Well, the two ideologies are certainly drifting farther away from each other, if that counts.

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