Just more proof the media are throne sniffers for the Democrat Party


Democrat Party - the REAL Fascist Party
Dec 31, 2011
Bay State
So, we have the Demonazis and there war on the Constitution. Get a load of Demonazis Joe "The Village Idiot" Biden, and Joe "The Fraudulent Democrat Gun Guy" Munchinondick thanking their pole smokers in the media in regards to the gun issue.

Ohh....ohhhh....I already know, the leftist sphincter splatters in this forum will say it is Fox News, but...there is only a few problems..they have these two America-haters own words.

WATCH: Democrats Thank CNN, NBC News for Gun Control Support | Gun Control | Fox Nation

All the more proof that when you view ABC, CBS, NBC, CNN, MSNBC...you are only seeing the approved views of the Democrat Party.

Btw, it's a LIBERAL website lolololol

Alex Jones

FBI says there’s a 20%+ rate drop in crime: True, but over many years, not just in a single year
About 74% of about 11,000+ gun homicides in the US were gang related: As an average, True
190,000 people died from hospital infections: Couldn’t find 2011 or 2012 data, but in 2009 it was the 4th leading cause of death in the United States, and this 2012 article put’s it at around the same rank.
The Number 1 killer in history is “governments” who killed 292 millions people in the 21st Century: True
Britain took your guns 15-16 years ago and it tripled violent crime: True. Britain is the most violent country in Europe
Michael Springman head of (inaudible) department blew the whistle that the hijackers were allowed into the US: Potentially True. A lot of news outlets reported on this. Here’s one.
Mexico, total gun ban on citizens, over 50,000 died in three years: True
German fasle-flag firebomb April 27th 1933: True
Mega banks have bragged that they have taken over in Bloomberg, AP. True, this has been said on those outlets. I’ve seen them personally but don’t have time to dig around for them.
Criminal elements of the military industrial complex were behind 9/11: Unknown, but history will tell. This is his current personal opinion.
Criminal factions of the US Military were behind Gulf of Tonkin: True, Robert McNamara said publicly that it was a false flag.
Criminal elements of the military industrial complex were behind Operation Gladio: True
Why don’t you go back and face charges for the hacking scandal? True
Why did you get fired from the daily mirror for putting out fake stories? True
The government buys 1.6 billion bullets last year : True
The number 1 cause of death is suicide: Couldn’t find solid 2011 or 2012 data but suicide is in the top 10 and has climbed every year for over a decade. Link
Why don’t you want to get rid of drugs? Because they’re half your sponsors? This is an exaggeration but a lot of drug companies advertise on CNN.
3 times the amount of people are killed with rocks, pipes, knives: Need more information, but this number is higher than you think.
Murder with a semi automatic weapon is very low. Unknown but Hand Guns are #1 but a long shot. Here.
Mao killed 80 million people because he was the only guy who had the guns: Estimates vary widely, with 80,000,000 on the very HIGH end.
Switzerland has the lowest crime rate in Europe, and your country (Britain) has the highest: True
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Objective Media has died... growing awareness

Welcome to the land of the aware.

Objective Media's obituary was written around the time it was "morning in America" for voodoo economists. Throughout the 1980s media lionized a New Dealer posing as a conservative, rarely criticizing public policy creating a debt-fueled fake economy that tripled the national debt and not challenging Reagan's giving legal amnesty to at least 4million illegals (benefiting another 4m by reducing scrutiny) thereby undermining US citizens' wages. Instead the use of monetary policy and destroying wage growth to move inflation into assets instead of consumables was praised by the media.

Despite mountains of evidence, no ReagaNUT ever was indicted in the death of Objective Media.
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Objective Media has died... growing sentiment

Welcome to the land of the aware.

The actual obituary was written around 1981 or so.

It died at the hands of ReagaNUTs.

You mean it died at the hands of those left wing nuts who still hate President Ronald Reagan and Prime Minister Margaret Thatcher.. The two people who, together, did more to save their countries and the world at the time when it stood on the edge of destruction.
Objective Media has died... growing sentiment

Welcome to the land of the aware.

The actual obituary was written around 1981 or so.

It died at the hands of ReagaNUTs.

You mean it died at the hands of those left wing nuts who still hate President Ronald Reagan and Prime Minister Margaret Thatcher.. The two people who, together, did more to save their countries and the world at the time when it stood on the edge of destruction.

Indeed, imagine how the cold war would have gone if Obama were President and Cameron was PM during that time............ :eek:
Objective Media has died... growing sentiment

Welcome to the land of the aware.

The actual obituary was written around 1981 or so.

It died at the hands of ReagaNUTs.

You mean it died at the hands of those left wing nuts who still hate President Ronald Reagan and Prime Minister Margaret Thatcher.. The two people who, together, did more to save their countries and the world at the time when it stood on the edge of destruction.


That isn't what I mean at all.

And no lowlife lying cocksucker is going to twist it into that meaning.

Objective Media ended in America in the early 1980s, trading objectivity for access and proximity to praise a NEW DEALER pretending to be a conservative. It was the finest acting gig of Reagan's life and Iran-hostage reporting was last whimper of objectivity in US media. The man hit every mark and read his lines as well as any actor turned politician ever did on a big stage in US history.

That you and the rest of halfwit America need to convince yourselves that tripling the debt and freezing blue collar wages for more than a generation is either conservative or patriotic says all anyone needs to know about white trash America. Even more hilarious is that America needed "saving" and was "saved" by a b-actor being coached from Wall Street and K street.

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