Just nuke the Gaza strip and be done with this insanity.

You got that ass backwards! It's the Israeli's that constantly attack the Palestinians. The occupation has been going on now for 56 years. That is the cause of ALL the violence in the area.
Let's bring you into the realm of reality. The region, which is now called Israel, was once populated by various peoples. The Hebrews (Jews) and others migrated from Africa to their present-day location around the 10th Century BCE. The Hebrews (Jews) established the city of Jerusalem and a kingdom.....AND.....they've been present there EVER SINCE!!! Due to wars, as is the habit of humans, it's control its control has changed hands various times. At the end of World War I, the Ottoman Empire had been conquered and the British had governing control of what was at the time, called Palestinian territory. The Jews simply wanted some of their founded land back and in 1948 was granted their old territory back by the British government and the UN Security Council accepted Israel's application for membership in the UN. Thus, the creation of Israel and the Hebrew (Jewish) people got back what was originally stolen from them via war. The local Muslims, who called themselves Palestinians, objected, refused to live under "infidel" rule and "voluntarily" left, swearing to get the area back.
According to the Quran, if Muslims conquer land of the infidels and the infidels get it back, the infidels are to always be considered "occupiers," hence the Muslims (Palestinians) continued calling for the destruction of Israel and killing of all Jews. With the exception of Israel hitting known terrorists outside of Israel proper, the Muslims (Palestinians) always.....ALWAYS, strike first and Israel simply retaliates.
By loyal, the Muslims who joined British Crusaders to defeat the Ottomans,
only to find out they'll lose exclusive Arab-Muslim domination
over the entire Middle East - to a minority of Jews?

There's no enemy Jews didn't witness ending up
totally humiliated in the dustbin of history.

Um, The Zionists haven't straight up won a war since 1967 without America having to bail them out.

Yes, they made the mistake of trusting the British. Never trust the British.
I'm not one for conspiracy theories but I have to wonder what caused this utter failure of the Israeli military that they were taken completely unaware of the attack.

Sections of a wall demolished and rubble cleared for hundreds of trucks to drive through and no one noticed?
Some rented from the Ottomans, some were squatters.
Very few were landowners.

But they were the residents, that was the thing.

Heck, only 64% of Americans are "landowners" in our country. So are you saying the 36% who rent are "squatters"?

Never mind, don't answer that, anything you come up with will be more trolling and life's too short.
Let's bring you into the realm of reality. The region, which is now called Israel, was once populated by various peoples. The Hebrews (Jews) and others migrated from Africa to their present-day location around the 10th Century BCE. The Hebrews (Jews) established the city of Jerusalem and a kingdom.....AND.....they've been present there EVER SINCE!!! Due to wars, as is the habit of humans, it's control its control has changed hands various times. At the end of World War I, the Ottoman Empire had been conquered and the British had governing control of what was at the time, called Palestinian territory. The Jews simply wanted some of their founded land back and in 1948 was granted their old territory back by the British government and the UN Security Council accepted Israel's application for membership in the UN. Thus, the creation of Israel and the Hebrew (Jewish) people got back what was originally stolen from them via war. The local Muslims, who called themselves Palestinians, objected, refused to live under "infidel" rule and "voluntarily" left, swearing to get the area back.

Let's get real. By 1800, there were only 7,000 Jews living in Palestine. (Compared to 22,000 Christians and 246,000 Muslims.) The Jews had to come back from Europe, mostly because their fellow Europeans kept killing them, but that's something they should have taken up with the Europeans.

"Oy, we only want some of our land back, already." And they they keep trying to take it all. Because they just can't help themselves.

According to the Quran, if Muslims conquer land of the infidels and the infidels get it back, the infidels are to always be considered "occupiers," hence the Muslims (Palestinians) continued calling for the destruction of Israel and killing of all Jews. With the exception of Israel hitting known terrorists outside of Israel proper, the Muslims (Palestinians) always.....ALWAYS, strike first and Israel simply retaliates.

Bullshit. Just because they find some bullshit pretext to slaughter women and children doesn't make it less of a bullshit pretext.
Agree; However they could have had their Palestinian State in 2008 if they really wanted it
If true, do you think Israel is justified in committing decades of atrocities against the Palestinians?

This guy has a balanced view and he’s Jewish.

