Just nuke the Gaza strip and be done with this insanity.

No, that would be you.

Pick Any thread and ask yourself if you're ON TOPIC.

NO. you're not. You just need to stop

The reason for that is because I'm looking at this topic in a completely different way than you, and granted, maybe I should start a new thread in order to talk about it from a different angle.... but the bottom line is, I don't agree with constantly going along with whatever the PTSB / MSM want us to be focusing on. They lead the conversation, and people go along with it.

"Look over here, this is what you should be focusing on!"

and then

"Now look over there! Now you should be focusing on that!"

Well I'm sorry, but for the umpteenth time, since the MSM cannot be trusted, I'm not going to be led around like that. I will talk about the things that I believe are important to talk about. For example, the fact that nearly all the major wars in the last 100 or so years got started based on lies or false flags. That's something they DON'T want you to notice or talk about.

No, your lack of concern for what happened there disappoint me.

My concern is for the truth. And I HAVE been looking into it, because I DO care. Again, just because I'm not immediately believing what we've been told and getting emotionally invested in it doesn't mean that I don't care. It just means that I don't allow myself to be guided by the MSM. Been there done that, and as the saying goes, fool me once, shame on you.... fool me twice..... you know the rest.
The reason for that is because I'm looking at this topic in a completely different way than you, and granted, maybe I should start a new thread in order to talk about it from a different angle.... but the bottom line is, I don't agree with constantly going along with whatever the PTSB / MSM want us to be focusing on. They lead the conversation, and people go along with it.

"Look over here, this is what you should be focusing on!"

and then

"Now look over there! Now you should be focusing on that!"

Well I'm sorry, but for the umpteenth time, since the MSM cannot be trusted, I'm not going to be led around like that. I will talk about the things that I believe are important to talk about. For example, the fact that nearly all the major wars in the last 100 or so years got started based on lies or false flags. That's something they DON'T want you to notice or talk about.

My concern is for the truth. And I HAVE been looking into it, because I DO care. Again, just because I'm not immediately believing what we've been told and getting emotionally invested in it doesn't mean that I don't care. It just means that I don't allow myself to be guided by the MSM. Been there done that, and as the saying goes, fool me once, shame on you.... fool me twice..... you know the rest.
I'm done. Bicker with others who enjoy that sort of thing
I'm done.

Why? It seems to really bother you that I'm not quickly jumping on board with everyone else, but instead reserving judgement and asking questions. Maybe you're taking it personally?

I don't know what I said that you find so objectionable. But we can agree to disagree.
I'm done. Bicker with others who enjoy that sort of thing

Bicker? How is looking at this topic from a different angle "bickering"? I don't waste my time with partisan bickering (if I did, I would be always posting on the political threads, since that's what mostly goes on there, and I have no interest in that.) So I don't know why you said that. I'm looking at the bigger picture and trying to get to what is actually going on. Truth should always be the most important thing. And as the saying goes, the first casualty of war is truth.
Jerusalem. The Temple Mount. Masada. History.

2000 years ago, people who aren't related to you* were defeated by an Empire that brought civilization to the world, and that's a good reason to steal land from total strangers, and fight a conflict for 80 years.

Yup. Makes sense to me.

(Sorry, the Ashekenazim of Central Europe are not related to the people of color who lived in Palestine 2000 years ago. Deal with it. Jesus looked more like Osama bin Laden than Jeffrey Hunter.)
2000 years ago, people who aren't related to you*
I've got no dog in this fight one way or another so I couldn't care less about their genetic kinship to ancient Hebrews.
were defeated by an Empire that brought civilization to the world,
So, you admire the ultimate ancient slave-masters, eh?
and that's a good reason to steal land from total strangers, and fight a conflict for 80 years.
It is their spiritual homeland, that their religion has been trying to return-to for 1900 years. If that's not enough... Vae victus.
Yup. Makes sense to me.
If it makes no sense to you then I'm quite certain they're on the right track.
(Sorry, the Ashekenazim of Central Europe are not related to the people of color who lived in Palestine 2000 years ago. Deal with it. Jesus looked more like Osama bin Laden than Jeffrey Hunter.)
Oh, my, my, my... look at the little Black Kid with a Big Chip on His Shoulder. :auiqs.jpg: ...that, or a nasty little Wigger... :itsok:
I've got no dog in this fight one way or another so I couldn't care less about their genetic kinship to ancient Hebrews.

Sure you do. You listed a whole bunch of shit that happened 2000 years ago which justify what the European Squatters are doing in Palestine. (Except the European Squatters didn't care about Palestine until Hitler killed half of them.)

So, you admire the ultimate ancient slave-masters, eh?

