Just nuke the Gaza strip and be done with this insanity.

Um, The Zionists haven't straight up won a war since 1967 without America having to bail them out.

America only started the military after the victory in the 6-day War,
witnessing Israel withstanding succeeding on several fronts,
against forces backed by USSR personnel, air and ground.

Israel won despite the US arms embargo.

Yes, they made the mistake of trusting the British. Never trust the British.

Arab imperialists didn't know better?
What gets me is that innocent Israelis have been tortured to death by subhuman monsters - and that leftist is back to blaming Israel!

One example: a subhuman barbaric Muslim terrorist cut a living near-term fetus out of a pregnant Israeli‘s womb, and with the umbilical cord still attached, STABBED the fetus to death - and then shot the mother in the back.

And these antisemitic leftists are back to shitting on Jews.

The above is Heartbreaking That’s what the Israelis should do to the Palestinian Women . Any Palestinian “ youth” should be buried alive Ill bring the ⛽️ Gasoline
There's more than one way to make sure that there are no more generations of Palestinians who want to murder Israelis.
If they try Genocide, does that mean we don't have to listen to the Jews whine about Hitler?

What gets me is that innocent Israelis have been tortured to death by subhuman monsters - and that leftist is back to blaming Israel!

One example: a subhuman barbaric Muslim terrorist cut a living near-term fetus out of a pregnant Israeli‘s womb, and with the umbilical cord still attached, STABBED the fetus to death - and then shot the mother in the back.
Pictures or it didn't happen.

Because the Zionists are already walking back the beheaded babies' stories.

Israel is not an Apartheid state. It is the Palestinians who want to ethnically cleanse Israel of Jews. In the meantime, Muslims are 20% of Israel.
More like 60%, but they keep most of them from having any rights.
The above is Heartbreaking That’s what the Israelis should do to the Palestinian Women . Any Palestinian “ youth” should be buried alive Ill bring the ⛽️ Gasoline
Yes, it IS heartbreaking. Also heartbreaking are the stories of children tied together, and set on fire. And of babies, asleep in their cribs, having their heads sawed off.

And the antisemitic leftists try to draw a moral equivalency between the Jews who are trying to limit civilian deaths as much as possible, and the Muslim terrorists who commit such unspeakable atrocities against innocent people, with intent, just OOZE antisemitism.

I just hope the Biden/Obama Muslim Appeasers don’t turn on Israel and pressure them to let up on what they have to do.
America only started the military after the victory in the 6-day War,
witnessing Israel withstanding succeeding on several fronts,
against forces backed by USSR personnel, air and ground.

Israel won despite the US arms embargo.

You mean other than launching a sneak attack?

Arab imperialists didn't know better?
It isn't imperialism when you are liberating your own country.
And the antisemitic leftists try to draw a moral equivalency between the Jews who are trying to limit civilian deaths as much as possible, and the Muslim terrorists who commit such unspeakable atrocities against innocent people, with intent, just OOZE antisemitism.

Um, the Arabs are Semites, too.
And there's a whole bunch of ways that the Zionists could limit civilian deaths.
Like not dropping bombs on civilian areas.
You mean other than launching a sneak attack?

It isn't imperialism when you are liberating your own country.

A sneak attack is "bailing out"?

It isn't your country when you can't pronounce its name.
And tell us, by what means did Egypt become an "Arab nation"?
Um, the Arabs are Semites, too.
And there's a whole bunch of ways that the Zionists could limit civilian deaths.
Like not dropping bombs on civilian areas.
MAYBE that’s something Hamas should have thought of
A sneak attack is "bailing out"?

It isn't your country when you can't pronounce its name.
And tell us, by what means did Egypt become an "Arab nation"?
I finally put that vicious antisemite on ignore for good. The sad irony is that while he says the most heinous things about Jews, even AFTER they’ve been burned alive and tortured in many ways until they were dead, at the same time he wails about how awful bigotry is….to blacks.

This entire horrific, barbaric Muslim attack on innocent Jews brought all the antisemitic liberals out of the closet, didn’t it?
I finally put that vicious antisemite on ignore for good. The sad irony is that while he says the most heinous things about Jews, even AFTER they’ve been burned alive and tortured in many ways until they were dead, at the same time he wails about how awful bigotry is….to blacks.

This entire horrific, barbaric Muslim attack on innocent Jews brought all the antisemitic liberals out of the closet, didn’t it?

Exactly, we Israel are forced to remember who we truly are,
the children of kings and prophets, and act accordingly,
we're called now, to once finally slaughter all evil,
for all past and future generations to come.

Wash our feet in the blood of evil,
and be done with it for good.
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Exactly, we Israel are forced to remember who we truly are,
the children of kings and prophets, and act accordingly,
we're called now, to once finally slaughter all evil,
for all past and future generations to come.

Wash our feet in the blood of evil,
and be done with it for good.
I know I asked you this last year, but I forgot….are you Israeli?
Don't need a nuke in Gaza.

We need to have a constructive vision,

like building a beautiful Israeli city instead, and call it 'Oz.
A sneak attack is "bailing out"?

It isn't your country when you can't pronounce its name.
And tell us, by what means did Egypt become an "Arab nation"?
When Arabic became it's official language. That's when it became an Arabic country.

So the Zionists launched a sneak attack in 67 and every war since then, they've come whining to America to bail them out.

I finally put that vicious antisemite on ignore for good. The sad irony is that while he says the most heinous things about Jews, even AFTER they’ve been burned alive and tortured in many ways until they were dead, at the same time he wails about how awful bigotry is….to blacks.

This entire horrific, barbaric Muslim attack on innocent Jews brought all the antisemitic liberals out of the closet, didn’t it?

You reap what you sow. You've had your boot on the Palestinian's necks for 75 years.. and you wonder why they turn on you.

My goal is to keep black from becoming Palestinians... we wouldn't survive as a nation if they did.

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