”Hamas did try nonviolence“. “What did Israel do Thry targeted medical personnel, journalists, etc…snipers targeted…” “Brutal occupation of Gaza”

This Jewish organization offers good advice…
We are deeply concerned at the bloodthirsty warmongering statements made by the Israeli government promising to exact revenge on the two million residents of Gaza. The Israeli government is engaging in war crimes on top of acting against the interests of its own people when it flagrantly imperils the safety of Israeli prisoners of war and civilian hostages held in Gaza by abandoning them and risking killing them with these military attacks. We call for the immediate onset of peace talks between Israel and the government of Gaza. Our Torah is the Torah of peace.
But they were the residents, that was the thing.

Heck, only 64% of Americans are "landowners" in our country. So are you saying the 36% who rent are "squatters"?

Never mind, don't answer that, anything you come up with will be more trolling and life's too short.

But they were the residents, that was the thing.

And some of them are still residents. In Israel. Still doesn't make them owners.

Heck, only 64% of Americans are "landowners" in our country. So are you saying the 36% who rent are "squatters"?

If they don't pay rent, they're squatters. If their landlord dies, they don't become owners.
If true, do you think Israel is justified in committing decades of atrocities against the Palestinians?

This guy has a balanced view and he’s Jewish.

”Hamas did try nonviolence“. “What did Israel do Thry targeted medical personnel, journalists, etc…snipers targeted…” “Brutal occupation of Gaza”

This Jewish organization offers good advice…
We are deeply concerned at the bloodthirsty warmongering statements made by the Israeli government promising to exact revenge on the two million residents of Gaza. The Israeli government is engaging in war crimes on top of acting against the interests of its own people when it flagrantly imperils the safety of Israeli prisoners of war and civilian hostages held in Gaza by abandoning them and risking killing them with these military attacks. We call for the immediate onset of peace talks between Israel and the government of Gaza. Our Torah is the Torah of peace.

Not home right now so I can’t post the link but just ONE example ; He talks about Operation Protective Edge” What he doesn’t talk about is why it occurred in the first place . MAYBE we should focus on the Rocket 🚀 increase IMMEDIATELY after Israel withdrew from Gaza
Not home right now so I can’t post the link but just ONE example ; He talks about Operation Protective Edge” What he doesn’t talk about is why it occurred in the first place . MAYBE we should focus on the Rocket 🚀 increase IMMEDIATELY after Israel withdrew from Gaza
You’re stuck in a tit-for-tat belief. You think Israel only kills after being killed. This is an obvious fallacy, but does result in perpetual war.
You’re stuck in a tit-for-tat belief. You think Israel only kills after being killed. This is an obvious fallacy, but does result in perpetual war.
Still doesn’t address my post This entire conflict could have been resolved in 2008
Let's bring you into the realm of reality. The region, which is now called Israel, was once populated by various peoples. The Hebrews (Jews) and others migrated from Africa to their present-day location around the 10th Century BCE. The Hebrews (Jews) established the city of Jerusalem and a kingdom.....AND.....they've been present there EVER SINCE!!! Due to wars, as is the habit of humans, it's control its control has changed hands various times. At the end of World War I, the Ottoman Empire had been conquered and the British had governing control of what was at the time, called Palestinian territory. The Jews simply wanted some of their founded land back and in 1948 was granted their old territory back by the British government and the UN Security Council accepted Israel's application for membership in the UN. Thus, the creation of Israel and the Hebrew (Jewish) people got back what was originally stolen from them via war. The local Muslims, who called themselves Palestinians, objected, refused to live under "infidel" rule and "voluntarily" left, swearing to get the area back.
According to the Quran, if Muslims conquer land of the infidels and the infidels get it back, the infidels are to always be considered "occupiers," hence the Muslims (Palestinians) continued calling for the destruction of Israel and killing of all Jews. With the exception of Israel hitting known terrorists outside of Israel proper, the Muslims (Palestinians) always.....ALWAYS, strike first and Israel simply retaliates.
They did not voluntarily leave. They were driven out at the point of a gun by Zionist terrorist group Irgun. Arabs owned 70% of the land and were the majority population.

You can't move into an area and automatically have more rights than the people already living there.
They did not voluntarily leave. They were driven out at the point of a gun by Zionist terrorist group Irgun. Arabs owned 70% of the land and were the majority population.

You can't move into an area and automatically have more rights than the people already living there.

Arabs owned 70% of the land


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