Just nuke the Gaza strip and be done with this insanity.

Nope. The Palestinians were loyal subjects of the Ottomans. So your analogy doesn't hold water.

By loyal, the Muslims who joined British Crusaders to defeat the Ottomans,
only to find out they'll lose exclusive Arab-Muslim domination
over the entire Middle East - to a minority of Jews?

There's no enemy Jews didn't witness ending up
totally humiliated in the dustbin of history.
Now list what Israel has done to the Palestinians. You apparently are unaware that many more of them have died versus Israelis. Or the heinous treatment they have endured for decades at the hands of the Israelis.
Your job to list. And the response has always been more effective than the attacks.

When you look at the attacks over decades do you see a trend? Hmmmm
Your job to list. And the response has always been more effective than the attacks.

When you look at the attacks over decades do you see a trend? Hmmmm
Are you so clueless to believe Israel hasn’t murdered far more Palestinians than vice versa?

Do you not know all those buildings they have and are destroying in Gaza, have resulted in numerous deaths of women and children?
Now list what Israel has done to the Palestinians. You apparently are unaware that many more of them have died versus Israelis. Or the heinous treatment they have endured for decades at the hands of the Israelis.
Are you so clueless to believe Israel hasn’t murdered far more Palestinians than vice versa?

Do you not know all those buildings they have and are destroying in Gaza, have resulted in numerous deaths of women and children?
MAYBE Hamas should have anticipated the response Has THAT ever occurred to you?
MAYBE Hamas should have anticipated the response Has THAT ever occurred to you?
You don’t get it. You ignore the heinous treatment the Israelis have inflicted on Gazans. This war has been ongoing for decades. Both sides have committed atrocities, but you only know one side.
You don’t get it. You ignore the heinous treatment the Israelis have inflicted on Gazans. This war has been ongoing for decades. Both sides have committed atrocities, but you only know one side.
Who started this War biotch??
You don’t get it. You ignore the heinous treatment the Israelis have inflicted on Gazans. This war has been ongoing for decades. Both sides have committed atrocities, but you only know one side.
Israel has only responded to attacks Do some research and you will be informed that the Rocket attacks actually increased after 2005 Maybe YOU can tell me why Abbas rejected Olmert’s offer in 2008
Israel has only responded to attacks Do some research and you will be informed that the Rocket attacks actually increased after 2005 Maybe YOU can tell me why Abbas rejected Olmert’s offer in 2008
Wrong. You are terribly uninformed.
You are truly delusional Please tell us why Olmert’s peace proposal was rejected?
Don’t know and don’t care. You stated Israel only responds to attacks. This is obviously wrong to anyone who bothers to research the history using independent news sources.
Don’t know and don’t care. You stated Israel only responds to attacks. This is obviously wrong to anyone who bothers to research the history using independent news sources.
Maybe you should know and care for starters
Maybe you should know and care for starters
Okay. Upon your suggestion, I shall look it up. However you must know there are way too many facets to this long historical conflict to focus on just one.
Loons and extremist Muslims do hate Israel.
Hating Israel is a religious mandate. To Muslims this is a world War and they are justified in killing all infidels. What's the difference between Gaza Muslims killing Jews and Christians and Pakistani Muslims killing infidels in a Mumbai hotel?
Turn it to glass. Either that or migrate to America and STOP FIGHTING OVER SAND.
Why anyone would want to live somewhere where they are surrounded by people that hate their existence is beyond me.
Muslims have proven over and over they can not act like modern adult humans.
Because they are at war with the world.
Okay. Upon your suggestion, I shall look it up. However you must know there are way too many facets to this long historical conflict to focus on just one.
Agree; However they could have had their Palestinian State in 2008 if they really wanted it

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