I admire the fuck out of Rome. The Civilization we enjoy today is thanks to Rome. Too bad the Christians fucked it up with the first "Faith Based Initiative" (better known as the Dark Ages.)

It is their spiritual homeland, that their religion has been trying to return-to for 1900 years. If that's not enough... Vae victus.

Again, you need better evidence than a book of fairy tales with talking snakes and giants in it.

If it makes no sense to you then I'm quite certain they're on the right track.

Um, no, living next to people who want to murder you (for good reason) doesn't make a lick of sense, especially when there are so many safer places to live if you don't act like a dick.

Oh, my, my, my... look at the little Black Kid with a Big Chip on His Shoulder ...that, or a nasty little Wigger...
Hardly. I'm white. Used to vote Republican until the Religious Crazies took it over. The kind of religious crazies that think we need to blindly support the Zionists Squatters so that Jesus can come back and Armageddon can start. Well, we might get Armageddon, just without Jesus.
Sure you do. You listed a whole bunch of shit that happened 2000 years ago which justify what the European Squatters are doing in Palestine. (Except the European Squatters didn't care about Palestine until Hitler killed half of them.) ;'
I have no dog in this fight. I take sides with the Israelis for other reasons.
I admire the fuck out of Rome. The Civilization we enjoy today is thanks to Rome. Too bad the Christians fucked it up with the first "Faith Based Initiative" (better known as the Dark Ages.)
Then you should be a big fan of the ante bellum South in the United States, before the ex-slaves fouled the nest.
Again, you need better evidence than a book of fairy tales with talking snakes and giants in it.
Vast legions of people see such narratives as historical fact... they greatly outnumber you, and you cannot change that.
Um, no, living next to people who want to murder you (for good reason) doesn't make a lick of sense, especially when there are so many safer places to live if you don't act like a dick.
There is no other place on the face of the planet where the Jews could have (or can) re-establish(ed) their own homeland.

The Temple Mount is their spiritual Ground Zero, so, nearby enemies or not, that's where they were compelled to set up.

Hardly. I'm white.
Yes. So you tell us. Which is why I served-up two possibilities. You most closely conform to the pattern attributable to the latter.

Used to vote Republican until the Religious Crazies took it over. The kind of religious crazies that think we need to blindly support the Zionists Squatters so that Jesus can come back and Armageddon can start. Well, we might get Armageddon, just without Jesus.
The Muslims conquered the entire region by military force many centuries ago.

And now their decadent, incompetent, underperforming, barbaric, brainwashed descendants have competition again.

The wheel turns.
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Then you should be a big fan of the ante bellum South in the United States, before the ex-slaves fouled the nest.
The South was a shithole before the civil war, and it's a shithole now.
The South has always been a third-world county attached to the ass of a first-world one.

But thanks for pointing out that your a racist scumbag.

Vast legions of people see such narratives as historical fact... they greatly outnumber you, and you cannot change that.
Oh, quite the contrary, only 1/4 of the world's population believe in the bible... and of those, most of them don't take it literally, thank goodness. Otherwise, we'd all be stoning our neighbors for working on Sunday.

There is no other place on the face of the planet where the Jews could have (or can) re-establish their own homeland.

The Temple Mount is their spiritual Ground Zero, so, nearby enemies or not, that's where they were compelled to set up.
Why does a religious group deserve a "homeland" to start with?

There are more Jews living outside Israel than in it, so the homeland thing probably isn't a good excuse. There are more Jews in the US than in Israel. They are doing just fine.

Yes. So you tell us. Which is why I served-up two possibilities. You most closely fit the latter.
Yes, a white person who wants to do the right thing is just beyond your thought capacity.
Why would they have done that?

There's oil and gas fields of the coast of Gaza.

Between 2012 and 2018, Netanyahu gave Qatar approval to transfer a cumulative sum of about a billion dollars to Gaza, at least half of which reached Hamas, including its military wing. According to the Jerusalem Post, in a private meeting with members of his Likud party on March 11, 2019, Netanyahu explained the reckless step as follows: The money transfer is part of the strategy to divide the Palestinians in Gaza and the West Bank.

Anyone who opposes the establishment of a Palestinian state needs to support the transfer of the money from Qatar to Hamas. In that way, we will foil the establishment of a Palestinian state (as reported in former cabinet member Haim Ramon’s Hebrew-language book “Neged Haruach”, p. 417).
Let's get real. By 1800, there were only 7,000 Jews living in Palestine. (Compared to 22,000 Christians and 246,000 Muslims.) The Jews had to come back from Europe, mostly because their fellow Europeans kept killing them, but that's something they should have taken up with the Europeans.

"Oy, we only want some of our land back, already." And they they keep trying to take it all. Because they just can't help themselves.

Bullshit. Just because they find some bullshit pretext to slaughter women and children doesn't make it less of a bullshit pretext.
Let's get even more real.
1. The Muslims (calling themselves Palestinians) REFUSED to live under infidel rule when Israel was created (as the Quran instructs and tells its followers to conquer infidel lands and rule). There remains video of the Palestinian leader telling news crews that they would not live under Jewish rule AND VOLUNTARILY LEFT....not pushed out.
2. Two territories were created for the Muslims (Palestinians), Gaza and the West Bank, which included East Jerusalem. There, they are free to stay or go. It is not an "open-air prison" as some claim. They can drive, walk, fly or sail to many destinations, with no one stopping them.
3. The number of Jews that lived in Israel in 1948 is disputed but is also irrelevant. It was and remains their ancestral homeland. Just because their land was repeatedly conquered doesn't mean they could not get it back. The Creek Indian Tribe just regained half of Oklahoma, which was "conquered" from them. Just because they are small in number when compared to the numbers of their conquerors does that mean that they shouldn't have gotten back some ancestral land? No.
4. In the case of Muslims, they would not give up any conquered territory without a fight and always consider infidels regaining their territories as "occupiers" that have to be thrown out, just as the Palestinians consider the Israelis.
If you are a victim of the Holocaust, you get to create an apartheid State?
What do you get to do, if your people went through slavery and Jim Crow in America?
1. The Muslims (calling themselves Palestinians) REFUSED to live under infidel rule when Israel was created (as the Quran instructs and tells its followers to conquer infidel lands and rule). There remains video of the Palestinian leader telling news crews that they would not live under Jewish rule AND VOLUNTARILY LEFT....not pushed out.
wow, youare hitting all the points. Just refuse to call Palestinians by their proper name.

They were driven out during the 48 war. Deal with it.
2. Two territories were created for the Muslims (Palestinians), Gaza and the West Bank, which included East Jerusalem. There, they are free to stay or go. It is not an "open-air prison" as some claim. They can drive, walk, fly or sail to many destinations, with no one stopping them.

Um, not really. Hamas had to breach a barrier to get at the Zionists to launch their attack. Which makes me wonder how the IDF missed that.

3. The number of Jews that lived in Israel in 1948 is disputed but is also irrelevant. It was and remains their ancestral homeland. Just because their land was repeatedly conquered doesn't mean they could not get it back. The Creek Indian Tribe just regained half of Oklahoma, which was "conquered" from them. Just because they are small in number when compared to the numbers of their conquerors does that mean that they shouldn't have gotten back some ancestral land? No.

Do you have a link about "Half of Oklahoma"?
No, the Jews of Europe do not have a claim to Palestine because they've coopted the superstitions of the people who lived there 2000 years ago.

4. In the case of Muslims, they would not give up any conquered territory without a fight and always consider infidels regaining their territories as "occupiers" that have to be thrown out, just as the Palestinians consider the Israelis.
Oh, let's get real.. the EEEEEEvil Muslims haven't expanded their territory since the Battle of Vienna stopped the expansion of the Ottomans. They've more than accepted the return of the Balkans and Spain to Christian hands, the return of India to Hindu hands, etc.

More to the point, there are many religious minorities living in the Islamic World- Coptic Christians, Druze Mandian, Zoroastrian, Ba'hai, Yazidi, etc.

Yes, the Islamic world HAS thrown out imperial colonizers who exploited them, as they should have. Zionism is just colonialism by proxy.
2000 years ago, people who aren't related to you* were defeated by an Empire that brought civilization to the world, and that's a good reason to steal land from total strangers, and fight a conflict for 80 years.

Yup. Makes sense to me.

(Sorry, the Ashekenazim of Central Europe are not related to the people of color who lived in Palestine 2000 years ago. Deal with it. Jesus looked more like Osama bin Laden than Jeffrey Hunter.)

While I agree that there is probably little or no ancestorial relationship between the Israelis & ancient Judeans, that's moot at this point.

BTW- The Palestinians are not related to the ancient Judeans either. Their ancestors murdered what remained of the ancient Judeans - like they did to the ancient Egyptians.

This whole Israeli/Palestine conflict was cause by the British who promised a whole lot of different people that they would have Palestine when the British mandate ended.

The U.N. tried to intervene and correct the Fuck Up caused by the British by creating the 2-state solution. U.N. Resolution 242 was adopted by Israel, Egypt, Syria, Lebanon & Jordan. That should have ended this conflict, but the Palestinians have rejected the 2-State solution and U.N. Resolution 242.

The Palestinians have refused to recognize Israelis right to exist and have implemented a ongoing campaign of murder of Israelis, Jews and anybody else that happens to be there.

There is no valid justification for the continued murders done by the Palestinians. The Israelis have a right to respond to these murders and do whatever it takes to stop them.

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